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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-03-18MassacreBegotten Anti-god (Prince of Darkness)TRI-POCALYPSE
2. 2024-02-05MassacreCorpsegrinderFrom BeyondEarache Records
3. 2020-03-09Western MassacreFaceliftFreedom Through Violence
4. 2019-07-29MassacreFrom BeyondFrom BeyondEarache Records
5. 2019-07-22MassacreCryptic RealmsFrom BeyondEarache Records
6. 2019-04-29Beneath the MassacreRegurgitated Lullaby for the Born DeadEvidence of InequityGaly Records
7. 2018-04-16Beneath the MassacreOur Common GraveDystopiaProsthetic Records
8. 2018-02-12Beneath the MassacreLeft HandIncongruousProsthetic Records
9. 2015-09-14Beneath the MassacreThe WastelandDystopiaprosthetic
10. 2015-06-29MassacreSuccubusFrom Beyondearache
11. 2014-12-01Beneath the MassacreDesigned To StrangleMaree Noireprosthetic
12. 2014-06-16MassacreDarkness FellBack From Beyondcenturymedia
13. 2014-05-05MassacreHonor The FallenBack From Beyondcenturymedia
14. 2014-04-14MassacreShield Of The SonBack From Beyondcenturymedia
15. 2014-03-24MassacreSuccumb To RaptureBack From Beyondcenturymedia
16. 2014-03-17MassacreAscension Of The DeceasedBack From Beyondcenturymedia
17. 2013-05-27Beneath the MassacreLithium OverdoseDystopiaprosthetic
18. 2012-06-25MassacreCryptic RealmsFrom Beyondearache
19. 2012-05-21MassacreDeath Metal ForeverTotal Deathxtreem
20. 2012-05-07Beneath the MassacreLightIncongruousprosthetic
21. 2012-04-02Western MassacreDefectorFreedom Through Violenceself-released
22. 2012-03-26Western MassacreRoadhouseFreedom Through Violenceself-released
23. 2012-03-26Beneath the MassacreItIncongruousprosthetic
24. 2012-03-12Beneath the MassacreHuntedIncongruousprosthetic
25. 2012-03-05Beneath the MassacreGriefIncongruousprosthetic
26. 2012-02-27Beneath the MassacreLeft HandIncongruousprosthetic
27. 2012-01-02MassacreConflicts For PeaseTotal Deathxtreem
28. 2011-06-13MassacreCryptic RealmsFrom Beyondearache
29. 2011-01-10Beneath the MassacreDesigned To StrangleMaree Noireprosthetic
30. 2010-11-01MassacreChamber Of AgesFrom Beyondearache
31. 2010-10-18Beneath the MassacreThe Casket You Slept InMaree Noireprosthetic
32. 2010-09-27Beneath the MassacreBlack TideMaree Noireprosthetic
33. 2010-09-20Beneath the MassacreDesigned To StrangleMaree Noireprosthetic
34. 2010-09-13Beneath the MassacreThe Casket You Slept InMaree Noireprosthetic
35. 2009-03-23Beneath the MassacreThe WastelandDystopiaprosthetic
36. 2009-02-23Beneath the MassacreProcreating the InfectionDystopiaprosthetic
37. 2009-02-02Beneath the MassacreBitterDystopiaprosthetic
38. 2009-01-12Beneath the MassacreNo FutureDystopiaprosthetic
39. 2009-01-05Beneath the MassacreCondemnedDystopiaprosthetic
40. 2008-12-29Beneath the MassacreProcreating the InfectionDystopiaprosthetic
41. 2008-12-22Beneath the MassacreOur Common GraveDystopiaprosthetic
42. 2008-12-15Beneath the MassacreThe WastelandDystopiaprosthetic
43. 2008-12-01Beneath the MassacreThe WastelandDystopiaprosthetic
44. 2008-11-17Beneath the MassacreReign of TerrorDystopiaprosthetic
45. 2008-11-10Beneath the MassacreNo FutureDystopiaprosthetic
46. 2008-11-03Beneath the MassacreOur Common GraveDystopiaprosthetic
47. 2008-10-27Beneath the MassacreBitterDystopiaprosthetic
48. 2008-07-07Dance Club MassacreWet Between the ThighsFeast of the Blood Monstersblackmarket_activities
49. 2008-06-16Dance Club MassacreWet Between the ThighsFeast of the Blood Monstersblackmarket_activities
50. 2008-06-02Dance Club MassacreDevon Butler's Dying WishesFeast of the Blood Monstersblackmarket_activities
51. 2007-08-13Crimsion Massacrethe Devourerthe Luster of Pandemoniumdeathgasm
52. 2007-07-30Crimsion Massacrethe Devourerthe Luster of Pandemoniumdeathgasm
53. 2007-07-23Crimsion MassacreEpochthe Luster of Pandemoniumdeathgasm
54. 2007-07-23Beneath the MassacreTotalitarian HypnosisEvidence of Inequitygaly
55. 2007-01-08Beneath the Massacreprofitable kill count
56. 2006-07-24Beneath the Massacrecomfoming prejudice
57. 2006-06-26Beneath the Massacrecomforting prejudice
58. 2006-04-17Beneath the Massacretotalitarian hypnosis
59. 2006-04-10Beneath the Massacrenever more
60. 2006-04-03Beneath the Massacreprofitable kill count
61. 2006-03-27Beneath the Massacreregurgitated lullaby for the born dead
62. 2006-03-20Beneath the Massacrenever more
63. 2006-03-13Beneath the Massacreregurgitated lullaby for the born dead
64. 2006-03-06Beneath the Massacreconforming prejudice
65. 2006-02-27Beneath the Massacreprofitable killcount
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