Ass Hat
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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-04-29MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-04-29
3. 2019-04-29Wound CollectorCrucifixion To The Inverted CrossEternal BloodcultProfane Records
4. 2019-04-29RWAKEIt Was Beautiful But Now It's SourRest (radio promo - ADDS Sept. 27)Relapse Records
5. 2019-04-29Between the Buried and MeThe Coma Machine (Live)Coma EclipticMetal Blade Records
6. 2019-04-29Through the Eyes of the DeadForever Ends TodayThe Scars of Ages EPLovelost
7. 2019-04-29
8. 2019-04-29Beneath the MassacreRegurgitated Lullaby for the Born DeadEvidence of InequityGaly Records
9. 2019-04-29SolipsismoCazador de EntrañasAntología de Maldiciones
10. 2019-04-29Ancient CryptsDevoured By SerpentsDevoured by Serpents TAPEIron Bonehead Productions
11. 2019-04-29DROID (Canada)01 Amorphous Forms (Shapeless ShadowTerrestrial Mutations (LP)Shadow Kingdom Records
12. 2019-04-29
13. 2019-04-29FÖRGJORD03 KUOLLEIDEN YÖUhripuu (CD)Werewolf Records
14. 2019-04-29
15. 2019-04-29Inculter03 Shepherd of EvilFatal VisionsEdged Circle Productions
16. 2019-04-29DEIPHAGO03 Neuro-Satanic CircuitI, The Devil (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
17. 2019-04-29BAT03 ICEAxestasy (CD, 12" MLP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
18. 2019-04-29EMBALMER05 Morbid ConfessionsEmbalmed Alive (CD)Hells Headbangers Records
19. 2019-04-29
20. 2019-04-29Pestilent Death02 Torturous IncantationsChapters of Depravity CD/LP/TAPEBlood Harvest Records
21. 2019-04-29Murg4 - RenhetSträvanNordvis Produktion
22. 2019-04-29OCTOBER TIDEOctober Tide - In Splendor Below - 03 - Ögonbl...In Splendor BelowAgonia Records
23. 2019-04-29Black Mold04 Bringer of LightTales of DegradationHelldprod Records
24. 2019-04-29
25. 2019-04-29RingwormDead to MeDeath Becomes My VoiceRelapse Records
26. 2019-04-29SÜHNOPFER03. Hic Regnant Borbonii ManesHic Regnant Borbonii ManesDebemur Morti Productions
27. 2019-04-29
28. 2019-04-29MasterHidden StoriesCollection Of Souls
29. 2019-04-29Verwustung (Belarus)03 - Hellfire Rock n RollGospel ov FuryHandful of Hate
30. 2019-04-29CreatureLiarWay To Paradise
31. 2019-04-29MaliceGodz Of ThunderIn The Beginning...
32. 2019-04-29
33. 2019-04-29Ion DissonanceShe's StrychnineListen or Pose (Abacus Records spring 2005)Abacus Recordings
34. 2019-04-29Morbid Goat FornicatorInvocators of the Nuclear GoatNuclear VaticanoOld Cemetery Records
35. 2019-04-29Officium TristeLike AtlasMors Viri
36. 2019-04-29
37. 2019-04-29NECRORISERSuicideViolent
38. 2019-04-29Crowpaththe deedOne With Filth
39. 2019-04-29CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGYComputer WorldApocalyptic Compendium - 10 Years in Chaos, Noise and Warfare (CD, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
40. 2019-04-29BurialThe Bitter Taste of DefeatEnlightened With PainLost Disciple Records
41. 2019-04-29
42. 2019-04-29BelphegorThe GoatchristLucifer Incestus
43. 2019-04-29AeonEternal HateDark Order
44. 2019-04-29AMPÜTATOR03 Sarin Death VengeanceDeathcult Barbaric HellGreyhaze Records
45. 2019-04-29Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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