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returntothepit >> discuss >> Scalpel posts new track by the_reverend on Apr 12,2010 9:06pm
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toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 12,2010 9:06pm
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toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Apr 12,2010 10:33pm
This is not news

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Apr 12,2010 10:35pm
it's news. they only have 9 plays.

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Apr 12,2010 10:36pm
Haha I'm just being a dick, will give it a listen later

toggletoggle post by Alexecutioner at Apr 12,2010 10:42pm
Although unless this is newly posted, pretty sure this track has been up for a few weeks

toggletoggle post by Death_Metal_Jim at Apr 12,2010 11:12pm
Scalpel sounds sik enuff. Ive been meanin ta crash one of thier practices. I think they practice where i live. Attleboro. Just gutta find out where. Im sure a twelve pack'll get me in.

toggletoggle post by i_am_not_me   at Apr 12,2010 11:57pm
Good stuffs.

toggletoggle post by blackmetalbasterd at Jun 27,2010 12:48pm
I just saw them last night, they replaced there singer. No where near as good as the old dude.

toggletoggle post by TaylorScalpel at Jul 9,2010 12:10am
Damn dude, I'm sorry you feel that way. Lineup changes are tough, especially when you have so little time to break in a new member. Hopefully the next time you come out to a show, we can change your mind. Thanks for coming out and supporting anyway, cheers

toggletoggle post by MannyScalpel at Jul 9,2010 12:08pm
blackmetalbasterd said[orig][quote]
I just saw them last night, they replaced there singer. No where near as good as the old dude.

hey fuck you man, our new vocalist is the shit, he does better vocals than you, he looks coolar than you, and is just all around a better death metal enthusiast than you

toggletoggle post by aaron_michael  at Jul 9,2010 12:39pm
ITT: TaylorScalpel is a better sport than MannyScalpel.

toggletoggle post by ANGRY AND READY 2 FIGHT! at Jul 9,2010 12:41pm
He wasn't shitting on your band you idiot, he was merely saying he liked your old singer better...

The fact that Taylor came on here and was very cool and level headed was a good move for somebody in a band to make, you on the other hand just look foolish.

toggletoggle post by arktouros at Jul 9,2010 12:42pm

toggletoggle post by TaylorScalpel at Jul 9,2010 3:00pm
Hey everybody, Manny is the other guitarist in Scalpel and actually didn't post that... I'm not sure that he even knows these discussion things exist. So someone is being really cool apparently.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 9,2010 3:14pm

toggletoggle post by MannyScapel at Jul 9,2010 3:20pm
Hey everybody, Taylor is the other guitarist in Scalpel and actually didn't post that... I'm not sure that he even knows these discussion things exist. So someone is being really cool apparently.

toggletoggle post by MannyScalpel at Jul 9,2010 3:36pm
Taylor, dont speak for me, you are lucky i still let you play for Scalpel. remember, i am a better guitar player than you, i write coolar riffs than you, and can overall make women's panties wetter than you from the sound of my amps and heads, which are indeed better than you

toggletoggle post by aaron_michael  at Jul 9,2010 3:40pm
oh shat. who is the troll? who is the OG?

toggletoggle post by Renaldo at Jul 9,2010 3:45pm
Good thing us logger-inners don't have to worry about this shit.

toggletoggle post by THE REAL MannyScapel at Jul 9,2010 4:28pm

toggletoggle post by Manny E. the actual guitar player in Scalpel at Jul 9,2010 4:45pm
Ok, Taylor told me to get on here and clear this up so here goes. Who ever this MannyScalpel person is definitely isn't me. To those of you who were felt negatively about our new singer, give him time. His vocals are real good, hes just trying to find his place. Hes a beast I promise you all this. To this fake Manny scalpel person who is being shitty to people who obviously came to see a scalpel show (fuck yes! and thank you for coming), you can eat a dick. I've said my piece, come see us again this Monday at Church in Boston or at least at our tour kickoff show in Revere at Sammy's patio with Mythology, Acaro, Dysentery, Hivesmasher, and Smite the Righteous. I also invite mannyscalpel to show up and say hello. hopefully see you all there.


toggletoggle post by Manny E's older disfigured brother that's been l... longname douche says what ... at Jul 9,2010 5:11pm

I just want to be loved like you love my brother.

toggletoggle post by Manny E. the actual guitar player in Scalpel at Jul 9,2010 5:20pm
hey man, that wasnt me being a bitch about that stuff. Sorry its someone being awesome and dicking w. me. Im not that unprofessional hahah and i knew he wasnt shitting on us.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2010 5:22pm

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 9,2010 5:28pm
this thread has become rather schizophrenic

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2010 5:32pm
only because of your man-e-faces.

toggletoggle post by FuckIsMySignature at Jul 9,2010 5:41pm
lol you of all peopel should know its not me trolling ..check the ip

toggletoggle post by Manny E. the actual guitar player in Scalpel at Jul 9,2010 6:09pm
i just wanted to add that MannyScalpel is a bitch, we shit riffs out our ass then wipe them with more riffs. remember, our band is way more brutal than yours, we have more girls at our shows than you, we head bang harder than you, and are just all around better pre-teen musicians than you are

toggletoggle post by Sammy the real guitarist for RAZORBLADE at Jul 9,2010 6:13pm
Scalpel is a bunch of pussies.


toggletoggle post by TaylorScalpel at Jul 9,2010 7:05pm
I agree with the razorblade guy.

toggletoggle post by blue  at Jul 9,2010 7:21pm
ATTN: Scalpel members - register and post to avoid further confusion/trolling lulz

toggletoggle post by Tammy the only member of Surgical Laser at Jul 9,2010 8:03pm



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