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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57360 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2018-01-29MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2018-01-29
3. 2018-01-29Blessed DeathDeath In The SkyDestined For Extinction
4. 2018-01-29TribulationWhen The Sky Is Black With DevilsThe Formulas of DeathAjna Records
5. 2018-01-29Rings of SaturnAbductedEmbryonic Anomaly
6. 2018-01-29The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
7. 2018-01-29
8. 2018-01-29AminalsSomething SecularDEAD AIRSelf-Released
9. 2018-01-29BotchFrequency Ass BanditWe Are the RomansHydra Head Records
10. 2018-01-29Cult LeaderGutter GodsUseless AnimalRelapse Records
11. 2018-01-29ConvergeThe Dusk in UsThe Dusk In Us
12. 2018-01-29
13. 2018-01-29BaneFinal Backward GlanceDon't Wait Up
14. 2018-01-29Norma JeanMemphis Will Be Laid to WasteBless the Martyr and Kiss the ChildSolid State
15. 2018-01-29NeurosisStrength Of FatesThrough Silver In Blood
16. 2018-01-29
17. 2018-01-29AccuserMourningThe MasteryMetal Blade Records
18. 2018-01-29Good TigerSalt of the EarthWe Will All Be GoneMetal Blade Records
19. 2018-01-29VisigothHammerforgedConqueror's OathMetal Blade Records
20. 2018-01-29
21. 2018-01-29NovareignSkylineLegendsM-Theory Audio
22. 2018-01-29OPHEXVIIIILitteras Ad Tristia Maestrum SolitudeMy Kingdom Music
23. 2018-01-29Chaos Echoes04 Through Kaleidoscopic Haze Of UneMouvement LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
24. 2018-01-29
25. 2018-01-29The Sun Through a Telescope02 - Cro-Magnon NightmareSummer DarkyardHandshake Inc
26. 2018-01-29GodfleshSlavestate (Radio Slave)SlavestateEarache Records
27. 2018-01-29Dead Dark SlideSummer Never EndsI am DeadDead Games Records
28. 2018-01-29Slagduster06 Slagduster -.On All Fours - Deadweight - 2017DeadweightWaterlow Audio Records
29. 2018-01-29Saprogenic EntrailsSaprogenic Entrails - Duodenum Drawcarcass grinder / impregnate trichomonas / unholy grave / saprogenic entrails / voltifobia
30. 2018-01-29Strapping Young LadSkeksisPromo Album 3/22/05 radio editsCentury Media Records
31. 2018-01-29
32. 2018-01-29There Were WiresLukewarm HappyThere Were WiresIodine
33. 2018-01-29KampfarIldverdenKvassNapalm Records
34. 2018-01-29Stormlord...And Winter WasAt The Gates Of Utopiascarlet
35. 2018-01-29NettleCarrierPaa Vaare Paaler deres hoderNettleCarrierIndie Recordings
36. 2018-01-29
37. 2018-01-29NarrowsI Give You Six MonthsNew DistancesDeathwish Records
38. 2018-01-29KylesaMotion and PresenceTo Walk a Middle CourseProsthetic
39. 2018-01-29WatainThe Return Of Darkness And EvilTonight We Raise Our Cups And Toast In Angels Blood - A Tribute To Bathory
40. 2018-01-29
41. 2018-01-29UnleashedMidsummer SolsticeHammer BattalionSteamhammer
42. 2018-01-29NocturnusAndromeda StrainThe KeyEarache
43. 2018-01-29TAU CROSSMidsummerTau Cross (NA Promo)Relapse Records
44. 2018-01-29AmorphisMermaidThe Beginning Of TimesNuclear Blast GmbH
45. 2018-01-29Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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