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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2017-05-01MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-05-01
3. 2017-05-01Gloomy GrimMay - Why Are They Screaming at Night?Under the Spell of the Unlightanticulture
4. 2017-05-01Into The MoatAdvocate v ActivistThe CampaignMetal Blade
5. 2017-05-01From A Second Story WindowHow London Got It's FogNot One Word Has Been Omitttedblackmarket_activities
6. 2017-05-01Dead to FallCost of a Good ImpressionEverything I Touch Falls to PiecesVictory Records
7. 2017-05-01
8. 2017-05-01KreatorRiot of ViolenceOut Of The Dark, Into The Lightnoise
9. 2017-05-01AnimosityHoly ShacklesEmpiresBlackmarket Activities
10. 2017-05-01Red Chord, TheTread on the Necks of KingsPrey for EyesMetal Blade
11. 2017-05-01Red HarvestFall of FateInternal Punishment ProgramsCandlelight Records
12. 2017-05-01Light This CityLaid To RestThe Hero CycleProsthetic Records
13. 2017-05-01
14. 2017-05-01Laaz RockitLeatherfaceNo Stranger To Danger
15. 2017-05-01MIDNIGHTWHIPLASH DISASTERNo Mercy for Mayhem (2CD, LP, PIC-LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
16. 2017-05-01
17. 2017-05-01ReincarnationDiabolic MarijuanaVoidxtreem
18. 2017-05-01PrionEnd is NearUncertain ProcessComatose Music
19. 2017-05-01Deeds of FleshInfested Beneath the EarthReduced to AshesUnique Leader Records
20. 2017-05-01Agoraphobic NosebleedLandfills of ExtinctThe Poacher Diariesrelapse
21. 2017-05-01GorgutsCondemned to ObscurityThe Erosion of SanityRoadrunner Records
22. 2017-05-01
23. 2017-05-01GráOsculum Obscenum (Lord Belial cover)Ramsvarta TankarCarnal Records
24. 2017-05-01SUMMONINGSummoning03_Old Mornings DawnOld Mornings DawnNapalm Records
25. 2017-05-01Bastard SaplingThe Opal ChamberInstinct Is ForeverGilead Media
26. 2017-05-01Morta SkuldRotting WaysDying Remains
27. 2017-05-01
28. 2017-05-01Rings of SaturnGrinding Of Internal OrgansEmbryonic Anomalyunique_leader
29. 2017-05-01Blessed SicknessEternal Darkness Under Conquered SkiesMassacre The Holy
30. 2017-05-01IncantationEternal Darkness Under Conquered SkiesDecimate ChristendomCMA
31. 2017-05-01Aborted FetusBurning at StakeThe Art of Violent TortureComatose Music
32. 2017-05-01
33. 2017-05-01Judas PriestOut In The ColdPriest...Live! [The Re-Masters] - CD1
34. 2017-05-01Angel DustSanityBleedCentury Media
35. 2017-05-01Love\HateI'm Not HappyI'm Not HappyMayhem
36. 2017-05-01OzBlack CandlesFire in the BrainBlack Mark
37. 2017-05-01
38. 2017-05-01Internal BleedingConditionedDriven to ConquerCrash Music, Inc.
39. 2017-05-01ObituaryTurned To StoneObituaryRelapse Records
40. 2017-05-01Edge of SanityLivin' HellThe Spectral Sorrows
41. 2017-05-01PYRRHONThe Parasite in WinterThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
42. 2017-05-01
43. 2017-05-01Napalm StormBohemian ReunionHarmless Cruelty
44. 2017-05-01MagrudergrindThe 2nd WaveMagrudergrind/Sanitys Dawn Split
45. 2017-05-01In My EyesOn My SideNothing to HideRevelation Records
46. 2017-05-01Reign SupremeFailureTesting the Limits of InfiniteDeathwish Records
47. 2017-05-01XibalbaDiabloDiablo, Con Amor.. Adios.
48. 2017-05-01MassmurderFleshfestSlaughtered for SnuffUnmatched Brutality
49. 2017-05-01Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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