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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2017-07-24MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2017-07-24
3. 2017-07-24Soul RemnantsMental TourniquetOuroboroseOne
4. 2017-07-24Horrid (Italy)Sacrilegious FornicationBeyond the Dark BorderDunkelheit Produktionen
5. 2017-07-24Undergang01 Efter ObduktionenMisantropologiDark Descent Records
6. 2017-07-24RepulsionSlaughter of the InnocentHorrified [2003 Re-issue]
7. 2017-07-24
8. 2017-07-24AeonHell UnleashedDark Order
9. 2017-07-24Rotting DecayDissected AliveGutting Room Floor
10. 2017-07-24DismemberThe Hills Have EyesDismemberRegain Records
11. 2017-07-24SepulturaTroops of DoomSchizophreniaRoadrunner Records
12. 2017-07-24Temple of VoidWretched BanquetLords of DeathShadow Kingdom
13. 2017-07-24
14. 2017-07-24All Else FailedCentraliaThis Never HappenedRESTRAIN R
15. 2017-07-24Car BombHypnotic WormCentraliaRelapse Records
16. 2017-07-24Pig DestroyerTask MasterBenumb/Pig DestroyerRelapse Records
17. 2017-07-24Insect WarfareArmored VirusWorld ExterminationEarache
18. 2017-07-24Colin of ArabiaBleed the SheepPalehorse/Colin of ArabiaSpook City Records
19. 2017-07-24Rotting OutFaith And FailureStreet Prowl
20. 2017-07-24
21. 2017-07-24Hatred SurgeFuneralSplit With Hatred Surge/Insect Warfare
22. 2017-07-24WormrotOverpowered ViolenceDirgeearache
23. 2017-07-24NOISEARGlobal WarningSubvert the Dominant Paradigm (Radio Promo)Relapse Records
24. 2017-07-24MarutaDrown In Black MatterForward Into Regressionwillowtip
25. 2017-07-24
26. 2017-07-24DEATH YELL05 BETRAYED CHASTITYDescent Into Hell (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
27. 2017-07-24UNLEASH THE ARCHERSCleanse The BloodlinesApexNapalm Records
28. 2017-07-24GRAVESITE04 Global Disease MadnessNeverending Trail of SkullsXtreem Music
29. 2017-07-24MordatoriumBeheadedObsessed With Death
30. 2017-07-24
31. 2017-07-24WintersunThe Forest That Weeps (Summer)The Forest SeasonsNuclear Blast Records
32. 2017-07-24HORRIFIC04 Dead At MidnightYour Worst Nightmare (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
33. 2017-07-24NEXUL04 Dark God of Paradox and EternalParadigm of Chaos (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
34. 2017-07-24
35. 2017-07-24INVOCATION SPELLS06 Evil MountainsThe Flame of Hate (CD, LP, TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
36. 2017-07-24VENOMOUS MAXIMUS04 Return of the WitchNo Warning (CD, LP, TAPE)Shadow Kingdom
37. 2017-07-24DESESCRESY05 Concealed DepthsThe Mortal HorizonXtreem Music
38. 2017-07-24CALL OF THE VOIDTruth In BoneAgeless (NA Promo)Relapse Records
39. 2017-07-24
40. 2017-07-24KYOTY08Undiscovered Country Of Old Death And Strange Years In The Frightful PastTokyo Jupiter Records
41. 2017-07-24RosettaAbsent / Beta AquilaeThe Galilean Satellites (Combined)
42. 2017-07-24RWAKEXenoglossalgiaXenoglossalgiaRelapse Records
43. 2017-07-24
44. 2017-07-24SheolSepulchral Ruins Below The TempleSepulchral Ruins Below The Temple 12" MLPIron Bonehead Productions
45. 2017-07-24ForteresseLe triomphe des douzeCrépuscule d'Octobre
46. 2017-07-24NaglfarThe Brimstone GateDiabolicalRegain Records
47. 2017-07-24ZyklonSubtle ManipulationAeonCandlelight Records
48. 2017-07-24
49. 2017-07-24BewitchedHard As Steel (Hot As Hell)Diabolical Desecration [Expanded]
50. 2017-07-24SACRILEGEA Violation of Something SacredBehind The Realms of Madness (Reissue)Relapse Records
51. 2017-07-24Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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