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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2010-02-08MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2010-02-08
3. 2010-02-08ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
4. 2010-02-08ExciterPounding MetalFeel The Knifecombat
5. 2010-02-08Merciless DeathThe GateRealms of Terrorheavy_artillery
6. 2010-02-08One Dead Three WoundedThank God For PainkillersPaint The Townlxl
7. 2010-02-08God ForbidAshes of Humanity (Regret)Reject the Sickness9volt
8. 2010-02-08
9. 2010-02-08Despised IconWarm Bloodedthe Healing Processcenturymedia
10. 2010-02-08DysenteryVoices of DeprivationFrom Past Suffering Comes New Fleshamputated_vein
11. 2010-02-08GoratoryInto The Grinding MachineOrgasm Induced Diarrheaamputated_vein
12. 2010-02-08Annotations of an AutopsyBone Crownthe Reign Of Darknessnuclearblast
13. 2010-02-08
14. 2010-02-08The Monolith DeathcultDemigodTrivmviratetwilight_vertrieb
15. 2010-02-08BehemothDemigod (live)Slaves Shall Serve EPcenturymedia
16. 2010-02-08Bring me the HorizonAlot Like VegasCount Your Blessingsearache
17. 2010-02-08
18. 2010-02-08East of The WallClowning AchievementFarmer's Almanacforgotten_empire
19. 2010-02-08Charred Walls Of The DamnedFrom The AbyssCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
20. 2010-02-08Dream EvilBang Your HeadIn The Nightcenturymedia
21. 2010-02-08ArmageddonStrangeholdEmbrace The Mysterycenturymedia
22. 2010-02-08
23. 2010-02-08Defect DesingerYou Are No MoreWaxmy_kingdom
24. 2010-02-08VehementMaskAll That's Behindmy_kingdom
25. 2010-02-08AeternamAngel HornedDisciples Of The Unseenmetalblade
26. 2010-02-08Disfigured DeadThe Gates of HellVisions Of Deathhells_headbangers
27. 2010-02-08
28. 2010-02-08AosothPath Of Twisted LightAshes Of Angelsagonia
29. 2010-02-08ValkryjaOcesns Of DustContaminationmetalblade
30. 2010-02-08HavohejBloud and SoulsKembatinan Premasterhells_headbangers
31. 2010-02-08Through the Eyes of the DeadNo HavenSkepsisprosthetic
32. 2010-02-08
33. 2010-02-08NatronDead BeatRot Among Usmetal_age
34. 2010-02-08Light This CityPicture StartThe Hero Cycleprosthetic
35. 2010-02-08The Binary CodeHuman ConditionSuspension Of Disbeliefself-released
36. 2010-02-08Negligent Collateral CollapseOn The Return Trip HomeReprocess Segment Database Extenderobscene
37. 2010-02-08InfestFuture Is Us?Moshroommetal_age
38. 2010-02-08WiltBeer RunVarious Artist: Brutal Compmcgathy
39. 2010-02-08MastodonWorkhorseRemissionrelapse
40. 2010-02-08
41. 2010-02-08PrimordialSuns First RaysStorm Before Calmhammerheart
42. 2010-02-08TrollGa Til KriegNeo-Satanic Supremacynapalm
43. 2010-02-08ProteusSobbing Willow Neath Morning SkyPersonal Narrative of Cognative Dreamscapesmacabre_mentos
44. 2010-02-08Onward To OlympasDon't Cry To MeThis World Is Not My homefacedown
45. 2010-02-08
46. 2010-02-08Demolition HammerPyroclastic AnnihilationEpidemic of Violencecenturymedia
47. 2010-02-08PestilenceDefy Thy MasterConsuming Impulseroadrunner
48. 2010-02-08Dimensional PsychosisNew World DisorderArchitecture of Realitiesdaemon_worship
49. 2010-02-08Nodes of RanvierThe Years To ComeThe Years To Comefacedown
50. 2010-02-08Poison the WellCrystal LakeYou Come Before Youatlantic
51. 2010-02-08Word For WordLuckyManchester Foreverarrest
52. 2010-02-08
53. 2010-02-08MorticianHell on EarthZombie Apocalypserelapse
54. 2010-02-08SepsisSlayers Absolution...With No Mercymetal_age
55. 2010-02-08ArsisForced To RockStarve For The Devilnuclearblast
56. 2010-02-08NaharFace Of ExtinctionLa Fascination Du Pireavantgarde
57. 2010-02-08Averse SefiraSerpent RecoilVarious Artist: Candlelight Winter Samplercandlelight
58. 2010-02-08
59. 2010-02-08Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
60. 2010-02-08The Beast Of The ApocalypseTwins Of JesusA Voice From The Four Horns Of The Golden Altartranscendental_creations
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