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returntothepit >> discuss >> New Band of Brothers creators "The Pacific" trailer now up by menstrual_sweatpants_disco on Jun 29,2009 4:05pm
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toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jun 29,2009 4:05pm
I've been checking in on this project for a few years now. Looks like they finally have a trailer up.

For those that don't know... Tom Hanks & Stephen Spielberg executive product an HBO/Dreamworks 10 part WWII mini-series (sound familiar)? Except instead of paratroopers in Europe it's marines fighting in the pacific.


toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jun 29,2009 4:08pm

toggletoggle post by darkwor  at Jun 29,2009 4:13pm
Wow..I'll be watching this.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Jun 29,2009 4:15pm
I wonder if it'll discuss our prior knowledge of the forth coming atton on Pearl Harbor.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jun 29,2009 4:16pm

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jun 29,2009 4:17pm
well, I hate all trailers because it's all overdramatic pandering bullshit.

But...I'm going to watch this series 10-30 times, I'm sure. Band of Brothers is my jam.

toggletoggle post by Dankill at Jun 29,2009 6:28pm
Band of Brothers was absolutely amazing. I will most def be wathing this and grabbing it when it comes out on DVD.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jun 29,2009 7:37pm
I propose a band of brothers bluray marathon

toggletoggle post by BobNOMAAMRooney at Jun 29,2009 7:47pm
I hope this series has an accurate depiction of Cotton Hill's mutilation and heroic slaying of fitty tojo.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jun 29,2009 7:48pm

toggletoggle post by Pristina at Jul 1,2009 2:21am
If this is even 1/4 as good as Band of Brothers., it will still rule

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 1,2009 2:28am
I watch BoB a bunch today in between playing COD5.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jul 1,2009 8:34am
First, lul @ the Cotton Hill reference. Fitty men. FTW

Second, Band of Brothers was probably the best television series ever, and for my money the definitive work on WWII.

Third, I don't have HBO, but I'd consider getting it just to watch this.

Fourth, I'm all for a band of brothers bluray marathon as long as no one minds that my dick will be out half way through the first battle scene.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Jul 1,2009 8:58am
Dibs on sitting next to Mike.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 1,2009 9:31am
triple dutch rudder!

I have BoB on DVD, but I'm seriously thinking about getting the bruray.

toggletoggle post by reimroc at Jul 1,2009 9:37am
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
triple dutch rudder!

I have BoB on DVD, but I'm seriously thinking about getting the bruray.

If you have the player and the hdtv i highly recommend getting it on bluray. You will be blown the fuck away.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jul 1,2009 1:45pm
Yeah it's awesome. I own it on dvd & bluray.

toggletoggle post by The_Rooster  at Jul 1,2009 3:30pm

I am excited.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Dec 14,2009 11:19am
Trailer # 3. This one isn't as long / supercool as #1 & #2:

toggletoggle post by ouchdrummer   at Dec 14,2009 11:32am
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
I wonder if it'll discuss our prior knowledge of the forth coming atton on Pearl Harbor.

The PBS special DID mention that.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Dec 14,2009 11:35am
Really? The atton?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Dec 14,2009 11:40am
I can't view the fb cause of stupid flash.

toggletoggle post by ark at Dec 14,2009 11:41am
i hope they have the veterans talking before and after the episodes like they did with BoB.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Dec 14,2009 11:43am
I still haven't seen all the bob episodes. Need to see em.
I wish WWI had more attention like this. Everyone obsesses over WWII. Need moar red baron dogfight stories plz.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Dec 14,2009 11:45am
This looks like pure porn.. I love it.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Dec 14,2009 1:02pm
WWI is too confusing because there's no Nazis.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Dec 14,2009 1:47pm
Who cares about WWI it was like 250 years ago.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Dec 14,2009 1:51pm
Haha seriously. Most people could care less about wwi but its pretty fascinating. Biplanes and mustard gas or you're a pussy

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Dec 14,2009 1:57pm
There were no planes 250 years ago.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Dec 14,2009 2:49pm
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
Haha seriously. Most people could care less about wwi but its pretty fascinating. Biplanes and mustard gas or you're a pussy

And the tanks...only a few years after cars were made practical.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Dec 14,2009 2:52pm
The tank in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was a WWI tank, ¿no?

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Dec 15,2009 8:30am
There were no tanks 250 years ago. There were no tanks in WWI.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Dec 15,2009 8:35am edited Dec 15,2009 8:36am
There were tanks during WW1.

They went a whopping 2 to 4 miles an hour.

250 years ago doesn't exist.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Dec 15,2009 8:55am
That picture must have been from the Korean war. Tanks didn't exist in WWI. Tanks didn't exist 250 years ago.

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Dec 15,2009 9:02am

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Dec 15,2009 9:07am
I hope they show some geisha sluts.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Dec 15,2009 9:08am

toggletoggle post by arilliusbm  at Dec 15,2009 9:18am
Will these band of brothers receive Pacific Rim jobs? It's the only way I'll watch. General MacArthfuck ftw

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Dec 15,2009 9:22am
I bought "Pacific Rim Blend" coffee yesterday because of my excitement for this.


toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Dec 15,2009 9:25am

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Dec 17,2009 12:56pm


toggletoggle post by Yeti at Dec 17,2009 12:59pm
the shit that went down in the Pacific during WWII is insane.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Dec 17,2009 1:10pm
I'm setting an alert on my google calendar for this shit.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Jan 20,2010 4:03pm
Less then two more months until this! very happy.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Jan 21,2010 12:18pm
I know. they keep releasing new trailers. Fucking awesome.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Mar 5,2010 9:40am
here is more info, except the one I need

What time does it start time wise?? 8pm? It says it somewhere on the net, but my new meds have me jammed. Any help? A week from Sunday it starts!!!

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Mar 5,2010 9:45am
Oh shit!

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Mar 5,2010 9:54am edited Mar 5,2010 9:54am

Beat a coon for Jebus then give me the start time.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Mar 5,2010 1:45pm
Start time, K?

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Mar 14,2010 8:12pm
TONIGHT at 9pm on HBO.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Mar 14,2010 10:01pm
good show...needs moar gore

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Mar 14,2010 10:52pm
I have to say thuogh, they are spot on with the reality on Guadalcanal. They landed and there was hardly any Japs there. The ones there were retreated thinking it was a larger US force. Then the marines got ditched so the US carriers could get away from the imperial fleet to save their carriers. Weeks later the reinforcements showed up.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 15,2010 10:26pm
I downloaded the 720p rip of this today. TRYING to finish band of brothers again first though. don't know how successful I'll be. My guess is I'll be watching The Pacific this weekend.

toggletoggle post by dreadkill  at Mar 15,2010 10:39pm
i watched this last night. so good.

toggletoggle post by brian_dc  at Mar 16,2010 12:15am
first episode makes me think this is going to be nothing but awesome

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 16,2010 9:21am
I'm glad that it's giving people that impression. The first episode of band of brothers was awesome, but can be perceived as a little slow since there's no combat in it.

I'm already prepared for some slow parts though since I know the pacific focuses on some at-home stuff too and not just the frontlines of the war. It's still going to be awesome though.

toggletoggle post by SkinSandwich at Mar 22,2010 7:50am
Part 2 was great. A lot of night fighting and a bunch of Nips in dead body piles. I get bummed a bit when I watch it though because it is so good the show goes flying by.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Mar 22,2010 9:46am
still have to see episode 1. downloading 2 right now.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Apr 6,2010 6:25pm
I'm letting this show grow on me. I'm not liking it quite as much as BoB right now. I saw episodes 1-3. Have to watch 4 now.

PS: I've nerdily started reading With the Old Breed. My GF's parents got it for me as a gift to celebrate the ressurection of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 14,2012 11:19am
watching now finally.

toggletoggle post by The_Rooster  at Feb 14,2012 11:50am

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 14,2012 3:20pm
the love story sucked.
The running across the air field did not.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 20,2013 9:20am
I'm watching it.. but I don't remember watching it the first time.
However the love story is sucking.

toggletoggle post by ark at Aug 20,2013 9:22am
arilliusbm said[orig][quote]
The tank in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was a WWI tank, ¿no?

No. NO.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 20,2013 9:31am
oh, I see why it sucks now :(

toggletoggle post by skeptark at Aug 20,2013 1:11pm
i watched the first 30 minutes of this when it came out and then just shut it off. meh. sorry grandpa.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Aug 20,2013 1:36pm
I was all set to buy this when it came out on DVD. Then someone told me that Tom Hanks said he made the series because he wanted to raise awareness of how ashamed America should be of itself for the atrocities committed against Japan.

I SMH-ed and moved on never to watch it.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Aug 20,2013 9:17pm
That sounds like bullshit. The Japanese were depicted as being waaaaaaay more animalistic and shitty in The Pacific. It's definitely still worth watching, especially if you liked BoB. E.B.Sledge's story is pretty good. They don't get heavy into his side of things until the last few episodes.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 20,2013 10:37pm
Yeah, I don't buy it either. Nothing like turning a baby into a bomb to show how good people are.

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Aug 21,2013 8:53am
Haha yeah, some of that shit was brutal. Don't forget the scene where they had the American soldier strung up dead with his dick cut off and in his mouth.

... That's not a joke, that was in the show.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 21,2013 11:12am
I missed that...

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Aug 22,2013 8:37am
I believe it was in the first episode when the marines first very to Guadalcanal. When they're patrolling the island but can't find any direct contact with Japanese yet.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 22,2013 10:26am
Why do I have "the Pacific penis in mouth" in my browser bar and why was the search unsuccessful

toggletoggle post by menstrual_sweatpants_disco   at Aug 23,2013 7:50am
Google image search has been lame lately when it comes to naughty content. I'm not surprised it isn't showing up.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Aug 23,2013 9:26am

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 23,2013 10:19am

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Aug 23,2013 11:13am
I know. First the 3 fuckheads kill that white Australian baseball player, now this. Where's Obama now saying that "could have been me"?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 23,2013 11:15am
obama didn't fight in WWII and he also don't play baseball.

toggletoggle post by largefreakatzero at Aug 23,2013 1:17pm
Are you being a wise ass or did you completely miss my point?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Aug 23,2013 10:07pm
I'm being wise and pointing out that obama wasn't like any of the people.
Except maybe the perps. was that your point?

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