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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2019-07-01MinistryStigmataLand Of Rape And HoneyWarner Bros.
2. 2019-07-01
3. 2019-07-01ConvergeUnder DuressThe Dusk In UsEpitaph Records
4. 2019-07-01
5. 2019-07-01DismemberIn Death's SleepLike An Ever Flowing StreamKarmageddon
6. 2019-07-01BloodbathLike FireResurrection Through CarnageCentury Media
7. 2019-07-01Satanic SlaughterServant of SatanLand of the Unholy SoulsNecropolis
8. 2019-07-01Chasm, TheArchitects of Melancholic ApocalypseProcession to the InfraworldDwell Records
9. 2019-07-01
10. 2019-07-01AsaruFortapt I Dødens FavnFrom The Chasms Of Oblivion
11. 2019-07-01COSMIC PUTREFACTIONThe Acrimonious DarknessAt The Threshold Of The Greatest ChasmI, Voidhanger Records
12. 2019-07-01SvartsotTvende RavneRavnenes SagaNapalm Records
13. 2019-07-01SvartsotTvende RavneRavnenes SagaNapalm Records
14. 2019-07-01VintersorgCosmic GenesisCosmic GenesisNapalm Records
15. 2019-07-01
16. 2019-07-01AbarothEclipsed By MiseryEnter The Kingdom Of Night
17. 2019-07-01
18. 2019-07-01The ManipulatedGhosts RevisitedNeon Messiah
19. 2019-07-01CIANIDEDead and RottingGods of DeathHells Headbangers Records
20. 2019-07-01NecrotBreathing MachineBlood OfferingsTankcrimes
21. 2019-07-01DefleshedProud to Be DeadFast ForwardCrash Music, Inc.
22. 2019-07-01
23. 2019-07-01Begging for IncestDiarrhea DreamsOrgasmic Selfmutilation
24. 2019-07-01GreenHot Lava LovePop TartsFuturist
25. 2019-07-01Karma to BurnAppalachian WomanKarma to BurnRoadrunner Records
26. 2019-07-01Steel AssassinAttilla the HunFrom The Vaults
27. 2019-07-01
28. 2019-07-01GruesomeSavage Land (Demo)Fragments of Psyche EPRelapse Records
29. 2019-07-01Fear Before the March of FlamesShould Have Stayed in the ShallowsSpring Sampler 2005
30. 2019-07-01Through the Eyes of the DeadThrough the Eyes of the Dead - Abyssal CreationThe Annihilation of Expectation Split Through the Eyes of the Dead & The Knife Trade
31. 2019-07-01Ablaze my SorrowSend The Ninth PlagueBlack
32. 2019-07-01
33. 2019-07-01Lord VicarThe Temple in the BedrockThe Black Powder
34. 2019-07-01Head of the Demon03 Sathanas TrismegistosSathanas TrismegistosAjna Offensive
35. 2019-07-01EntombedMasters of DeathCandlelight USA Winter SamplerCandlelight Records
36. 2019-07-01FLAMEBurning HorrorMarch Into FirelandsHells Headbangers Records
37. 2019-07-01
38. 2019-07-01OPERA IXDead tree balladStrix Maledictae in AeternumAgonia Records
39. 2019-07-01DaggerspawnI Am The Thousand PlaguesSuffering Upon The Throne Of DepravitySevared Records - via Metalhit
40. 2019-07-01SuffocationYour Last Breaths...Of The Dark LightNuclear Blast Records
41. 2019-07-01Born in BloodOut of the Ashes2005
42. 2019-07-01
43. 2019-07-01TEMPLE OF VOID03 A Watery InternmentLords of Death (CD, LP, TAPE)Shadow Kingdom
44. 2019-07-01SerocsThanatophobiaThe Phobos/Deimos Suite
45. 2019-07-01AVULSED111 Devourer of the DeadNight of the Living DeathgenerationsXtreem Music
46. 2019-07-01Type O NegativeThe Profits of DoomDead AgainSteamhammer
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