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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2016-08-15MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-08-15
3. 2016-08-15Burning WitchWarning SignsCrippled Lucifersouthernlord
4. 2016-08-15StarkweatherLazarus RunsCrossbearercandlelight
5. 2016-08-15BurstWe Are DustLazarus BirdRelapse Records
6. 2016-08-15AvskyKnowledge and HateMass DestructionPathos Productions
7. 2016-08-15
8. 2016-08-15ExodusThe Toxic WaltzFabulous Disastercombat
9. 2016-08-15SabbatBehind The Crooked CrossHistory Of A Time To Comenoise
10. 2016-08-15Agony ColumnCars, Sex & ViolenceGod, Guns & GutsBig Chief
11. 2016-08-15Iced EarthThe Path I ChooseNight of the StormriderCentury Media
12. 2016-08-15
13. 2016-08-15DismemberCrime DivineMassive Killing CapacityNuclear Blast Records
14. 2016-08-15
15. 2016-08-15SkeletonwitchWell of DespairThe Apothic Gloom (EP)Prosthetic Records
16. 2016-08-15MARE COGNITUMThe First Point Of AriesLuminiferous AetherI, Voidhanger Records
17. 2016-08-15FALAISEEternal SleepAs Time Goes ByA Sad Sadness Song
18. 2016-08-15
19. 2016-08-15HOBBS' ANGEL OF DEATH03 Final FeastHeaven Bled (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
20. 2016-08-15BlasphemerJesus RapesRitual TheophagyComatose Music
21. 2016-08-15AGATUSGods of FireThe Eternalist (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
22. 2016-08-15SERPENT ASCENDINGRivers Of LavaAnankuI, Voidhanger Records
23. 2016-08-15
24. 2016-08-15THRONEUM04 Inner Eye...Fallen AsleepMorbid Death Tales (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
25. 2016-08-15Demoncy04 Descending Clouds of ImmortalityFaustian Dawn LPCDNuclear War Now! Productions
26. 2016-08-15Demonomancy Witchcraft04 Grave ImmolationArchaic Remnants of the Numinous At the Diabolus Hour - split LPCDNuclear War Now! Productions
27. 2016-08-15
28. 2016-08-15Suicidal TendenciesInstitutionalizedSuicidal Tendencies
29. 2016-08-15Morbid SaintFinal ExitDestruction System
30. 2016-08-15BehexenWrathful Dragon Hau-HraNightside Emanations
31. 2016-08-15SabbatoryInfantasyEndless Asphyxiating GloomUnspeakable Axe Records
32. 2016-08-15
33. 2016-08-15GRUESOMEAmputationDimensions of HorrorRelapse Records
34. 2016-08-15Among the DecayedBorn DiseasedA Perfect Day for Terror EPDeath Hatchet Records
35. 2016-08-15AutopsyFunerealityActs of the UnspeakablePeaceville Records
36. 2016-08-15SkyforgerThe Woman of SerpentsThunderforge
37. 2016-08-15
38. 2016-08-15NecrophagistStabwoundEpitaphRelapse Records
39. 2016-08-15The Red ShoreFlesh CoutureLost VersesStomp
40. 2016-08-15After The BurialOf Fearful MenWolves Within
41. 2016-08-15Into the MoatBattle-Spawned LullabiesMeans By Which The End Is JustifiedLoveLost Records
42. 2016-08-15
43. 2016-08-15BotchDead For a MinuteAmerican Nervosohydrahead
44. 2016-08-15Cephalic CarnageCryptosporidiumExploiting DysfunctionRelapse Records
45. 2016-08-15Dillinger Escape PlanThe Running BoardCalculating Infinityrelapse
46. 2016-08-15Ion DissonancePlay Dead...and I'll Play AlongSolaceAbacus
47. 2016-08-15
48. 2016-08-15Internal BleedingSix Shots in DallasDriven to ConquerCrash Music, Inc.
49. 2016-08-15ShitstormDestroy Them AllMagrudergring/ShitstormRobotic Empire Records
50. 2016-08-15DemisorI See Liesw/regicide/operating table
51. 2016-08-15SpazzNot Even PhasedCrush Kill Destroy
52. 2016-08-15Pig DestroyerImmune to LifeBenumb/Pig Destroyer
53. 2016-08-15Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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