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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2007-12-17MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2007-12-17God DethronedThe Somberness of WinterSmells like Team Spirit II - various artistsdispleased
3. 2007-12-17Dimmu Borgirthe Serpentine OfferingIn Sorte Diabolinuclearblast
4. 2007-12-17DarkaneConvictedWardance - Various Artistswar_music
5. 2007-12-17Skeleton WitchUpon Wings of BlackBeyond the Permafrostprosthetic
6. 2007-12-17Exhausted PrayerDeath of LogicLooks Down in the Gathering Shadowsdwell
7. 2007-12-17ImmolationBreathing the DarkShadows in the Lightcenturymedia
8. 2007-12-17Through the Eyes of the DeadPull the TriggerMaliceprosthetic
9. 2007-12-17Deadwater DrowningSleepwalking with a Knifeepblackmarket_activities
10. 2007-12-17Nights Like TheseBlack the SunSunlike at Secondhandvictory
11. 2007-12-17Ed Geinkilling a co-workerJudas Goats & Dieseleatersblackmarket_activities
12. 2007-12-17EmmureWhen keeping it real goes wrongGoodbye To The Gallowsvictory
13. 2007-12-17Perth ExpressLess than a Secondself-titledtdb
14. 2007-12-17Cold Northern Vengeancethe Abraxas TranceUntitledself-released
15. 2007-12-17DethklokFansongthe Dethalbumadult_swim
16. 2007-12-17BurstSculpt the LivesPrey on Liferelapse
17. 2007-12-17the Neon HookersInfectionOn Night in Destinydouble_or_nothing
18. 2007-12-17SlayerDeath's HeadDiabolus In Musicaamerican
19. 2007-12-17MardukBurn my CoffinThose of the Unlightregain
20. 2007-12-17Frostthe CurseExtreme Loneliness - fragmentsparagon
21. 2007-12-17NachtmystiumChosen By NoneInstinct: Decaysouthernlord
22. 2007-12-17Epica#4the Phantom Agonytransmission
23. 2007-12-17With PassionPale Horses RideWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
24. 2007-12-17SexcrementCamel Toe RodeoGenitales from the Porno Pottydeathmetal_us
25. 2007-12-17the DeadDrown in Sinself-titledobsidian
26. 2007-12-17FleshlessDefy the FearCzech Assault - various artistsrelapse
27. 2007-12-17GorealityPsychotic DementiaPerverse Depraved Indifferencepathos
28. 2007-12-17Nilethe Infinity of StoneIthyphallicnuclearblast
29. 2007-12-17Circle Takes the SquareSame Shade as ConcreteAs The Roots Undorobotic_empire
30. 2007-12-17PhobiaSo Full of HateCruelwillowtip
31. 2007-12-17Napalm DeathSUCCESS?Scumearache
32. 2007-12-17Man is the BastardInstantly BentCrossed out/Man is the Bastard Splitslap-a-ham
33. 2007-12-17TotalitarDet Finns Penger Att HamtaWallbreaker 1986-1989armageddon
34. 2007-12-17Crossed OutSocietyCrossed Out/Man is the Bastard splitslap_a_ham
35. 2007-12-17Pig DestroyerScarlet HourglassTerrifyerrelapse
36. 2007-12-17Brutal TruthSpare ChangeGoodbye Cruel Worldrelapse
37. 2007-12-17DemiricousExpression of Immunity of GodTwo (poverty)metalblade
38. 2007-12-17Sons of AzraelWraththe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
39. 2007-12-17Dying FetusKilling on AdrenalineKilling on Adrenalinerelapse
40. 2007-12-17Damaged#1Token Remedy Researchrotten
41. 2007-12-17Colin of ArabiaEveryday I Walk The Same Way HomeIllegal Exhibitions of Speedrock_vegas
42. 2007-12-17RingwormBlind to Faiththe Promisevictory
43. 2007-12-17RamallahKill a CelebrityKill a Celebritythorp
44. 2007-12-17Agnostic FrontChange your WaysWarriorsnuclearblast
45. 2007-12-17The BruisersAmerican NightCrusin' for a Bruisin'primitive
46. 2007-12-17TerrorizerDead Shall RiseWorld Downfallearache
47. 2007-12-17AssuckWall of ShameAnticapital/Blindspot/+3sound_polution
48. 2007-12-17Sik FukMaggots GoreloreGore Deliciousunited_gutteral
49. 2007-12-17SapremiaFragments of RemainsSubconscious Existenceself-released
50. 2007-12-17Cryptic WarningFrom Catalyst to CatharsisSanity's Aberationself-released
51. 2007-12-17High on FireTurkDeath is this Communionrelapse
52. 2007-12-17Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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