Ass Hat
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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1390 playlist up with 57632 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2023-02-20FleshcrawlUnder the Banner of DeathAs Blood Rains from the Sky, We Walk the Endless Path of FireMetal Blade Records
2. 2021-07-19Crypt Crawler03 Force Fed to the DeadFuture UsurperBitter Loss Records
3. 2021-04-26Crawling ManifestNothing To LoseRadical Absolution - Out May 14thSelf-Released
4. 2020-10-26FleshcrawlOssuary RitualsInto the Catacombs of FleshApostasy Records
5. 2020-02-03Witchcrawl04 Cydonia RoseWorld Without EndKatoptron IX Records
6. 2019-04-01FleshcrawlDeathvastationSoulskinnerMetal Blade Records
7. 2017-05-08Suffocation (Pre-Fleshcrawl)Festering FleshFestering Flesh Demo
8. 2016-10-10FleshcrawlUnder the Banner of DeathAs Blood Rains from the Sky, We Walk the Endless Path of FireMetal Blade Records
9. 2016-09-26FogcrawlerBrain PlaguedWelcome to Your SufferingMisery Productions
10. 2016-05-30FogcrawlerDisposable WhoreWelcome to Your SufferingMisery Productions
11. 2016-05-30WALLCRAWLERscars and blistersscars and blisters
12. 2016-02-22FleshcrawlDisfiguredImpurity
13. 2014-03-31FleshcrawlMetal GodsSoulskinnermetalblade
14. 2013-05-06FogcrawlerExcusesWelcome To Your Sufferingself-released
15. 2012-06-11FogcrawlerDisposible WhoreWelcome To Your Sufferingself-released
16. 2012-04-09Flesh CrawlInto The Depths Of No ReturnMade Of Fleshmetalblade
17. 2012-02-20FogcrawlerBrain PlaguedWelcome To Your Sufferingself-released
18. 2010-10-25FleshcrawlSource Of The Bleeding HauntedMade Of Fleshmetalblade
19. 2010-09-27FleshcrawlBreeding the DeadSoulskinnermetalblade
20. 2009-12-07Flesh CrawlMade Of FleshMade Of Fleshmetalblade
21. 2006-09-18fleshcrawlpath of endless fire
22. 2005-05-23forcrawlerdisposible whore
23. 2005-05-16forcrawlerreflection
24. 2005-05-09forcrawlerreflection
25. 2005-05-02fogcrawlerbrain plagued
26. 2004-05-10fleshcrawlforged in blood
27. 2004-04-12fleshcrawlinto the depths of no return
28. 2004-04-05flesh crawlmade of flesh
29. 2004-03-29fleshcrawldamned in fire
30. 2004-03-15fleshcrawlsource of the bleeding haunted
31. 2004-03-08flesh crawldamned in fire
32. 2004-03-01flesh crawlflesh bloody flesh
33. 2004-02-23fleshcrawlbeneath a dyin sun
34. 2002-07-30Flesh CrawlSoulSkinner
35. 2002-04-02FleshcrawlDying Blood
36. 2002-04-02FleshCrawlDying Blood
37. 2002-03-19Flesh Crawlsoul skinner
38. 2002-03-12Flesh CrawlLegions of Hatred
39. 2002-03-05Flesh CrawlMetal Gods
40. 2002-03-05Flesh CrawlMetal Gods
41. 2002-02-26Flesh Crawlthe Fothcoming End
42. 2002-02-11Flesh CrawlDeathvastaion
43. 2002-01-29Flesh CrawlMetal Gods
44. 2002-01-22FleshcrawlBreeding the Dead
45. 2002-01-15Flesh CrawlSoul Skinner
46. 2001-08-21Flesh CrawlGraves of the Tourtured
47. 2001-08-21Flesh CrawlGraves of the Tourtured
48. 2001-06-26Flesh CrawlCreation of Wrath
49. 2001-06-19Flesh CrawlGraves of the Tortured
50. 2000-05-29Flesh CrawlAs Blood Rains From the Sky
51. 2000-05-22Flesh CrawlFeed the Demon's Heart
52. 2000-05-08FleshcrawlFeed the Demon's Heart
53. 2000-05-01Felsh CrawlGraves of the Tourtured
54. 2000-04-17Flesh CrawlImpure Massacre of Bloody Souls
55. 2000-04-03Flesh CrawlCreation of Wrath
56. 2000-03-27Flesh CrawlSwords of Darkness
57. 1996-12-23CrawlSweet water
58. 1996-11-25Crawlall is lost
59. 1996-11-11CrawlKerosone
60. 1996-11-04CrawlAll is lost
61. 1996-10-28CrawlLong WAy Down
62. 1996-10-21CrawlAll is lost
63. 1996-10-14CrawlAnimals
64. 1996-10-07CrawlJustify
65. 1996-09-30CrawlLong Way Down
66. 1996-09-23CrawlAnimals
67. 1996-09-09CrawlAnimals
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