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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-04-08MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-04-08
3. 2019-04-08Into The MoatFrom 1,000 MetersThe CampaignMetal Blade
4. 2019-04-08Last Chance To ReasonProgrammed For BattleLevel 2Prosthetic Records
5. 2019-04-08Rings of SaturnPeeling ArteriesDingirUnique Leader Records
6. 2019-04-08PYRRHONSleeper AgentThe Mother of Virtues (NA Promo)Relapse Records
7. 2019-04-08
8. 2019-04-08Fallujah06 HollowUndying LightNuclear Blast Records
9. 2019-04-08GorgutsBodily CorruptedConsidered Dead
10. 2019-04-08GRUESOMEDimensions of HorrorDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
11. 2019-04-08VoivodCosmic DramaDimension Hatröss
12. 2019-04-08
13. 2019-04-08Integral RigorRastAlast
14. 2019-04-08The OceanMesoarcheanPrecambrianMetal Blade Records
15. 2019-04-08Red Death, TheTwilight of the IdolsExternal Frames of ReferenceMetal Blade
16. 2019-04-08ARSIS05 As Deep As Your FleshVisitantAgonia Records
17. 2019-04-08
18. 2019-04-08TOTENGOTT02 Ceremony II, The Way of SinThe AbyssXtreem Music
19. 2019-04-08NEKRASOVExtinguish the light and radiate in the darknessLust Of ConsciousnessProsthetic Records
20. 2019-04-08KampfarNattOfidiands ManifestIndie Recordings
21. 2019-04-08Ossuaire02 - La Procession des FlagellantsPremiers ChantsSepulchral Productions
22. 2019-04-08
23. 2019-04-08SINS OF THE DAMNED04 The Lion and the PreyStriking the Bell of Death (CD, LP, TAPE)Shadow Kingdom Records
24. 2019-04-08DEVOID OF THOUGHT2. Tomb Marauders HordeCosmic ApoptosisCaligari Records
25. 2019-04-08FÖRGJORD03 KarsikkoIlmestykset (CD)Werewolf Records
26. 2019-04-08VARGRAV (Finland)04 In Streams From Great MysteriesReign in Supreme Darkness (CD, LP)Werewolf Records
27. 2019-04-08
28. 2019-04-08CULTES DES GHOULESChildren of the MoonSinister (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
29. 2019-04-08EneferensWeight of the Mind's PeriaptThe Bleakness of Our ConstantBindrune Recordings
30. 2019-04-08MOSS UPON THE SKULLMoss Upon the SkullIn Vengeful ReverenceI, Voidhanger Records
31. 2019-04-085grsBuilt On BloodBuilt On Blood
32. 2019-04-08
33. 2019-04-08WatainWalls of Life RupturedRabid Death's CurseDrakkar
34. 2019-04-08WitcheryOath BreakerIn His Infernal Majesty's ServiceCentury Media Records
35. 2019-04-08VileButcheredDepopulate
36. 2019-04-08Vein of HateFlawed Capital (Re-mastered)St. Atrocity [EP]
37. 2019-04-08
38. 2019-04-08Outer HeavenVortex Of ThoughtRealms Of Eternal DecayRelapse Records
39. 2019-04-08RUINThe Embrace of DemonsHuman AnnihilationMemento Mori
40. 2019-04-08WindhandHalcyonEternal ReturnRelapse Records
41. 2019-04-08
42. 2019-04-08HypocrisyAdjusting the SunFinal ChapterNuclear Blast Records
43. 2019-04-08Iced EarthThe Number of the BeastTribute to the Gods, Disc 2Century Media
44. 2019-04-08King DiamondNo More MeThe Puppet MasterMassacre Records
45. 2019-04-08Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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