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returntothepit >> discuss >> cbgb's might shut down by poops mcgee on Mar 13,2005 11:46pm
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toggletoggle post by poops mcgee at Mar 13,2005 11:46pm
Trouble For CBGB
Updated 03:41 PST Sun, Mar 13 2005
It appears New York City's CBGB nightclub and its landlord - the Bowery Residents' Committee - aren't on very good terms. In fact, the legendary punk venue could be facing eviction if it doesn't resolve a dispute over unpaid rent.
CBGB owner/manager Hilly Kristal recently said he was surprised to find out through his lawyer that the club owed $91,000 in back rent to the BRC, a non-profit homeless service agency that subleases space to the venue.
"Every month, they were sending us such and such rent (invoices). There were increases every two years and, at some point, they stopped," Kristal, who has operated the club for 32 years, told Pollstar. "We kept sending the money. ... I think it was last summer we got something that we owed them $1,500, so we paid it."
But BRC Executive Director Muzzy Rosenblatt said the club's contract was very clear.
"They signed a lease that was very explicit about what the rent was," Rosenblatt explained to Pollstar. "They knew what the rent was; they didn't pay the full amount. It's the second time they've tried to abscond on their obligations to pay the rent."
The two sides went to court in 2001 over a matter involving more than $300,000 CBGB owed in back rent. After seven months, it was agreed that Kristal would pay the sum over a period of time.
"And now, once again, he's not paying his rent," Rosenblatt said. "Martha Stewart doesn't get by when she doesn't live up to her responsibilities and neither should Hilly Kristal. This is the real world. When you give your word, you've got to live by it."
Kristal said he has the money to pay the back rent, but is holding off on his attorney's advice because "it could be a harassment thing."
The case was set to be heard March 14th.
Meanwhile, another question looms: Will CBGB get its 12-year sublease renewed with the BRC at the end of August? As it stands, things aren't looking good.
Kristal said the organization offered to renew the lease but would double the club's rent, making it approximately $40,000 per month. He can't afford that.
"I'm not in position to discuss what the new lease might be with someone who can't even meet their obligations under the current lease," Rosenblatt said. "I don't think it's intelligent for anyone to say, ‘Let's talk about what the future is,' when we can't even deal with the present."
Rosenblatt also voiced concern about safety at the venue as well as the safety of the 175 homeless people living in the floors above the club.
"I was just looking at pictures of a party I had at CBGB and I can't tell you how surprised I was to find out the significant violations - that they were operating without a public assembly permit, (and) they had insufficient safety egress," he said, mentioning the fatal Great White performance at Rhode Island's Station nightclub.
"I think when you go out to listen to music, you expect that you don't need to worry for your safety."
Kristal contends the club is safe, and that Rosenblatt's accusations are unwarranted.
"They said we don't have a public assembly permit, and that's not true; we have a [permit] here," he said. "At an inspection once, there were two out of 15 curtains that were over a year old and we had to have them redone. Within a week, I got brand new (fire retardant) curtains.
"Now, a year and a half later, [Rosenblatt] says we don't have this. It's not true."
If CBGB doesn't get its lease renewed, Kristal could relocate to Las Vegas, where there seems to be a brewing punk scene.
"It's another place where people come from all over the world and it's not in bad taste for an underground place to be there anymore," he said, adding that New Jersey and Los Angeles also expressed interest. "I might do that just to keep it going if I had to."
However, New York City is Kristal's home and he feels that's where the venue should remain.
"We're going to try and stay here for as long as people want it," he said. "We're going to fight."

toggletoggle post by poops mcgee at Mar 14,2005 2:23pm
that will suck

toggletoggle post by PatMeebles at Mar 14,2005 2:25pm
This is why I'm going to a show there tomorrow. Just to see a show there before it's possible demise.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at Mar 14,2005 2:26pm
doesn't this place make millions just from fucking t-shirts?

toggletoggle post by jonah at Mar 14,2005 8:02pm

toggletoggle post by todayistheday at Mar 14,2005 9:00pm
bring it to boston

toggletoggle post by CarrotsandSticks  at Mar 14,2005 9:07pm
RustedAngel said:
doesn't this place make millions just from fucking t-shirts?

that was my first thought as well

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Mar 14,2005 9:08pm
funny, my first thought was "pork chop sandwiches!"

toggletoggle post by angrybanshee  at Mar 15,2005 1:57pm
a club that charges $5.50 for shitty beer is evil,i hope they close down

toggletoggle post by Todd NLI at Mar 15,2005 2:12pm
the club owed $91,000 in back rent to the BRC, a non-profit homeless service agency .

175 homeless people living in the floors above the club.

1. It is owned by a non-profit organization,yea ok

2. 175 homeless living on the floors above the club,no wonder it smells so bad

toggletoggle post by poopsmcgee  at May 18,2005 2:11am
Legendary New York City Rock Club Eyeing Last-Ditch Summer Benefit Tour - May 17, 2005 is reporting that CBGB is hoping to host a 30-date festival of big-name acts this summer in a last-ditch effort to save the legendary punk rock club, founder and owner Hilly Kristal told the handful of journalists and supporters who turned out yesterday (May 16) for the start of a fund-raising push.

Kristal indicated that he would invite Patti Smith, David Byrne and many of the other one-time fringe acts who played the New York landmark on their way to mainstream stardom. "If the BEASTIE BOYS are around, I think they'd play," said Kristal. "GREEN DAY came in one night and just played. Maybe they'd come back.

"There might be some people you wouldn't think of playing CBGBs," he added, noting that country star Alan Jackson was a fan of the venue.


toggletoggle post by poopsmcgee  at May 18,2005 2:12am
I hope it all works out and the place is able to remain open.
Sucks that I missed the 100 demons/Turmoil show there on Sunday.

toggletoggle post by poopsmcgee  at May 18,2005 2:15am
life of agony is playing there on june 14th

toggletoggle post by anonymous at May 18,2005 2:15am
bane is playing there soon as well

toggletoggle post by DaveFromTheGrave  at May 18,2005 3:07am
I wanna see patti smith

toggletoggle post by succubus  at May 18,2005 6:01am
RustedAngel said:
doesn't this place make millions just from fucking t-shirts?

not at all, have you ever been there?

toggletoggle post by succubus  at May 18,2005 6:01am
angrybanshee said:
a club that charges $5.50 for shitty beer is evil,i hope they close down

there are a million places that charge that much

i can't believe you people, the place is a fuckin legend

toggletoggle post by SuperFly at May 18,2005 9:51am
R.I.P. TO CB'S. many good memories from that club, any many things I dont remember as well. Its really a fucking shame, that place is a legendary landmark.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at May 18,2005 9:52am
if you think 5.50 for a beer is expensive, you've never been drinking in nyc.

toggletoggle post by RustedAngel at May 18,2005 10:03am
succubus said:
RustedAngel said:
doesn't this place make millions just from fucking t-shirts?

not at all, have you ever been there?

no, but the owner sounds fucking dumb and should be a millionare just from liscensing cbgb's t-shirts.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at May 18,2005 10:14am
May 18, 2005 - SuperFly]
R.I.P. TO CB'S. many good memories from that club, any many things I dont remember as well. Its really a fucking shame, that place is a legendary landmark.
^^^^well put
[May 18, 2005 - the_reverend]
if you think 5.50 for a beer is expensive, you've never been drinking in nyc.
^^^my point places in other cities are expensive too

toggletoggle post by SuperFly at May 18,2005 10:26am
anyone who bashes cb's obviously has never been there. probably my favorite club I have ever played or been to.

toggletoggle post by Josh_Martin at May 18,2005 10:36am
SuperFly said:
anyone who bashes cb's obviously has never been there. probably my favorite club I have ever played or been to.

Its the last place left where you can do whatever you want and not get hassled.
Awesome sound and they had reentry so you could go get your own beer if the bar was too expensive for you.
I liked how the backstage was open to the public. The parties back there were amazing.
I used to live 5 blocks from there. Went to tons of shows there and played there 6 years in a row with AC.
I hope they can keep it open.

toggletoggle post by SuperFly at May 18,2005 11:08am
there is no club in boston that even compares to cb's.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at May 18,2005 1:19pm
I hope the bands they want to come in and "save" the place will actually play. I would murder to see beastie boys at cb's.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 28,2005 6:42am
Anal Cunt!! Yeah!

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Jun 29,2005 12:32pm
someone from new york here and it's not a MIGHT it IS shutting down.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Jun 29,2005 12:57pm

toggletoggle post by BobNOMAAMRooney nli at Jun 29,2005 3:10pm
I hope it closes down and then the Hard Rock Cafe swoops in, buys it, and books a constant stream of Warped Tour bands and Avril Lavigne CAUSE THAT'S FUCKIN PUNK RAWK!

toggletoggle post by heffer at Feb 13,2006 8:04pm
u guys are all gay the ramones started that place and some of you fags want it to shut down and guess what hard rock cafe is for posers like you

toggletoggle post by MIKEGORE at Feb 13,2006 10:34pm
heffer said:
u guys are all gay the ramones started that place and some of you fags want it to shut down and guess what hard rock cafe is for posers like you

oh yeah well you suck dicks and fuck dudes and sick dudes dicks and youre not supposed to fuck dudes ok

toggletoggle post by BobNOMAAMRooney nli at Feb 13,2006 11:57pm
heffer said:
u guys are all gay the ramones started that place and some of you fags want it to shut down and guess what hard rock cafe is for posers like you

I take it you don't understand jokes, which means you don't understand YOURSELF!


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