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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1386 playlist up with 57499 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2014-03-24MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2014-03-24
3. 2014-03-24PanopticonThe Death Of Baldur And The Coming WarCollapse
4. 2014-03-24Wolves in the Throne RoomFace In A NightDiadem Of 12 Stars
5. 2014-03-24Cult Of Fire१.संहार रक्त कालीमृत्युकावीभत्सनृत्यiron_bonehead
6. 2014-03-24CipherProtoculture (Sankofa)Children Of God's Fireuprising
7. 2014-03-24
8. 2014-03-24Morbid AngelPrayer of HatredForulas Fetal To The Fleshearache
9. 2014-03-24AbattoirGame Of DeathVicious Attackcombat
10. 2014-03-24AbortedCoronary ReconstructionGlobal Flatlinecenturymedia
11. 2014-03-24
12. 2014-03-24GwarHorror Of YigLive From Mt. Fujidrt
13. 2014-03-24GwarLet Us SlayLust In Spacemetalblade
14. 2014-03-24Dave Brockie ExperienceMusic Is Like BeerSongs From The Wrongmetalblade
15. 2014-03-24Liege LordEye Of The StormMaster Controlmetalblade
16. 2014-03-24
17. 2014-03-24Aganihmmanipulation of the pheonixLive At WUNH - 2004-01-05
18. 2014-03-24Into the MoatDemiseMeans by Which the End is Justifiedlovelost
19. 2014-03-24MassacreSuccumb To RaptureBack From Beyondcenturymedia
20. 2014-03-24MeshuggahSaneThe True Human Designnuclearblast
21. 2014-03-24
22. 2014-03-24CarcassNo Love LostHeartworkearache
23. 2014-03-24SplatterhouseNight of the Creepsthe House that Dead Builtrazorback
24. 2014-03-24HaemorrhagePsychotic DeleriumDementia Rexrazorback
25. 2014-03-24HereticThe CircleThe Breaking Pointmetalblade
26. 2014-03-24
27. 2014-03-24SlayerDeath's HeadDiabolus In Musicaamerican
28. 2014-03-24Cephalic CarnageJesus SavesVarious Artists - Gateway To Hell 2: A Tribute To Slayerdwell
29. 2014-03-24Deeds of FleshFly ShrineInbreeding The Anthropophagiunique_leader
30. 2014-03-24OuijaHear the Call of the Wovles( full moonlight lovers)Riding Into The Furneral Bathsrepulse
31. 2014-03-24VilePersecutionStench Of The Deceased
32. 2014-03-24
33. 2014-03-24GoratoryRetrograde DeficationSexual Intercorpseamputated_vein
34. 2014-03-24The Black Dahlia MurderBurning The HiveA Cold-Blooded Eitaph
35. 2014-03-24Darkest HourEclipsethe Mark of Judasmia
36. 2014-03-24RingwormI Recommend AmputationHamer Of The Witchrelapse
37. 2014-03-24Black SheepSalvationSinking Shipsself-released
38. 2014-03-24DealbreakerSelf JudgementReflectionsself-released
39. 2014-03-24AnthraxI am the LawAmong the Livingisland
40. 2014-03-24
41. 2014-03-24LeewayMake Me An OfferDesperate Measuresprofile
42. 2014-03-24AdramelechTroth (Lord Of The Holy Words)Psychostasiaxtreem
43. 2014-03-24CenturianBlasphemy of the Holy Ghost (Morbid Angel Cover)Of Purest Firehells_headbangers
44. 2014-03-24Twitch Of The Death NerveThe Locard PrincipleA New Code Of Mortalitycomatose
45. 2014-03-24InfamySalem's Burningthe Blood Shall Flowrepulse
46. 2014-03-24
47. 2014-03-24CraftHidden Under The SkinTerror Propaganda
48. 2014-03-24MistelteinWhere Anels No More Roam...Divine, desecrate, Completeno_fashion
49. 2014-03-24Shroud Of The HereticBlasphemous RebirthRevelations In AlchemyBlood Harvest
50. 2014-03-24WinterfyllethThe GatesThousands Of Moons Ago/The Gatesseason_of_mist
51. 2014-03-24
52. 2014-03-24DissectionIn The Cold Winds Of NowhereThe Past Is Alivenecropolis
53. 2014-03-24Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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