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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2025-01-06Putred05 NecromanțieMegalit al PutrefacțieiMemento Mori
2. 2024-07-22Krypticy03 Texas Chainsaw MassacreThe Non-ReturnMemento Mori
3. 2024-07-15Intolerance (Spain)02 Fade Into OblivionWaking Nightmares of an Endless VoidMemento Mori
4. 2024-04-15Devotion (Spain)03 In Ungraven TombsAstral CatacombsMemento Mori
5. 2024-04-15Coffin Curse02 Bacchanal of the MortalThe Continuous NothingMemento Mori
6. 2024-01-08Dipygus04 Vipers at the Pony KegDipygusMemento Mori
7. 2023-11-27Conjureth02 Possession PsychosisMajestic DissolveMemento Mori
8. 2023-09-18Conjureth04 A Terror SacrificeMajestic DissolveMemento Mori
9. 2023-06-05Coffin Mulch06 Gateway to the UnseenSpectral IntercessionMemento Mori
10. 2023-05-01Ravenous Death05 Gore Vault DismembermentVisions From the NetherworldMemento Mori
11. 2023-04-10Pustilence09 Demiurge DivertissementBeliefs of Dead Stargazers and SoothsayersMemento Mori
12. 2023-04-10Valgrind (Italy)06 LAMENT OF THE BLACK PENITENTS (GLORY IS THE SUN OF THE DEAD)Millennium of Night BlissMemento Mori
13. 2023-01-30Conjureth06 A Blood RomanceThe Parasitic ChambersMemento Mori
14. 2023-01-02Ravenous Death02 Caverns of Freezing TortureVisions From the NetherworldMemento Mori
15. 2023-01-02Ekpyrosis06 Morticians Of GodAsphyxiating DevotionMemento Mori
16. 2022-12-26Conjureth04 Cremated DominionThe Parasitic ChambersMemento Mori
17. 2022-12-26Rigor Sardonicous02 Sanguinem Floralibus LunaPraeparet BellumMemento Mori
18. 2022-12-26Altered Dead06 Thrawing in AgonyReturned to LifeMemento Mori
19. 2022-10-17Fall of Seraphs (France)06 From Dust to CreationFrom Dust to CreationMemento Mori
20. 2022-04-11Inanna03 Far Away in Other SpheresVoid of Unending DepthsMemento Mori
21. 2022-04-11Intolerance (Spain)03 Beyond the Axis of TruthDark Paths of HumanityMemento Mori
22. 2021-12-27Ravenous Death06 Hydra DungeonVisions From the NetherworldMemento Mori
23. 2021-12-27Ectoplasma02 Appalling AbominationInferna KabbalahMemento Mori
24. 2021-10-04Conjureth06 Black Fire ConfessionsMajestic DissolveMemento Mori
25. 2021-03-08Vile ApparitionThe Cursed PathDepravity OrdainedMemento Mori
26. 2021-02-08Pile of Excrements02 Miasma Cuming Embalming FluidsEscatologyMemento Mori
27. 2021-01-04Altered Dead04 Prosodemic RealmsReturned to LifeMemento Mori
28. 2021-01-04Devotion (Spain)02 God ForlornThe HarrowingMemento Mori
29. 2020-12-21Coffin Curse06 ExtinctCeased to BeMemento Mori
30. 2020-10-26Wombripper05 Wicked BreedMacabre MelodiesMemento Mori
31. 2020-10-05Disrupted (Sweden)03 Born In A CorpsePure DeathMemento Mori
32. 2020-09-28Wombripper03 Obscurity DepthsMacabre MelodiesMemento Mori
33. 2020-07-20Cardiac Arrest (U.S.)04 Plague Ridden DestinyThe Day That Death PrevailedMemento Mori
34. 2020-07-20Soulrot (Chile)04 I, MasterVictims of Spiritual WarfareMemento Mori
35. 2020-07-20Valgrind (Italy)03 Entangled in a World BelowCondemnationMemento Mori
36. 2020-06-01Coffin Curse02 Where Sickness ThrivesCeased to BeMemento Mori
37. 2020-05-04Pyre (Russia)Across the Shores of Emerald FractalsChained to OssuariesMemento Mori
38. 2020-04-27Kurnugia (U.S.)03 Crown of SufferForlorn and ForsakenMemento Mori
39. 2020-04-20Funeralopolis02 Crawling Caskets...of Deceit and Utter MadnessMemento Mori
40. 2020-01-20Ekpyrosis04 Immolate The DeniedAsphyxiating DevotionMemento Mori
41. 2020-01-13Coffin Curse04 Descend into AbhorrenceCeased to BeMemento Mori
42. 2020-01-13Proscrito02 Tronos de OprobioLlagas y EstigmasMemento Mori
43. 2019-10-07Ectoplasma05 Ghostly Emanations In The MortuarWhite-Eyed TranceMemento Mori
44. 2019-10-07Vultur03 High on AdrenochromeDrowned in Gangrenous BloodMemento Mori
45. 2019-09-09Carcinoid04 The DrowningMetastatic DeclinationMemento Mori
46. 2019-04-08RUINThe Embrace of DemonsHuman AnnihilationMemento Mori
47. 2019-03-25Filtheater05 Swallowed at DuskBlight of Sempiternal PutrefactionMemento Mori
48. 2019-01-14HorrisonousPerpetual MincingA Culinary CacophonyMemento Mori
49. 2019-01-07Ravenous DeathEvil Dementia (The Voices of the Nobodies)Chapters of an Evil TransitionMemento Mori
50. 2019-01-07Vile ApparitionDissect to EnucleateDepravity OrdainedMemento Mori
51. 2018-11-26Soulrot (Chile)03 From My GraveNameless Hideous ManifestationsMemento Mori
52. 2018-10-22BARÚSEngorgeDrownedMemento Mori
53. 2018-10-22RUINDeath Meditation TranceHuman AnnihilationMemento Mori
54. 2018-10-08Morbid MessiahGraveyard HeadhunterDemoniac ParoxysmMemento Mori
55. 2018-08-06Soulrot10 Transfigured Through the VoidNameless Hideous ManifestationsMemento Mori
56. 2018-06-25AtavismaMonolithsThe Chthonic RitualsMemento Mori
57. 2018-04-02Shrine of the Serpent02 Hailing the EnshrinedEntropic DisillusionMemento Mori
58. 2018-03-26Cardiac Arrest (U.S.)04 When the Teeth Sink InA Parallel Dimension of DespairMemento Mori
59. 2017-08-28Soulrot (Chile)05 Infertile Anti-WombNameless Hideous ManifestationsMemento Mori
60. 2017-02-27Ruin (US)04 The Thirst for AnnihilationDrown in BloodMemento Mori
61. 2017-01-16Ekpyrosis03 God GrotesqueAsphyxiating DevotionMemento Mori
62. 2016-12-05Infamovs05 God of PestilenceUnder the Seals of DeathMemento Mori
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