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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2017-04-17MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-04-17
3. 2017-04-17Cirith UngolEdge of a KnifeFrost and Fire/King of the Dead
4. 2017-04-17SkeletonwitchSacrifice for the SlaughtergodBeyond the PermafrostProsthetic/Red
5. 2017-04-17At the GatesThe Beautiful WoundPurgatory Unleashed Live at Wacken
6. 2017-04-17Darkest HourIn the Name of Us AllGodless Prophets & The Migrant FloraSouthern Lord
7. 2017-04-17
8. 2017-04-17SammathGodlessGodless Arrogance
9. 2017-04-17NileAs He Creates So He DestroyIthyphallicNuclear Blast
10. 2017-04-17TestamentTrue American HateDark Roots Of ThrashNuclear Blast GmbH
11. 2017-04-17SabatonScreaming EaglesCoat Of ArmsNuclear Blast GmbH
12. 2017-04-17
13. 2017-04-17WatchmakerConquering a Dead PlanetErased from the Memory of ManEarache
14. 2017-04-17AutoritärHard to Controlsplit w/vomit for breakfast
15. 2017-04-17BLOWN TO BITSbullshit reignssplit w/deathtoll
16. 2017-04-17YOUR ENEMYThrowing The WallEradication Of The Parasitic Hordes Through Force That Cannot Be Overcome By ForceSelf-Released
17. 2017-04-17Charles BronsonE.S.P. Girls Love MeComplete Discocrappy Disc 2
18. 2017-04-17DEATHTOLLliving a liesplit w/blown to bits
19. 2017-04-17Machinist!Dad BroPronegative
20. 2017-04-17
21. 2017-04-17EmperorEnsorcelled By KhaosAnthems To The Welkin At Dusk
22. 2017-04-17
23. 2017-04-17Logic of Denial03 Gorging on InnocenceAftermathComatose Music
24. 2017-04-17Suffering Hour04 The Abrasive Black DustIn Passing Ascension CD/LPBlood Harvest Records
25. 2017-04-17Bestial Raids05 Kingdom BelowMaster Satan's Witchery LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
26. 2017-04-17
27. 2017-04-17MIDNIGHT ODYSSEYFighting The SeraphimSilhouettes Of StarsI, Voidhanger Records
28. 2017-04-17SarcasmScars of a Land ForgottenWithin the Sphere of Ethereal MindsDark Descent Records
29. 2017-04-17
30. 2017-04-17MardukRope Of RegretFrontschwein
31. 2017-04-17Infernal WarMilitant Hate ChurchAxiomAgonia Records
32. 2017-04-17Vlad TepesWar Funeral March In The Grey Mist Of A Fullmoon Night2004 Black Legions Spirits
33. 2017-04-17MIDNIGHT06 In League With Satan (Venom)Shox of Violence (12" MLP, CD, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
34. 2017-04-17
35. 2017-04-17AfflictedTidings From The Blue SphereProdigal Sun
36. 2017-04-17MonstrosityThe Pillars of DrearIn Dark PurityOlympic
37. 2017-04-17Dissection03.Anti-Christ (Slayer cover)Where Dead Angels Lie
38. 2017-04-17WombbathBeyond The GloomyInternal Caustic Torments
39. 2017-04-17
40. 2017-04-17DODECAHEDRONAn ill-Defined Air Of OthernessKwintessensSeason of Mist
41. 2017-04-17Ur DraugrAugur Incarnate (Distended Crown)With Hunger Undyingatmf
42. 2017-04-17Solitude AeturnusHaunting the ObscureThrough the Darkest HourPavement Music
43. 2017-04-17NARGAROTHLove Is A Dog From HellERA OF THRENODYInter Arma Productions
44. 2017-04-17
45. 2017-04-17VestigesIVThe Descent Of Man
46. 2017-04-17OmissionGod Bring you DownThrash Metal is ViolenceXtreem Music
47. 2017-04-17Internal BleedingLanguish in DespairVoracious ContemptPavement Music
48. 2017-04-17Atrocious AbnormalityBeyond OblierationEchoes of the Rotting
49. 2017-04-17
50. 2017-04-17ZHRINEUtopian WarfareUnorthetaSeason of Mist
51. 2017-04-17Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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