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post by CNV at Dec 14,2005 1:51am
mOe said: "you asked for an opinion and you got it, if you dont want an opinion then dont ask for one...or just specify that you only want opinions that are healthy for your ego"
Your opinion does not mean jack shit being that you have nothing to do with the bm underground
Mind your own busines
notcommonrecords: i will feed you strawberry flavored lollipops dipped in your favorite ice cream
notcommonrecords: that's the kind of guy i am
What the_taste_of_cigarettes does
For every minute that was lying there in the ground,
stinking like the scent of rotting skin,
and walking like those in the hereafter...
For every one of these, I think I can still remember what happens next.
the_taste_of_cigarettes's Current Playlist (pop out)
that's an impressive string of dates you got goin there...any luck finding places for the ones you weren't sure of yet?
also, did you book all those yourself or did you have outside assistance?
anyhow, good luck to you gonna try and swing by the birthday party(i might be high when i get there though, as to avoid drug usage at said place)