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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2016-12-12MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-12-12
3. 2016-12-12A Life Once LostThe Change Came SuddenlyA Great ArtistFerret Music
4. 2016-12-12Darken the SkyShowered With Rzor BladesSix Sigma
5. 2016-12-12On Broken WingsQuicksand BreathsDisintegrator
6. 2016-12-12The Taste Of SilverEscape VelocityNarcimalionHold True Recordings
7. 2016-12-12ManowarOutlawLouder Than HellGeffen
8. 2016-12-12SeaxFall to the HammerSpeed Metal Mania
9. 2016-12-12
10. 2016-12-12SIREDead In The Eyes Of GodEvocation Of The Serpent
11. 2016-12-12ACxDCTrollsSplitTo Live A Lie Records
12. 2016-12-12Sanitys DawnSanitys Dawn - Gargling With Rancid PusIn Gore We Grind (Split)
13. 2016-12-12Hatred SurgeTrapped In LiesSelf Titled
14. 2016-12-12Boston StranglerWe Don't NeedFire
15. 2016-12-12Black FlagTV PartyDamagedsst
16. 2016-12-12Damnation A.D.FallaciesKingdom of Lost SoulsRevelation
17. 2016-12-12
18. 2016-12-12Full Of HellFox WombFull Of Hell//Code Orange Kids
19. 2016-12-12Black ShipsWhen All Else FailsOmens LPNew Romance For Kids
20. 2016-12-12Iron LungIf Polio StrikesCold Storage
21. 2016-12-12ElysiaIncinerateMasochist
22. 2016-12-12
23. 2016-12-12Amon AmarthViking ChristmasViking Christmas Single
24. 2016-12-12
25. 2016-12-12Bacterial HuskDismal Shine of FamineAgnosia of Omens
26. 2016-12-12Human CompostRancid Orgy Of Rotted CadaversFrom The Grave They CrawlHorror Pain Gore Death Productions
27. 2016-12-12NachtzeitDe Färdas Genom NattenSagor I NattenNordvis Produktion
28. 2016-12-12Quicksand DreamCloud of ScreamsBeheading TyrantsCruz Del Sur Music
29. 2016-12-12
30. 2016-12-12GravebreakerAt The Gates Of HellSacrificeGates of Hell Records
31. 2016-12-12UnendlichDethronedScales Of ExistenceHorror Pain Gore Death Productions
32. 2016-12-12The Chronicles of Israfel03 I RememberA Trillion Lights, Tome IIBOH Records
33. 2016-12-12KrepitusKrepitus - Eyes of the Soulless - 02 - Apex Pre...The Eyes of The SoullessSelf-Released
34. 2016-12-12
35. 2016-12-12Tactus3. ScimitarBending LightSelf-Released
36. 2016-12-12The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
37. 2016-12-12All Pigs Must DieSacred NothingSilencer
38. 2016-12-12Coke BustInnocence ComplexConfined
39. 2016-12-12Cattle DecapitationProjectile VomitTen Torments Of The Damned
40. 2016-12-12Parasitic ExtirpationBeating Heart CadaverCasketless
41. 2016-12-12UnleashedBefore the Creation of TimeWhere No Life DwellsCentury Media
42. 2016-12-12
43. 2016-12-12Forest StreamThe Crown Of WinterCrown Of Winterearache
44. 2016-12-12ImmortalAt The Heart Of WinterAt The Heart Of Winter
45. 2016-12-12AutopsyFiend for BloodDead as Fucknecroharmonic
46. 2016-12-12The Dead Shall Inherit
47. 2016-12-12RepulsionBodily DismembermentHorrified [2003 Re-issue]
48. 2016-12-12BaphometStreaks of BloodThe Dead Shall InheritPeaceville Records
49. 2016-12-12IngrowingThe Darkness Inverted11 Years Of Obscene ExistenceObscene Productions
50. 2016-12-12Internal BleedingGutted Human SacrificeAlien Breed (1991-2001)Olympic
51. 2016-12-12DissectionRetribution - Storm Of The Light's BaneStorm Of The Light's BaneNuclear Blast Records
52. 2016-12-12
53. 2016-12-12NeurosisPurifyThrough Silver In Blood
54. 2016-12-12MayhemFreezing MoonA Tribute to the Black Emperors
55. 2016-12-12Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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