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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2019-06-24MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-06-24
3. 2019-06-24MayhemFall of SerephsWolf's Lair AbyssMisanthropy Records
4. 2019-06-24NominonFrozen mist over nordur
5. 2019-06-24Praise the FlameBefore The Creation of Time (Unleashed cover)Profane Cult 12" MLPBlood Harvest
6. 2019-06-24ÆvangelistThe Longevity of Second DeathDe Masticatione Mortuorum in Tumulis DLPMortuorum
7. 2019-06-24
8. 2019-06-24CREMATORY STENCH (us)Hypothermic ExpiryGrotesque DeformitiesBlood Harvest Records
9. 2019-06-24Od'SaheIn the Embrace ov the EmptynessPhilosophy ov Self-destructionBlack Plague Records - via Metalhit
10. 2019-06-24DeviateSpread a ThreatDarkened WorldAntler-Subway
11. 2019-06-24ProtectorHumanized LeviathanLeviathan's DesireApt 3 Productions
12. 2019-06-24
13. 2019-06-24Henosis (Chile)02 The Red KeyApotheosis Pulsio CLVI double-7" EPBlood Harvest Records
14. 2019-06-24Satanic Ripper07 The Call of the MoonSouthern Black SpellsBlood Harvest Records
15. 2019-06-24NecrovenDescent Into The Cryptic ChasmDescent Into The Cryptic Chasm 7" EPBlood Harvest
16. 2019-06-24MIDNIGHTHot GravesComplete and Total Hell (CD, LP, Tape)Hells Headbangers Records
17. 2019-06-24
18. 2019-06-24AbarothStrike the VoidEmissary of the VoidSelf-Released
19. 2019-06-24Pretty Little FlowerIndustry Of Convalescent DeathJackhammering Deathblow Of Nightmarish Trepidation
20. 2019-06-24
21. 2019-06-24OakGates Are OpenChainsaw Safety CompChainsawsafety Records
22. 2019-06-24AutopsyRobbing the GraveMental Funeral
23. 2019-06-24BloodgoodIt's AlrightOut Of The Darkness
24. 2019-06-24
25. 2019-06-24Diablerie (Finland)03 Rabid (Dogs of Church and State)The Catalyst vol. 1Primitive Reaction
26. 2019-06-24Bewitched10 - Sacrifice to SatanPentagram Prayer
27. 2019-06-24MurgunstrumScream of HelplessnessSalvation
28. 2019-06-24
29. 2019-06-24PleuriticHuman Suffering
30. 2019-06-24Primogenorum04 The Gaping GravesDamned Hearts in the Abyss of MadnessForever Plagued Records
31. 2019-06-24Am I BloodSegregated HolocaustAgitation
32. 2019-06-24CraniumBestial ButcherSpeed Metal SatanNecropolis
33. 2019-06-24
34. 2019-06-24Tengger CavalryWolf BloodBlood Sacrifice Shaman
35. 2019-06-24EncoffinationEucharist of Bone and FlameRitual Ascension Beyond Flesh
36. 2019-06-24IncarnaNietzsche 1883Spires Deceased [EP]Casket Records
37. 2019-06-24Social Genocidestupid patriotismcripple bastards / social genocide split ep
38. 2019-06-24
39. 2019-06-24RIVER BLACK03 LowRiver BlackSeason of Mist
40. 2019-06-24Discordance AxisA Leaden Stride to NowhereThe Inalienable DreamlessHydra Head Records
41. 2019-06-24Most Precious BloodYour Picture Hung ItselfOur Lady of AnnihilationRoadrunner Records
42. 2019-06-24XibalbaStone HeartIncendiary/Xibalba split
43. 2019-06-24Jesus PieceLost ControlS/T EP
44. 2019-06-24
45. 2019-06-24PortalWrithenSwarth
46. 2019-06-24UlcerateDead OceansThe Destroyers of All
47. 2019-06-24
48. 2019-06-24AntediluvianForce Suns of AdversaryInitiated in Impiety as Mysteries
49. 2019-06-24Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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