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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1389 playlist up with 57599 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2016-08-01MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-08-01
3. 2016-08-01Gloomy GrimAugust - So I Slept & SleptUnder the Spell of the Unlightanticulture
4. 2016-08-01ZHRINESpewing GloomUnorthetaSeason of Mist
5. 2016-08-01GRAVEWURMCult of the Dying GodGravewürm / Nunslaughter split 7"Hells Headbangers Records
6. 2016-08-01VomepotroDominate (Morbid Angel)Liturgy of DissectionSevared Records - via Metalhit
7. 2016-08-01
8. 2016-08-01Morbid AngelDoomsday CelebrationBlessed Are The SickCombat Records
9. 2016-08-01Cannibal CorpseDevoured By VerminVile
10. 2016-08-01RevocationOnly the Spineless SurviveGreat Is Our SinMetal Blade Records
11. 2016-08-01Abigail (Japan)02 Blasphemy NightThe Final Damnation LP/CDNuclear War Now! Productions
12. 2016-08-01
13. 2016-08-01ConvergeHomewreckerJane DoeEqual Vision
14. 2016-08-01RINGWORMInnocent BloodSnake ChurchRelapse Records
15. 2016-08-01BrujeriaViva Presidente Trump!Viva Presidente Trump!Nuclear Blast Records
16. 2016-08-01GoratoryMutilate And ModifySexual Intercorpse
17. 2016-08-01
18. 2016-08-01SkeletonwitchReduced To The Failure Of PrayerForever AbominationProsthetic Records
19. 2016-08-01BewitchedHoly WhoreDiabolical Desecration [Expanded]
20. 2016-08-01
21. 2016-08-01Necromancing the StoneThe Siren's CallJewel of the VileMetal Blade Records
22. 2016-08-01SlaughtbbathNefast Fireground / Tyranny From SodomMusica De Nuestra MuerteHells Headbangers Records
23. 2016-08-01KERASPHORUS03 The Abyssal SanhedrinKerasphorus (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
24. 2016-08-01Predatory LightPath of UnbeingPredatory LightInvictus Productions
25. 2016-08-01
26. 2016-08-01CircleDNAMeroniaSvart Records
27. 2016-08-01BLOODY HAMMERSLights Come AliveLovely Sort of DeathNapalm Records
28. 2016-08-01SindromePrecognitionResurrection - The Complete CollectionCentury Media Records
29. 2016-08-01VahrzawTwin Suns and Wolves TonguesTwin Suns & Wolves' Tongues CDBlood Harvest Records
30. 2016-08-01
31. 2016-08-01Hammers of MisfortuneSea of HeroesDead RevolutionMetal Blade Records
32. 2016-08-01DoroRaise Your FistStrong And ProudNuclear Blast Records
33. 2016-08-01Type O NegativeLove You To DeatthOctober Rust
34. 2016-08-01DesolationNo World OrderDesolation
35. 2016-08-01DischargeInto DarknessDischargeSanctuary Records
36. 2016-08-01as long as we're all living we're all dyingburn allston to the fucking groundst 7'
37. 2016-08-01
38. 2016-08-01Headhunter Death CultMorbid Visions*(BONUS TRACKS)And The Sky Turns Blackworld_war_iii
39. 2016-08-01Ossuary Insane07 I Absolutely Forbid (2001)Possession of the Flesh LPBlood Harvest Records
40. 2016-08-01FormacideDead ManFormacide
41. 2016-08-01CentinexEnd Of LifeSubconscious Lobotomy
42. 2016-08-01DesecratorReperessive AcceptanceSubconscious Release
43. 2016-08-01
44. 2016-08-01OnslaughtCruci-FictionVIAFM Records
45. 2016-08-01Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...Relapse Records
46. 2016-08-01DeathMutilationScream Bloody Gore
47. 2016-08-01RepulsionAcid BathHorrified
48. 2016-08-01Agony ColumnDead by DawnGod, Guns & GutsBig Chief
49. 2016-08-01
50. 2016-08-01Acid BathNew Death SensationPaegan Terrorism Tactics (Radio Edits)rotten
51. 2016-08-01Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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