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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2005-06-06ministrystigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2005-06-06nilesacrifice unto sebek
3. 2005-06-06Estuarydraining the debtor
4. 2005-06-06WormedVoxel MitosisPlanisphaeriummacabre_mentos
5. 2005-06-06carnalJudgement Day With Satan
6. 2005-06-06the Nightmare Continues37
7. 2005-06-06cursedhead of the baptist
8. 2005-06-06Throwing Shrapnellive in the studios
9. 2005-06-06norma jeanpretendeavor: In reference to a sinking ship
10. 2005-06-06the ChariotGoodnight my Lady and a Forever FarewellEverything is Alive, Everything is Breathing, Nothing is Dead, Nothing is Bleedingsolid_state
11. 2005-06-06gemisuaditake me to the moon
12. 2005-06-06Cephalic Carnagescientific remote viewing
13. 2005-06-06darkest hourconvalescence
14. 2005-06-06sabbatsatan bless you
15. 2005-06-06abortedthe gangrenous epitaph
16. 2005-06-06Bound And Gaggedblistered
17. 2005-06-06decryptgrind ad
18. 2005-06-06human bone bicycle science industrieslive in the studios
19. 2005-06-06Among the Decayed
20. 2005-06-06Animals Killing PeopleHuman Hunting Season
21. 2005-06-06spawn of possessiondirty priest
22. 2005-06-06Bird FleshI love myself and I want to die
23. 2005-06-06Corpsefucking Arti cum glue
24. 2005-06-06A Life Once Lostrehashed
25. 2005-06-06the longforgottensong for the people of belgiun (circe 1914)
26. 2005-06-06Dreaded Silencejet black, blood red
27. 2005-06-06abhorredthe bile of all humanity
28. 2005-06-06mastodonnaked burn
29. 2005-06-06Sin of Angelsdo angels scream as they burn
30. 2005-06-06All Shall Perishour own grave
31. 2005-06-06morsgattmango mosh
32. 2005-06-06prophecyfeasting on the flesh
33. 2005-06-06malefactorrecluse
34. 2005-06-06Abominantblood on the altar of man
35. 2005-06-06Hell Withina world to murder
36. 2005-06-06sacreligionepitaph
37. 2005-06-06thorne fictionlaparotomy
38. 2005-06-06deceivergod of dead
39. 2005-06-06meshuggahdisenchantment
40. 2005-06-06impaledpreservation of death
41. 2005-06-06arkonaprzyszky zdrajczchrzescijanskieg mazy
42. 2005-06-06the Red Deaththe final sphere
43. 2005-06-06epoch of unlightthe end of all
44. 2005-06-06since the floodvalor and vengeance
45. 2005-06-06Bloodline Calligraphyshall we dance
46. 2005-06-06Nehemiahthe kings collapse
47. 2005-06-06As I Lay Dyingmeaning in tragedy
48. 2005-06-06drippingdecoposed fixation
49. 2005-06-06suturedeconstructing anatomy
50. 2005-06-06EmethMitigation Enmity
51. 2005-06-06butcher ABC#35
52. 2005-06-06Incrustnecronum desecrationBaptized in Unholy Goreibexmoon
53. 2005-06-06mercury switchvalley of vengeance
54. 2005-06-06the auburn systemnew old one
55. 2005-06-06blood obsessionI deny christ
56. 2005-06-06Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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