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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1388 playlist up with 57568 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2024-05-27HumiliationNo ReturnTurbulence From the Deep
2. 2024-04-29DååthUnwelcome ReturnThe DeceiversMetal Blade Records
3. 2023-09-18ImmortalReturn To ColdWar Against AllNuclear Blast Records
4. 2023-07-03NoctuaryBlack Angels ReturnWhere All Agony Prevails
5. 2023-04-17WatainThe Return Of Darkness And EvilTonight We Raise Our Cups And Toast In Angels Blood - A Tribute To Bathory
6. 2023-02-13Chalice Of DoomTo Dust I Shall ReturnImmemorial Nightfall
7. 2022-10-31SkelethalDeath ReturnsDeathmanicvs Revelation MLPIron Bonehead Productions
8. 2022-06-20Wet NurseMissing Lion ReturnsInvisible City
9. 2022-05-23Drawn and QuarteredReturn of the Black DeathReturn of the Black Death
10. 2022-04-11ArsisReturnA Celebration of GuiltEarache
11. 2022-04-04AbazagorathReturn to JahiliaThe Satanic VersesEternal Death
12. 2022-01-31the GrotesqueryReturn to the House of GrotesqueCurse of the Skinless Bride
13. 2022-01-31Mekong DeltaShivas ReturnMekong Delta
14. 2021-09-20SummoningThe Mountain Rings ReturnLet mortal heroes sing Your Fa
15. 2021-03-29Phantom Fire01 Return of the GoatReturn of the GoatEdged Circle Productions
16. 2020-10-26WITCHTRAP (Colombia)04 Return to HellEvil Strikes Again (CD, LP. TAPE)Hells Headbangers Records
17. 2020-10-05Ablaze My SorrowThe Return of the Mighty RavenThe PlagueGestrichen
18. 2020-02-10Angel Corpse03.When Abyss Winds returnHammer of Gods (re-release)
19. 2019-10-28Running WildReturn Of The DragonThe Rivalry
20. 2019-06-03CaedisPoint of no ReturnRise Of The CrocotaurXtreem Music
21. 2019-04-22OriginCascading Failures, Diminishing ReturnsUnparalleled UniverseNuclear Blast Records
22. 2019-03-04AIHOS03. Eilinen Palaa (Yesterday's Return)Hävityksen Maa (The Land of Destruction)Helter Skelter Productions
23. 2019-02-04DeteriorotUnholy ReturnIn Ancient BeliefsWorld War III Music
24. 2018-11-12Satan DecapitatedThe Return of CHRISTApocalyptic Chaos (2017)
25. 2018-10-29GravelandBarbarism ReturnsCarpathian Wolves
26. 2018-07-30Manilla RoadReturn of the Old OnesOut of the AbyssShadow Kingdom Records
27. 2018-05-21Sadistic IntentReturn to the EveIn Memory of Celtic FrostDwell Ministries
28. 2018-05-07Soul EaterThe Return Of The SquadIn the Land of the Blind
29. 2018-03-26RAMReturn of the Iron TyrantSvbversvmMetal Blade Records
30. 2018-03-19Satan's HostWitches Return - 2011 version. Original appeare...CELEBRATIONMoribund Records
31. 2018-01-29WatainThe Return Of Darkness And EvilTonight We Raise Our Cups And Toast In Angels Blood - A Tribute To Bathory
32. 2017-12-25ManowarReturn Of The WarlordLouder Than Hellmetalblade
33. 2017-07-24VENOMOUS MAXIMUS04 Return of the WitchNo Warning (CD, LP, TAPE)Shadow Kingdom
34. 2017-07-10OriginCascading Failures, Diminishing ReturnsUnparalleled UniverseNuclear Blast Records
35. 2017-06-26SuffocationReturn To The Abyss...Of The Dark LightNuclear Blast Records
36. 2017-06-05DeityFrom Which We Came, We Now ReturnSelf-TitledDeity
37. 2017-05-29OmnizideThe Return of the Loving DeadNekroRegimeDaemon Worship Productions
38. 2017-04-03Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenaryMetal Blade Records
39. 2016-09-19ScissorfightCurse of the Returned AstronautBalls DeepWonderdrug Records
40. 2016-06-06CHURCHBURNReturn To The Eve (Bonus Track)The Awaiting CoffinsArmageddon Label
41. 2016-05-23DemonicalReturn in FleshDeath InfernalMetal Blade
42. 2016-03-14CaedisPoint of no ReturnRise Of The CrocotaurXtreem Music
43. 2016-01-25ScypozoaThe Return of the HoveySigns from the erratic Past
44. 2015-10-19Cirith UngolReturn To LankhmarCirith Ungol (Demo)
45. 2015-10-19Ablaze My SorrowThe Return Of The Mighty RavenThe Plagueno_fashion
46. 2015-04-06MinskOnward Procession IV. Return, The HeirThe Crash And The Drawrelapse
47. 2014-12-29Circle of Dead ChildrenReturn To WaterStarving The Vultures
48. 2014-09-22AbazagorathReturn To JahiliaThe Satanic Verseseternal_death
49. 2014-06-30Siamese CancerDeath Return (From the Funeral Fog)Promo 2009
50. 2014-03-03SargeistReturn Of The RatsFeeding The Crawling ShadowsW.T.C Productions
51. 2013-03-25NigromantiaPoint Of No ReturnInherited BurdenNoiseheadrecords
52. 2012-12-24HellbringerNecromancer's ReturnDominion Of Darkness
53. 2012-04-09Flesh CrawlInto The Depths Of No ReturnMade Of Fleshmetalblade
54. 2012-01-02NoctuaryBlack Angels ReturnWhere All Agony Prevailslargactyl
55. 2011-12-26Negligent Collateral CollapseOn The Return Trip HomeCzech Assault -Various Artistsrelapse
56. 2011-12-19Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenarymetalblade
57. 2011-10-17VerseStory of a Free Man - Chapter Two; The Cold ReturnAggressionbridge9
58. 2011-08-08Sadistic IntentReturn To The EveVarious Artists - In Memory Of Celtic Frostdwell
59. 2010-11-15Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenarymetalblade
60. 2010-02-08Negligent Collateral CollapseOn The Return Trip HomeReprocess Segment Database Extenderobscene
61. 2007-12-24Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenarymetalblade
62. 2007-04-30Bolt ThrowerReturn From Chaos
63. 2007-02-26Cold Workerreturn to ashes
64. 2007-02-12the Taste of Silverreturn to stone
65. 2006-03-27mork gryningreturn fire
66. 2005-09-05Dew Scentednever to return
67. 2005-07-11Dew Scentednever to return
68. 2004-04-12fleshcrawlinto the depths of no return
69. 2004-01-12kalopsiareturn of the dead
70. 2002-01-08the chasmReturn of the Banished
71. 2001-12-25DeteriorotUnholy Return
72. 2001-12-11Carpathian ForestReturn of the Freezing Winds
73. 2001-05-15Murder SuicideReturn of the Rotten
74. 2000-07-17The ChasmReturn of the Banished
75. 2000-07-17The ChasmReturn of the Banished
76. 2000-07-03The ChasmReturn of the Banished
77. 2000-06-05NoctuaryBlack Angels Return
78. 1999-05-31Celtic FrostReturn to the Eve
79. 1997-06-23HypocrisyPoint of No Return
80. 1996-09-30ManowarReturn of the Warlord
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