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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1394 playlist up with 57789 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2016-05-23MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-05-23
3. 2016-05-23MegadethTrain Of ConsequencesYouthanasia (Re-Mastered)
4. 2016-05-23Marty FriedmanEspionageTrue ObsessionsEAU
5. 2016-05-23NasumThe Idiot ParadeHuman 2.0Grind Core
6. 2016-05-23Extreme Noise TerrorWe the HelplessRetro-ButionEarache Records
7. 2016-05-23NeurosisCold AscendingEnemy of the Sunalternative_tentacles
8. 2016-05-23
9. 2016-05-23MayhemNecrolustDeathcrushDeathlike Silence
10. 2016-05-23CentinexDemonic WarlustDiabolical DesolationCandlelight Records
11. 2016-05-23DemonicalReturn in FleshDeath InfernalMetal Blade
12. 2016-05-23Jungle RotFight Til DeathVarious Artists: Straight To Hell - A Tribute To Slayerdwell
13. 2016-05-23
14. 2016-05-23ExciterWorld War III (Bonus Track)Heavy Metal Maniacmegaforce
15. 2016-05-23HorrendousSidereaAnaretaDark Descent Records
16. 2016-05-23WORMEDComputronium Pulsar NanarchyKrighsuSeason of Mist
17. 2016-05-23ROTTEN SOUND09 Cannon FodderAbuse to SufferSeason of Mist
18. 2016-05-23MagrudergrindAbuse Of Philanthropic Self GainMagrudergrindrelapse
19. 2016-05-23RingwormTake Back What's OursBirth Is PainVictory
20. 2016-05-23
21. 2016-05-23TragedyProducts of A Cold WarSelf Titledtragedy
22. 2016-05-23
23. 2016-05-23Rotten Casket05 Culpable HomicideEmerged From BeyondUnderground Movement
24. 2016-05-23SCANNERThe LawTerminal EarthNoise
25. 2016-05-23AcceptFast as a SharkStaying a LifeEpic
26. 2016-05-23Napalm DeathDeceiver + Lucid Fairytale + in ExtremisThe Peel Sessions
27. 2016-05-23The MisfitsMommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight?Boxed Set Disc 1 (Collection I/Collection II)Caroline
28. 2016-05-23SlapshotSilenceOlde Tyme Hardcore
29. 2016-05-23
30. 2016-05-23Haemorrhage1.Open Heart ButcheryLive CarnageHorror Pain Gore Death Productions
31. 2016-05-23HemdaleI Am DeadRad Jackson
32. 2016-05-23General SurgerySneezing pusErosive Offals (Malignant Necrotomy)
33. 2016-05-23GRUESOMETrapped In HellSavage Land (NA Promo)Relapse Records
34. 2016-05-23NOCTURNAL GRAVESPromethean War...From the Bloodline of Cain (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
35. 2016-05-23
36. 2016-05-231000 Homo DJsSupernautSupernaut
37. 2016-05-23SamaelMask of the Red DeathCeremony of OppositesCentury Media
38. 2016-05-23SinisterInto the ForgottenAggressive MeasuresNuclear Blast
39. 2016-05-23Severe TorturePerverse SufferingA Taste for ButcheryHammerheart Records
40. 2016-05-23DesasterEnd of TyrannyThe Oath of an Iron RitualMetal Blade Records
41. 2016-05-23
42. 2016-05-23Demolition HammerCarnivorous ObsessionEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
43. 2016-05-23RepulsionBlack BreathRarities (Horrified '03 disc 2
44. 2016-05-23WombbathCorporal PunishmentInternal Caustic Tormentspulverised
45. 2016-05-23MystifierAn Elizabethan Devil-Worshiper's Prayer BookWiccaGreyhaze Records
46. 2016-05-23PhobocosmKnives in the Senate HouseDeprivedDark Descent Records
47. 2016-05-23
48. 2016-05-23TulusAllow No LightCandlelight USA Winter SamplerCandlelight Records
49. 2016-05-23ExcelNever Look AwaySplit ImageRotten Records
50. 2016-05-23MelecheshLadders to SumeriaEmissariesOsmose Productions
51. 2016-05-23AscensionSuffer the SicknessAbominationToybox
52. 2016-05-23
53. 2016-05-23ExodusI Am AbominationShovel Headed Kill Machine
54. 2016-05-23REVOCATIONEntombed By WealthS/TRelapse Records
55. 2016-05-23Cephalic CarnageRegalos de MotaConforming to AbnormalityRelapse
56. 2016-05-23VictimizerLucifers DomainResurrected AbominationsHells Headbangers Records
57. 2016-05-23
58. 2016-05-23BerserkerBlood of the Warriors and Icy Look at DeathBlood of the Warrior
59. 2016-05-23OmenThe AxemanBattle CryMetal Blade
60. 2016-05-23Acid DeathGhostshipHall Of Mirrors
61. 2016-05-23CrustaceanPlausible DeniabilityGreed, Tyranny & SodomyXtreem Music
62. 2016-05-23Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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