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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1376 playlist up with 57200 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2008-06-02MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2008-06-02Merciless DeathDeath WarriorsRealms of Terrorheavy_artillery
3. 2008-06-02TestamentMore Than Meets the Eyethe Formation of Damnationnuclearblast
4. 2008-06-02KorpiklaaniTapporautaKorven Kuningasnapalm
5. 2008-06-02DevastatorVengeance of DeathConjuring Evilold_cemetery
6. 2008-06-02Sator MarteOddanostTermonuklearni Evolucehumanitys_plague
7. 2008-06-02NervochaosEvocationsQuarrel in Hellibexmoon
8. 2008-06-02CopremesisA PoemMuay Thai Ladyboysparagon
9. 2008-06-02PsytoxiaWoody Allen's Mitzvah MoshPsytoxia/Autolytic Society/Septic Cunt Washgore_on_demand
10. 2008-06-02MucopusPus Must FlowUndimentionalsevared
11. 2008-06-02Annotations of an AutopsyProsthetic ErectionBefore the Throne of Infectionferret
12. 2008-06-02DeicideTill Death Do Us PartTill Death Do Us Partearache
13. 2008-06-02Abysmal DawnA Remission of LifeProgrammed to Consumerelapse
14. 2008-06-02BlastmastersThe BeheadingsDestruction of the Heavenly Realms vol IIIdeathgasm
15. 2008-06-02See You Next TuesdayParaphiliaParasiteferret
16. 2008-06-02GraveBloodpathDominion VIIIregain
17. 2008-06-02UnleashedMarching of to WarHammer Battalionspv
18. 2008-06-02Black TormentGates of HellSatanic Holocaustold_cemetery
19. 2008-06-02CelestiaA Plaintive Cry Merely Echo.Frigidiis Apotheosiaparagon
20. 2008-06-02Denial FiendFlesheaterThey Riseibexmoon
21. 2008-06-02Cradle to GraveLightTexas Medicineyear_of_the_sun
22. 2008-06-02Avenger of BloodWhen Will You DieDeath Brigadeheavy_artillery
23. 2008-06-02InhumanFashistLast Rightsi_scream
24. 2008-06-02FamineCut From the StoneThe Raven and the Reapingsolid_state
25. 2008-06-02TerrorNever AloneThe Damned, the Shamedcenturymedia
26. 2008-06-02Engineerthe Iron Workerthe Dregsblackmarket_activities
27. 2008-06-02AnimosityBombs Over RomeAnimalblackmarket_activities
28. 2008-06-02Dance Club MassacreDevon Butler's Dying WishesFeast of the Blood Monstersblackmarket_activities
29. 2008-06-02The Tony Danza Tapdance ExtravaganzaGo GreyhoundDanza II: the Electric Boogaloobl
30. 2008-06-02AssaultHeavy Antichrist Assault BatteryNuclear Deaththrashol
31. 2008-06-02EstuaryLies of Promisethe Craft of Contradictionibexmoon
32. 2008-06-02IncantationDissolute Rule/Begin ApocalypsePrimordial Dominationibexmoon
33. 2008-06-02From a Second Story Windowthe Burning BushConversationsblackmarket_activities
34. 2008-06-02DeconformityExile from ExtinctionFrom the End to Inseminatepathos
35. 2008-06-02Cold WorkerParadox LostRotting Paradiserelapse
36. 2008-06-02CryptopsyMemories of BloodBlasphemy Made Fleshcenturymedia
37. 2008-06-02MalignancySkeletal IntegrityInhuman Grotesquerieswillowtip
38. 2008-06-02Malevolent CreationAlliance or WarEternalpavement
39. 2008-06-02Blood FeastBlood LustFace Fatenew_renaissance
40. 2008-06-02KataklysmBreathe to DominatePrevailcenturymedia
41. 2008-06-02KreatorRipping CorpsePleasure to Killnoise
42. 2008-06-02BelphegorBondage Goat ZombieBondage Goat Zombienuclearblast
43. 2008-06-02DimentianonDawn ov ShadowsHossanas Novus Ordo Sechurumnon_compos_mentis
44. 2008-06-02Blessed DeathDigital WarDestined for Extinctionroadracer
45. 2008-06-02VoivodNuclear WarWar and Painmetalblade
46. 2008-06-02A Different Breed of KillerAural ApocalypseI, Colossusrise
47. 2008-06-02IhsahnAlchemistAngelcandlelight
48. 2008-06-02MassCloven HeadPerfect Picturecrucial_blast
49. 2008-06-02the Swordthe Frost-Giant's DaughterGods of the Earthkemado
50. 2008-06-02Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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