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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-12-30Nodes of RanvierSergeant SorrowDefined by StruggleVictory Records
2. 2024-08-12All Out WarTwo-Thousand YearsCondemned to SufferVictory Records
3. 2024-07-22Darkest HourDeath WorshipThe Eternal ReturnVictory Records
4. 2024-04-01Jungle RotThe Dread PestilenceOrder Shall PrevailVictory Records
5. 2023-11-20Darkest HourWith a Thousand Words to Say But OneUndoing RuinVictory Records
6. 2023-05-15Jungle RotParalyzed PreyOrder Shall PrevailVictory Records
7. 2023-02-06StrifeTo the SurfaceOne TruthVictory Records
8. 2022-12-26Nights Like TheseElectric WindsSunlight at SecondhandVictory Records
9. 2022-08-22All Out WarBeyond RedemptionAssassins in the House of GodVictory Records
10. 2022-05-09Dead to FallSmoke & MirrorsThe Phoenix ThroneVictory Records
11. 2022-01-03All Out WarAssassins in the House of GodAssassins in the House of GodVictory Records
12. 2021-08-09Nights Like TheseGhost Town RitualsThe FaithlessVictory Records
13. 2021-06-28Reach the SkyMaybe Next YearSo Far from HomeVictory Records
14. 2021-06-14Dead to FallEternal Gates of HellEverything I Touch Falls to PiecesVictory Records
15. 2021-05-03Dead to FallWomb PortalsThe Phoenix ThroneVictory Records
16. 2021-01-18IntegritySeason Decided FateSeasons in the Size of DaysVictory Records
17. 2020-07-20Comeback KidWake the DeadWake the DeadVictory Records
18. 2020-01-13WarzoneMurder in the First DegreeFight for JusticeVictory Records
19. 2019-11-25Between the Buried and MeSelkiesAlaskaVictory Records
20. 2019-11-18All Out WarCondemned to SufferCondemned to SufferVictory Records
21. 2019-10-28Cast Iron HikeReach for the FloorWatch It BurnVictory Records
22. 2019-07-15Nights Like TheseScavenger's DaughterThe FaithlessVictory Records
23. 2019-07-08Blood for BloodEvil in the BrainRevenge on SocietyVictory Records
24. 2019-06-10HatebreedBefore DishonorSatisfaction Is the Death of DesireVictory Records
25. 2019-05-20All Out WarVengeance for the AngelsCondemned to SufferVictory Records
26. 2019-05-06No Innocent VictimNever Face DefeatFlesh & BloodVictory Records
27. 2019-03-25Darkest HourNo Closer Than a StrangerSo Sedated, So SecureVictory Records
28. 2019-01-21SnapcaseCognitionStepsVictory Records
29. 2018-09-24Blood for BloodWasted Youth Crew (My Kind Belong Nowhere)Revenge on SocietyVictory Records
30. 2018-09-10All Out WarSoaked in TormentFor Those Who Were CrucifiedVictory Records
31. 2018-09-03BloodletStew for the Murder MindedSeraphim FallVictory Records
32. 2018-07-02WretchedMephistos WillThe Exodus of AutonomyVictory Records
33. 2018-03-19WarzoneNothing to LoseFight for JusticeVictory Records
34. 2018-02-26Bury Your DeadTop GunCover Your TracksVictory Records
35. 2018-02-26Blood for BloodAce of SpadesBuilt for SpeedVictory Records
36. 2018-02-12RingwormGod Eat GodJustice Replaced by RevengeVictory Records
37. 2018-02-12Autumn Offering, TheFixed Like MedicationRequiemVictory Records
38. 2018-02-05Darkest HourThe Sadist NationHidden Hands of a Sadist NationVictory Records
39. 2018-01-22Buried AliveWorthlessThe Death of Your Perfect WorldVictory Records
40. 2017-09-04RingwormSeeing Through These EyesJustice Replaced by RevengeVictory Records
41. 2017-08-21WarzoneKicked in the HeadFight for JusticeVictory Records
42. 2017-07-10HatebreedPrepare for WarSatisfaction Is the Death of DesireVictory Records
43. 2017-07-10All Out WarVengeance for the AngelsCondemned to SufferVictory Records
44. 2017-07-03Darkest HourThe Patriot VirusHidden Hands of a Sadist NationVictory Records
45. 2017-05-29IntegritySeven Sermones Ad MortuosSeasons in the Size of DaysVictory Records
46. 2017-05-01Dead to FallCost of a Good ImpressionEverything I Touch Falls to PiecesVictory Records
47. 2017-04-10IntegritySeason Decided FateSeasons in the Size of DaysVictory Records
48. 2017-01-16SnapcaseZombie PrescriptionProgression Through UnlearningVictory Records
49. 2017-01-09StrifeWill to DieIn This DefianceVictory Records
50. 2016-10-03IntegrityRelease the FiendSeasons in the Size of DaysVictory Records
51. 2016-07-04Cast Iron HikeWatch It BurnWatch It BurnVictory Records
52. 2016-07-04IntegrityRiseSeasons in the Size of DaysVictory Records
53. 2016-06-20God ForbidOvercomeEquilibriumVictory Records
54. 2016-06-13Darkest HourThe Sadist NationHidden Hands of a Sadist NationVictory Records
55. 2016-05-09PathologySaturn BrotherhoodLegacy of the AncientsVictory Records
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