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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2025-01-27Old Man's ChildIn Black Endless VoidRevelation 666Century Media
2. 2025-01-06NevermoreI, VoyagerEnemies Of RealityCentury Media Records
3. 2024-12-09Jeff LoomisTragedy and HarmonyPlains of OblivionCentury Media Records
4. 2024-11-25CryptopsySlit Your GutsThe Best Of Us BleedCentury Media Records
5. 2024-11-11Orphaned Land- The Path Part 1 8211 Treading Through DarknessThe Never Ending Way Of ORwarriorCentury Media Records
6. 2024-11-11The HauntedAll Ends WellUnseenCentury Media Records
7. 2024-10-07UnearthInternal WarEndlessCentury Media
8. 2024-09-30Lorna ShoreSun//EaterPain RemainsCentury Media
9. 2024-09-23Suicide SilenceBludgeoned to DeathThe Cleansing, Disc 1Century Media
10. 2024-09-16AmenraDe EvenmensDe DoornCentury Media Records
11. 2024-07-22EyehategodKill Your BossTake as Needed for PainCentury Media Records
12. 2024-07-08EnforsakenA Break from TraditionThe Forever EndeavorCentury Media Records
13. 2024-07-08Demolition HammerPyroclastic AnnihilationEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
14. 2024-07-01MiasmalExcelsiorCursed RedeemerCentury Media Records
15. 2024-06-10KrisiunSerpents SpectresAgeless VenomousCentury Media
16. 2024-06-03GraveBreederFiendish RegressionCentury Media Records
17. 2024-06-03WATAIN2. Sacred DamnationTrident Wolf EclipseCentury Media Records
18. 2024-05-27ForbiddenForbidden EvilRaw Evil Live At The Dynamo (Ep)Century Media
19. 2024-05-20CryptopsyWhite WormsWhisper SupremacyCentury Media Records
20. 2024-04-22Shadows FallMark of the SquealerFallout from the WarCentury Media
21. 2024-04-22AbortedVermicular, Obscene, ObeseGlobal FlatlineCentury Media Records
22. 2024-03-04BloodbathThe SoulcollectorResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
23. 2024-03-04TesseracTThe Impossible - Concealing FateOneCentury Media Records
24. 2024-02-19Savage MessiahZero HourThe Fateful DarkCentury Media Records
25. 2024-02-05ImpaledGutlessDeath After LifeCentury Media Records
26. 2024-01-29EyehategodRuptured Heart TheorySouthern DiscomfortCentury Media Records
27. 2024-01-22Fear My ThoughtsCulture of FearVulcanusCentury Media Records
28. 2024-01-22Demolition HammerPyroclastic AnnihilationEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
29. 2024-01-08NaglfarRevelations Carved in FleshPariahCentury Media
30. 2024-01-013 Inches Of BloodDie For GoldLong Live Heavy MetalCentury Media Records
31. 2023-12-04TriptykonA Thousand LiesA Thousand LiesCentury Media Records
32. 2023-11-27MorgothBurnt IdentityEternal Fall - Resurrection AbsurdCentury Media
33. 2023-10-30ExtolAnother Adam's EscapeBlueprintCentury Media Records
34. 2023-10-23CryptopsyPhobophileNone So VileCentury Media Records
35. 2023-10-09EyehategodInferior and Full of AnxietyConfederacy of Ruined LivesCentury Media Records
36. 2023-10-02Old Man's ChildBlack Seeds on Virgin SoilIn Defiance of ExistenceCentury Media
37. 2023-09-25Vital RemainsUnleashed HellDechristianizeCentury Media
38. 2023-09-18Despised IconHarvesting the DeceasedThe Healing ProcessCentury Media Records
39. 2023-09-04Dark TranquillityDream OblivionWe are the VoidCentury Media Records
40. 2023-08-21MOONSORROWSuden TuntiJumalten AikaCentury Media Records
41. 2023-07-24Dark TranquillityInside the Particle StormFictionCentury Media Records
42. 2023-07-03CryptopsyDead and DrippingNone So VileCentury Media Records
43. 2023-06-26BorknagarFrostriteUrdCentury Media Records
44. 2023-06-19BloodbathDeath DeliriumResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
45. 2023-06-19FinntrollDen Frusna MunnenNifelvindCentury Media Records
46. 2023-06-19EvocationI'll Be Your SuicideIllusions Of GrandeurCentury Media Records
47. 2023-06-12TribulationIn The Dreams Of The DeadThe Children Of The NightCentury Media Records
48. 2023-06-12ExtolFrom the Everyday Mountain TopBlueprintCentury Media Records
49. 2023-06-12Dimension ZeroThrough the Virgin SkySilent Night FeverCentury Media Records
50. 2023-06-12Embrace the EndTrainwreck on the John Galt LineLey LinesCentury Media Records
51. 2023-06-12EvocationPerception Of RealityIllusions Of GrandeurCentury Media Records
52. 2023-06-05NevermoreI Am The DogDreaming Neon BlackCentury Media Records
53. 2023-05-08SentencedAwaiting the Winter FrostNorth from Here/Shadows of the Past, Disc 1Century Media/Grind Core
54. 2023-05-08NecrowretchThe Bells Of Evil SchismWith Serpents ScourgeCentury Media (Universal Music)
55. 2023-05-01BorknagarFrostriteUrdCentury Media Records
56. 2023-04-24Demolition HammerPyroclastic AnnihilationEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
57. 2023-01-30Dark FuneralUnchain My SoulWhere Shadows Forever ReignCentury Media Records
58. 2023-01-30Old Man's ChildUnholy Vivid InnocenceRevelation 666Century Media
59. 2023-01-30BorknagarGenesis TornQuintessenceCentury Media Records
60. 2023-01-09KalmahPrinciple HeroThey Will ReturnCentury Media
61. 2023-01-02AsphyxIt Came From The SkiesIncoming DeathCentury Media Records
62. 2022-12-26AsphyxWardriodIncoming DeathCentury Media Records
63. 2022-12-19NevermoreWe DisintegrateDead Heart, In A Dead WorldCentury Media
64. 2022-11-28MOONSORROWSuden TuntiJumalten AikaCentury Media Records
65. 2022-11-28NevermoreLearningThe Politics Of EcstasyCentury Media Records
66. 2022-09-05Suicide SilenceUnansweredThe Cleansing, Disc 1Century Media
67. 2022-08-22Jeff LoomisDevil TheoryZero Order PhaseCentury Media
68. 2022-07-25EyehategodCorruption SchemeConfederacy of Ruined LivesCentury Media Records
69. 2022-07-25BloodbathBuried by the DeadResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
70. 2022-07-25Suicide SilenceUnansweredThe Cleansing, Disc 1Century Media
71. 2022-07-18Stick to Your GunsEnough's EnoughComes from the HeartCentury Media
72. 2022-07-18BorknagarInherit the EarthEmpiricismCentury Media Records
73. 2022-07-04Nocturnal RitesNever DieShadowlandCentury Media
74. 2022-06-27BloodbathSo You DieResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
75. 2022-05-30ImpaledThe Dead Shall Dead RemainDeath After LifeCentury Media Records
76. 2022-05-23Dark FortressThe Spider in the WebSpectres from the Old WorldCentury Media
77. 2022-03-28InsomniumSong of the Blackest BirdOne For SorrowCentury Media Records
78. 2022-03-28MorgothEnd to TemptationCursedCentury Media
79. 2022-03-28Old Man's ChildGod of ImpietyIll-Natured Spiritual InvasionCentury Media
80. 2022-02-28Despised IconAs Bridges BurnThe Healing ProcessCentury Media Records
81. 2022-02-07454 Big BlockHeld Down454 Big BlockCentury Media
82. 2022-01-10Old Man's ChildThe Dream GhostIll-Natured Spiritual InvasionCentury Media
83. 2022-01-10Dark FortressNo Longer HumanEidolonCentury Media Records
84. 2021-12-13Shadows FallThoughts Without WordsThe Art of BalanceCentury Media
85. 2021-11-15Nocturnal RitesEyes of the DeadShadowlandCentury Media
86. 2021-11-15Into EternityEmbraced by DesolationBuried in OblivionCentury Media
87. 2021-10-18BloodbathSo You DieResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
88. 2021-10-11EyehategodBlood MoneyConfederacy of Ruined LivesCentury Media Records
89. 2021-10-04WitherscapeRapture BalletThe Northern SanctuaryCentury Media Records
90. 2021-08-09Insidious DiseaseConceived Through HateShadowcastCentury Media Records
91. 2021-07-26BloodbathSo You DieResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
92. 2021-07-12Old Man's ChildThe Plague of SorrowVerminCentury Media
93. 2021-07-12ThanatosQueen Of GoreGlobal PurificationCentury Media Records
94. 2021-07-12AmenraHet GlorenDe DoornCentury Media Records
95. 2021-07-05Evocation… For VictoryExcised And AnatomisedCentury Media Records
96. 2021-06-28Sick of It AllThe Pain StrikesJust Look AroundCentury Media
97. 2021-05-03BloodbathTrail of InsectsResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
98. 2021-04-26FinntrollSolsaganNifelvindCentury Media Records
99. 2021-04-19VildhjartaEternal Golden MonkMÃ¥sstadenCentury Media Records
100. 2021-04-19NevermorePolitics Of EcstasyThe Politics Of EcstasyCentury Media Records
101. 2021-04-19UnleashedCountess BathoryShadows in the DeepCentury Media
102. 2021-04-05CryptopsySerial MessiahBlasphemy Made FleshCentury Media Records
103. 2021-03-15Dark FortressSwan SongSpectres from the Old WorldCentury Media
104. 2021-02-22God ForbidBroken PromiseDeterminationCentury Media Records
105. 2021-02-22MiasmalExcelsiorCursed RedeemerCentury Media Records
106. 2021-02-22Unholy GhostCross ContaminationTorrential ReignCentury Media
107. 2021-01-25SolefaldBuy My SpermIn Harmonia UniversaliCentury Media
108. 2021-01-18454 Big BlockDead Inside454 Big BlockCentury Media
109. 2021-01-18King's XLost in GermanyLive Love in LondonCentury Media Records
110. 2020-12-14MorgothBurnt IdentityIn the Eyes of DeathCentury Media
111. 2020-12-14Dark FortressPulling at ThreadsSpectres from the Old WorldCentury Media
112. 2020-12-14AsphyxWasteland of TerrorIn the Eyes of DeathCentury Media
113. 2020-12-07BorknagarWinter ThriceWinter ThriceCentury Media Records
114. 2020-12-07GravePutrefaction RemainsIn the Eyes of DeathCentury Media
115. 2020-11-30Oceans of SlumberA Path to Broken StarsThe Banished HeartCentury Media Records
116. 2020-09-28CryptopsyFaceless UnknownWhisper SupremacyCentury Media Records
117. 2020-09-21ArmageddonHeart Of IceEmbrace the Mystery + 3Century Media Records
118. 2020-08-17Carnal ForgeDeep Rivers of BloodThe More You SufferCentury Media Records
119. 2020-08-17CryptopsyLoatheWhisper SupremacyCentury Media Records
120. 2020-08-10AbortedFecal ForgeryGlobal FlatlineCentury Media Records
121. 2020-08-03EyehategodRuptured Heart TheoryDopesickCentury Media
122. 2020-07-27BloodbathSo You DieResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
123. 2020-06-29Swallow The SunMemory Of LightSongs From The North I, II & IIICentury Media Records
124. 2020-06-22HexvesselDrugged Up On The UniverseWhen We Are DeathCentury Media Records
125. 2020-06-22MorgothSubmissionOdiumCentury Media
126. 2020-06-08MorgothWhite GalleryEternal Fall - Resurrection AbsurdCentury Media
127. 2020-06-08Despised IconAll For NothingDay of MourningCentury Media Records
128. 2020-05-18BorknagarIn a Deeper WorldUrdCentury Media Records
129. 2020-05-11BloodbathThe SoulcollectorResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
130. 2020-05-11TesseractDeceptionConcealing FateCentury Media Records
131. 2020-05-11FinntrollDen Frusna MunnenNifelvindCentury Media Records
132. 2020-05-04ExtolIn ReversalBlueprintCentury Media Records
133. 2020-03-16Orphaned Land- Disciples Of The Sacred Oath IiThe Never Ending Way Of ORwarriorCentury Media Records
134. 2020-03-02Savage MessiahHellblazerThe Fateful DarkCentury Media Records
135. 2020-02-24GraveWinds Of ChainsEndless Procession Of SoulsCentury Media Records
136. 2020-02-24BloodbathMass StrangulationResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
137. 2020-02-24DeicideWitness of DeathTo Hell With GodCentury Media Records
138. 2020-02-17WitcheryPlague RiderDon't Fear the ReaperCentury Media
139. 2020-02-03...And OceansAngelinaCypherCentury Media
140. 2020-01-27Divine HeresyMonolithic Doomsday DevicesBringer of PlaguesCentury Media Records
141. 2020-01-13ImpalerMalignant DreamsCharnel DeityCentury Media
142. 2020-01-06NaglfarAn Extension Of His Arm And WilTérasCentury Media Records
143. 2020-01-06UnleashedA Life BeyondShadows in the DeepCentury Media
144. 2019-12-30TurmoilKilling Today For A Better TomorrowThe Process ofCentury Media
145. 2019-10-28NevermoreSound of SilenceBelieve in NothingCentury Media
146. 2019-10-28SanctuaryWaiting For The SunThe Year The Sun DiedCentury Media Records
147. 2019-09-30ImpaledWrought in HellDeath After LifeCentury Media Records
148. 2019-09-16EyehategodTake as Needed for PainTake as Needed for PainCentury Media Records
149. 2019-09-09Strapping Young LadSkeksisAlienCentury Media
150. 2019-09-02THE LURKING FEARVortex SpawnOut Of The Voiceless GraveCentury Media Records
151. 2019-07-15AsphyxEmperors of SalvationAsphyxCentury Media/Grind Core
152. 2019-07-08EyehategodKill Your BossTake as Needed for PainCentury Media Records
153. 2019-07-08TurmoilStaring BackThe Process ofCentury Media
154. 2019-07-01BloodbathLike FireResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
155. 2019-06-17IngestedExtinction EventThe Architect of ExtinctionCentury Media (Universal Music)
156. 2019-06-17Dark FortressEvenfallYlemCentury Media Records
157. 2019-05-20UnleashedDead ForeverIn the Eyes of DeathCentury Media
158. 2019-05-20DEICIDECompliments of ChristOvertures Of BlasphemyCentury Media Records
159. 2019-04-08WitcheryOath BreakerIn His Infernal Majesty's ServiceCentury Media Records
160. 2019-04-08Iced EarthThe Number of the BeastTribute to the Gods, Disc 2Century Media
161. 2019-03-25God ForbidBroken PromiseDeterminationCentury Media Records
162. 2019-03-18BorknagarPanoramaWinter ThriceCentury Media Records
163. 2019-03-11Despised IconSheltered ReminiscenceIlls of Modern ManCentury Media Records
164. 2019-02-18AT THE GATESThe ChasmTo Drink From The Night ItselfCentury Media Records
165. 2019-02-04MoonspellThe Southern DeathstyleThe AntidoteCentury Media
166. 2019-02-04Demolition HammerPyroclastic AnnihilationEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
167. 2019-01-28TerrorMarch to RedemptionThe Damned, The ShamedCentury Media
168. 2019-01-14KrisiunThe Sword of OrionThe Great ExecutionCentury Media Records
169. 2018-12-24MiasmalA Veiled RemembranceCursed RedeemerCentury Media Records
170. 2018-12-10Warrel DaneBrotherPraises to the War MachineCentury Media
171. 2018-12-03MorgothUnreal ImaginationCursedCentury Media
172. 2018-11-12InsomniumEvery Hour WoundsOne For SorrowCentury Media Records
173. 2018-10-29AT THE GATESIn Nameless SleepTo Drink From The Night ItselfCentury Media Records
174. 2018-10-29GraveMorbid Way to DieYou'll Never See...Century Media Records
175. 2018-10-22Demolition HammerSkull Fracturing NightmareEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
176. 2018-10-15Napalm DeathCD1 3. It Failed To ExplodeCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
177. 2018-10-01DEICIDEDefying The SacredOvertures Of BlasphemyCentury Media Records
178. 2018-09-24ABORTEDExquisite Covinous DramaTerrorVisionCentury Media Records
179. 2018-09-24DEICIDEAnointed In BloodOvertures Of BlasphemyCentury Media Records
180. 2018-09-17MiasmalExcelsiorCursed RedeemerCentury Media Records
181. 2018-09-10DEICIDEAll That Is EvilOvertures Of BlasphemyCentury Media Records
182. 2018-09-10Unholy GhostSoul DismentTorrential ReignCentury Media
183. 2018-09-03WATAIN8. The Fire of PowerTrident Wolf EclipseCentury Media Records
184. 2018-08-27DEICIDESeal the Tomb BelowOvertures Of BlasphemyCentury Media Records
185. 2018-08-27ABORTEDVespertine DecayTerrorVisionCentury Media Records
186. 2018-08-20UnleashedDissection LeftoversHell's UnleashedCentury Media
187. 2018-08-13Orphaned Land- From Broken VesselsThe Never Ending Way Of ORwarriorCentury Media Records
188. 2018-08-13NevermoreDreaming Neon BlackDreaming Neon BlackCentury Media Records
189. 2018-07-16InsomniumCollapsing WordsShadows Of The Dying SunCentury Media Records
190. 2018-06-04AT THE GATESPalace Of LepersTo Drink From The Night ItselfCentury Media Records
191. 2018-05-28NevermoreBittersweet FeastThis Godless EndeavorCentury Media
192. 2018-05-21IngestedA Nightmare IncarnateThe Architect Of ExtinctionCentury Media Records
193. 2018-05-21BloodbathBathe in BloodResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
194. 2018-05-14AT THE GATESDaggers Of Black HazeTo Drink From The Night ItselfCentury Media Records
195. 2018-04-30NevermoreI Am The DogDreaming Neon BlackCentury Media Records
196. 2018-04-30TurmoilThe Discipline of Self LoathingThe Process ofCentury Media
197. 2018-04-30God ForbidAllegianceBetter DaysCentury Media Records
198. 2018-04-16Into EternityEmbraced by DesolationBuried in OblivionCentury Media
199. 2018-04-09Entombed A.D.Hubris FallDead DawnCentury Media Records
200. 2018-04-09WatainHolocaust DawnThe Wild HuntCentury Media Records
201. 2018-03-19Napalm DeathCD1 11. Aim Without An AimCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
202. 2018-03-19BARREN EARTHFurther DownA Complex of CagesCentury Media Records
203. 2018-03-19God ForbidDead Words on Deaf EarsDeterminationCentury Media Records
204. 2018-03-12Napalm DeathCD1 7. We Hunt In PacksCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
205. 2018-02-26CryptopsyBorn HeadlessBlasphemy Made FleshCentury Media Records
206. 2018-02-26NevermoreThe Fault Of The FleshDreaming Neon BlackCentury Media Records
207. 2018-02-12Dark TranquillityThe Grandest AccusationWe are the VoidCentury Media Records
208. 2018-01-29Strapping Young LadSkeksisPromo Album 3/22/05 radio editsCentury Media Records
209. 2018-01-22BloodbathBuried by the DeadResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
210. 2018-01-15Morbus ChronAurora In The OffingSwevenCentury Media Records
211. 2018-01-08AsphyxStreams of Ancient WisdomLast One on EarthCentury Media
212. 2018-01-08NevermoreWe DisintegrateDead Heart, In A Dead WorldCentury Media
213. 2018-01-08Orphaned LandAll Knowing EyeUnsung Prophets & Dead MessiahsCentury Media Records
214. 2018-01-01MorgothBody CountCursedCentury Media
215. 2017-12-25Dark FortressAs the World Keels OverYlemCentury Media Records
216. 2017-12-18NevermoreBeyond WithinDreaming Neon BlackCentury Media Records
217. 2017-12-18SanctuaryThe Year The Sun DiedThe Year The Sun DiedCentury Media Records
218. 2017-12-18Warrel DaneLucretia My ReflectionPraises to the War MachineCentury Media
219. 2017-12-11WATAIN5. A Throne BelowTrident Wolf EclipseCentury Media Records
220. 2017-12-04NaglfarSpoken Words of VenomPariahCentury Media
221. 2017-10-16KrisiunWolfen TyrannyWorks of CarnageCentury Media
222. 2017-10-16MorgothSuffer LifeCursedCentury Media
223. 2017-10-09ImpaledDead AliveDeath After LifeCentury Media Records
224. 2017-10-09Demolition HammerEnvenomedEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
225. 2017-10-02IMPLOREParadoxSubjugateCentury Media Records
226. 2017-09-11SatyriconThat Darkness Shall Be EternalNow, DiabolicalCentury Media Records
227. 2017-09-11Entombed A.D.Eternal WoeBack To The FrontCentury Media Records
228. 2017-09-04ForbiddenThrough Eyes of GlassRaw Evil Live At The Dynamo (Ep)Century Media
229. 2017-08-28NaglfarThe Infernal CeremonySheolCentury Media
230. 2017-08-21TriptykonA Thousand LiesA Thousand LiesCentury Media Records
231. 2017-08-21Dark FuneralAs I AscendWhere Shadows Forever ReignCentury Media Records
232. 2017-08-21AsphyxLast One on EarthLast One on EarthCentury Media
233. 2017-08-14THE LURKING FEARThe Cold Jaws of DeathOut Of The Voiceless GraveCentury Media Records
234. 2017-08-14EnchantmentSummer for the DamesDance the Marble NakedCentury Media
235. 2017-08-14Swallow The SunBefore The Summer DiesSongs From The North I, II & IIICentury Media Records
236. 2017-08-07AsphyxMinefieldDeathhammerCentury Media Records
237. 2017-08-07THE LURKING FEARThe Infernal DreadOut Of The Voiceless GraveCentury Media Records
238. 2017-07-31BloodbathTrail of InsectsResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
239. 2017-07-31NevermoreSeven Tongues Of GodThe Politics Of EcstasyCentury Media Records
240. 2017-07-03Iced EarthDeclaration DayLive In Ancient KourionCentury Media Records
241. 2017-07-03God ForbidConstitution of TreasonIVCentury Media Records
242. 2017-06-26EyehategodBlankTake as Needed for PainCentury Media Records
243. 2017-06-19Nocturnal RitesFools Never DieGrand IllusionCentury Media
244. 2017-06-19EmperorThe Warriors of Modern DeathIX EquilibriumCentury Media Records
245. 2017-06-12TesseracTDeception - Concealing Fate PartOneCentury Media Records
246. 2017-06-05EmperorWrath Of The TyrantEmperor [EP]Century Media
247. 2017-06-05Entombed A.D.Second To NoneBack To The FrontCentury Media Records
248. 2017-05-22GraveThe Ominous "They"Out Of Respect For The DeadCentury Media Records
249. 2017-05-22CryptopsySlit Your GutsNone So VileCentury Media Records
250. 2017-05-15Into EternityBeginning of the EndBuried in OblivionCentury Media
251. 2017-05-08Nocturnal RitesEyes of the DeadShadowlandCentury Media
252. 2017-05-01Angel DustSanityBleedCentury Media
253. 2017-04-10BloodbathSo You DieResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
254. 2017-04-03Agnostic FrontOut For BloodCause for AlarmCentury Media
255. 2017-04-03MiasmalUntil The LastCursed RedeemerCentury Media Records
257. 2017-03-20GrotesqueSubmit to DeathGardens of Grief/In the Embrace of EvilCentury Media
258. 2017-02-27Carnal ForgePull the TriggerFiredemonCentury Media Records
259. 2017-02-20Dark TranquillityMonochromatic StainsDamage DoneCentury Media Records
260. 2017-02-20IngestedThe Heirs To Mankind's AtrocitiesThe Architect of ExtinctionCentury Media (Universal Music)
261. 2017-01-23EmperorI Am The Black WizardsEmperor [EP]Century Media
262. 2017-01-23GraveExtremly Rotten FleshInto The GraveCentury Media Records
263. 2017-01-23Malevolent CreationThou Shall Kill¡The ten CommandentsCentury Media Records
264. 2017-01-16HimsaUnleash CarnageSummon in ThunderCentury Media
265. 2017-01-02AsphyxForerunners Of The ApocalypseIncoming DeathCentury Media Records
266. 2017-01-02Oceans Of SlumberSunlightWinterCentury Media Records
267. 2016-12-19Deserted FearThe Edge Of InsanityDead Shores RisingCentury Media Records
268. 2016-12-19NachtmystiumFireheartThe World We Left BehindCentury Media (Universal Music)
269. 2016-12-19BorknagarErodentWinter ThriceCentury Media Records
270. 2016-12-12UnleashedBefore the Creation of TimeWhere No Life DwellsCentury Media
271. 2016-11-28Dark TranquillityFaithless By DefaultAtomaCentury Media Records
272. 2016-11-21AsphyxThe Grand DenialIncoming DeathCentury Media Records
273. 2016-11-21SoulburnWithering NightsEarthless Pagan SpiritCentury Media Records
274. 2016-11-21Demolition HammerPyroclastic AnnihilationEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
275. 2016-11-14ArmageddonBlind FuryEmbrace the Mystery + 3Century Media Records
276. 2016-10-31ArmageddonRainbow SerpentEmbrace the Mystery + 3Century Media Records
277. 2016-10-24Strapping Young LadYou SuckThe New Black, Disc 1 (clean edits)Century Media
278. 2016-10-17Dark TranquillityNeutralityAtomaCentury Media Records
279. 2016-10-17WitcheryNetherworld EmperorIn His Infernal Majesty's ServiceCentury Media Records
280. 2016-10-17Strapping Young LadFar Beyond MetalThe New Black, Disc 1 (clean edits)Century Media
281. 2016-10-17EmperorI Am The Black WizardsEmperor [EP]Century Media
282. 2016-10-103 Inches Of BloodMetal WomanLong Live Heavy MetalCentury Media Records
283. 2016-10-03Old Man's ChildUnholy Foreign CrusadeSlaves of the WorldCentury Media Records
284. 2016-09-26Entombed A.D.Bait And BleedBack To The FrontCentury Media Records
285. 2016-09-26AsphyxWardriodIncoming DeathCentury Media Records
286. 2016-09-26CryptopsySlit Your GutsNone So VileCentury Media Records
287. 2016-09-12CryptopsyCold Hate, Warm BloodNone So LiveCentury Media Records
288. 2016-09-12GraveLiving the Dead BehindAs Rapture ComesCentury Media Records
289. 2016-09-12UnleashedThe Dark OneWhere No Life DwellsCentury Media
290. 2016-08-29EyehategodServing Time in the Middle of NowhereSouthern DiscomfortCentury Media Records
291. 2016-08-29Heaven Shall BurnPassage Of The CraneWandererCentury Media Records
292. 2016-08-29NachtmystiumAddictsAddicts Black Meddle PT. IICentury Media Records
293. 2016-08-29ArmageddonBlind FuryEmbrace the Mystery + 3Century Media Records
294. 2016-08-22EyehategodSelf Medication BluesConfederacy of Ruined LivesCentury Media Records
295. 2016-08-22Dark FuneralAs One We Shall ConquerWhere Shadows Forever ReignCentury Media Records
296. 2016-08-15Iced EarthThe Path I ChooseNight of the StormriderCentury Media
297. 2016-08-08AsphyxInitation into the OssuaryAsphyxCentury Media/Grind Core
298. 2016-08-01SindromePrecognitionResurrection - The Complete CollectionCentury Media Records
299. 2016-07-11Dimension ZeroBlood on the StreetsThis Is HellCentury Media Records
300. 2016-07-11KalmahEvil in YouSwamplordCentury Media
301. 2016-07-04WitherscapeRapture BalletThe Northern SanctuaryCentury Media Records
302. 2016-06-27CandiriaSigns of Discontent300 Percent DensityCentury Media Records
303. 2016-06-20NevermoreTomorrow Turned into YesterdayEnemies of RealityCentury Media
304. 2016-06-20Dark FuneralThe Eternal EclipseWhere Shadows Forever ReignCentury Media Records
305. 2016-06-20EyehategodThe Concussion Machine ProcessConfederacy of Ruined LivesCentury Media Records
306. 2016-06-06Dark FuneralBeast Above ManWhere Shadows Forever ReignCentury Media Records
307. 2016-05-30EyehategodCrimes Against SkinTake as Needed for PainCentury Media Records
308. 2016-05-30Demolition HammerEpidemic of ViolenceEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
309. 2016-05-23SamaelMask of the Red DeathCeremony of OppositesCentury Media
310. 2016-05-23Demolition HammerCarnivorous ObsessionEpidemic of ViolenceCentury Media Records
311. 2016-05-16EyehategodLack of Almost EverythingDopesickCentury Media
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