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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1396 playlist up with 57861 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2016-08-08MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-08-08
3. 2016-08-08Blood AxisEternal SoulBlótCold Meat Industry
4. 2016-08-08Cold Northern VengeanceCommunionDomination and Servitudebindrune
5. 2016-08-08ABBATH03 Ashes of the DamnedABBATHSeason Of Mist
6. 2016-08-08SvipdagrView Through the Rusty HelmBlack VersesXtreem Music
7. 2016-08-08
8. 2016-08-08ShockwaveIntroduction To OblivionThe Ultimate DoomTriple Crown
9. 2016-08-08ShockwaveThe Ultimate DoomThe Ultimate DoomTriple Crown
10. 2016-08-08the Dillinger Escape PlanThe Mullet BurdenContaminated 3.0, Disc 1Relapse Records
11. 2016-08-08Burnt by the SunThere Will Be BloodHeart of DarknessRelapse Records
12. 2016-08-08No ZodiacIrreversiblePopulation Control
13. 2016-08-08RINGWORMBrotherhoood Of The Midnight SunSnake ChurchRelapse Records
14. 2016-08-08Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the SkyThe Realization That Mankind Is Viral in Its NatureGrand Partition & The Abrogation of IdolatryNuclear Blast GmbH
15. 2016-08-08
16. 2016-08-08Gorgasmmorbid overgrowthBleeding Profusely
17. 2016-08-08AsphyxInitation into the OssuaryAsphyxCentury Media/Grind Core
18. 2016-08-08
19. 2016-08-08ManowarDark AvengerHell on Stage Live, Disc 1M Records
20. 2016-08-08ROTTING CHRISTFor A Voice Like ThunderRitualsSeason of Mist
21. 2016-08-08ImmortalIn My Kingdom ColdSons of Northern Darknessnuclearblast
22. 2016-08-08IMPIETYInvicible Force (Destruction cover)Vengeance Hell Immemorial (LP)Hells Headbangers Records
23. 2016-08-08
24. 2016-08-08MayhemI Am the LabyrinthWolf's Lair AbyssMisanthropy Records
25. 2016-08-08GoratoryKiz Nizel Mi Dills NufusOrgasm Induced DiarrheaAmputated Vein Records
26. 2016-08-08InfamyBodily DisembowelmentBlood Shall Flow/Got What He D
27. 2016-08-08Christ DeniedCastration in the Name of GodAborted/Christ Deniedsoulreaper
28. 2016-08-08
29. 2016-08-08Gutteral SecreteIncestuous RefigurationArtistic Creation with Cranial StumpsUnmatched Brutality Records
30. 2016-08-08Dying FetusSkull FuckedPurification Through ViolencePulverizer Records
31. 2016-08-08PestilenceDeify thy MasterConsuming ImpulseRoadrunner
32. 2016-08-08DismemberForged With HateWhere Ironcrosses GrowCandlelight Records
33. 2016-08-08
34. 2016-08-08ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures for GodsMetal Blade
35. 2016-08-08CableMen on MountainsFailed ConvictThe End
36. 2016-08-08BreachBlack SabbathVenomRelapse Records
37. 2016-08-08Nodes of RanvierNew York City, 1963Nodes of RanvierFacedown Records
38. 2016-08-08
39. 2016-08-08AllegaeonTartessosFormshifterMetal Blade
40. 2016-08-08GomorahBattle of the GodsBy the Means of
41. 2016-08-08FORGOTTEN TOMBBAD DREAMS COME TRUEHurt Yourself And The Ones You LoveAgonia Records
42. 2016-08-08CarcassTools of the TradeNecroticismEarache Records
43. 2016-08-08
44. 2016-08-08GWARDeath PodScumdogs Of The UniverseMetal Blade
45. 2016-08-08CianideDeath MachineDead & Rotting
46. 2016-08-08General SurgeryVisceral AsphyxiationSplit-CD
47. 2016-08-08NorttDe Dřdes KorGudsforladt
48. 2016-08-08Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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