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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2009-06-15MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2009-06-15
3. 2009-06-15AnvilFuel for the FireBack To Basicsescape
4. 2009-06-15Gloomy GrimJune - AkerspokeUnder the Spell of the Unlightanticulture
5. 2009-06-15ReleaseLiftEnd of the Lightcenturymedia
6. 2009-06-15MinskThree MoonsWith Echoes in the Movement of Stonerelapse
7. 2009-06-15
8. 2009-06-15KylesaSaid and DoneStatic Tensionsprosthetic
9. 2009-06-15Cruel HandDead WeightPrying Eyesbridge9
10. 2009-06-15Uncle SlamLeft For DeadWill Work For Foodrestless
11. 2009-06-15Born/DeadFinal RoleThe Final Collapseprank
12. 2009-06-15Iron LungStone HandsSexless//No Sexprank
13. 2009-06-15DoomClaustraphobia (live)
14. 2009-06-15Cock SparrerChip On My ShoulderRunnin Riotlink
15. 2009-06-15Damnation ADIn the FleshThe Death of Your Perfect Worldvictory
16. 2009-06-15
17. 2009-06-15OvercastSeven ft. GrinReborn to Kill Againmetalblade
18. 2009-06-15Hammer BrosBoston AMThe Vitalitycrosscheck
19. 2009-06-15WartornManifest AngerThe Sanctuary of Mortalturpitudeself-released
20. 2009-06-15PsytoxiaWoody Allen's Mitzvah MoshD.I.Y. Garage Gore-ographygore_on_demand
21. 2009-06-15
22. 2009-06-15Cold Northern Vengeancethe Abraxas TranceDomination and Servitudebindrune
23. 2009-06-15CaliginosityUpon My Silent GraveIn Celebration of the Serpentblack_plague
24. 2009-06-15Ancient WrathCold and Lifeless AeonDarkness Upon the Face of the Depthblack_plague
25. 2009-06-15ABSUMythological Occult MetalVarious Artist - the Dark Psycheend
26. 2009-06-15Heaven and HellFearThe Devil You Knowrhino
27. 2009-06-15
28. 2009-06-15CoalesceWild Ox MoanOXrelapse
29. 2009-06-15The Arkham WhiteI Looked Into the Atom SmasherRelic Radiationself-released
30. 2009-06-15HatebreedLife is Pain (Merauder)For the Lionse1_music
31. 2009-06-15Impending DoomStorming the Gates of HellThe Serpend Servantfacedown
32. 2009-06-15
33. 2009-06-15blaspherianCurse His NameSummoning of Infernal Hordesself-released
34. 2009-06-15Severe TortureLambs of a GodButchery of the Soulhammerheart
35. 2009-06-15AbacinateShake the SpotA Kings Thirst for the Frosty Brewgutter_christ
36. 2009-06-15Agoraphobic NosebleedHung from the Rising SunAgorapocalypserelapse
37. 2009-06-15ChtonFlies to FecesChtonian Lifecoderetribute
38. 2009-06-15
39. 2009-06-15DeicideDead by DawnAmon: Feasting the Beastroadrunner
40. 2009-06-15KreatorFlag of HateFlag of Hatecombat
41. 2009-06-15VengeanceBefore the TimeDestruction Comesintense
42. 2009-06-15Magrudergrindcomplete deprivationMagrudergrind-Shitstorm split CDrobotic_empire
43. 2009-06-15DisfearDeadweightLive the Stormrelapse
44. 2009-06-15
45. 2009-06-15Trap themDay Twenty Six: Angels Anonymous in TransitSeizure in Barren Praisedeathwishinc
46. 2009-06-15AmputatorMachine Gun SodomyIntolerance Deathsquadsold_cemetery
47. 2009-06-15Witch TombServantMartyvore-Witchtomb Split CDold_cemetery
48. 2009-06-15DevastatorThe Summoning/Athousand and One Nightsthe Summoningold_cemetery
49. 2009-06-15
50. 2009-06-15Ipsissimusthe Second Secret of Fatimathe Three Secrets of Fatimahotair_press
51. 2009-06-15OverthrowRepressed HostilityWithin SufferingNHR
52. 2009-06-15MegadethHanger 18Rust In Peacecapitol
53. 2009-06-15
54. 2009-06-15Lock UpTragic FaithPleasure Pave Sewersnuclearblast
55. 2009-06-15Hate DivisionPropagating Lies for the Negligent Mind2009 Promo Epself-released
56. 2009-06-15DIOBorn on the SunLock Up the Wolvesreprise
57. 2009-06-15OceanFirst ReignHere Where Nothing Growsimportant
58. 2009-06-15Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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