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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2016-03-07MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2016-03-07
3. 2016-03-07Gloomy GrimMarch - The CallUnder the Spell of the Unlight
4. 2016-03-07Novembers DoomThe Fifth Day of MarchInto Night's Requiem InfernalThe End
5. 2016-03-07Blood FeastBlood LustKill For Pleasure
6. 2016-03-07Premonitions of WarMississippi QueenSplit - Premonitions of War/Benumbthorp
7. 2016-03-07
8. 2016-03-07DeceasedReaganomicsBehind the Mourner's VeilRelapse Records
9. 2016-03-07D.R.I.ReaganomicsDealing with ItBeer City Records
10. 2016-03-07Shoot to KillThe War on DrugsAltar of PigsFDR
11. 2016-03-07For the WorseWar on the War on DrugsChaos ContinuesBridge Nine Records
12. 2016-03-07DESTROYER 666White Line FeverWildfireSeason of Mist
13. 2016-03-07
14. 2016-03-07Charred Walls of the DamnedForever Marching OnCold Winds on Timeless DaysMetal Blade
15. 2016-03-07Iron MaidenStranger In A Strange LandSomewhere In Time
16. 2016-03-07Running WildFight The OppressionBranded And Exiled
17. 2016-03-07In Thousand LakesTowards The SilenceThe Memories That BurnPathologically Explicit Recordings
18. 2016-03-07
19. 2016-03-07IlsaCult Of The ThroneSplit - COFFINS ILSARelapse Records
20. 2016-03-07
21. 2016-03-07Dreaded SilenceWhere Stars Dare Not ClimbThe Last Vestige Of HopeSelf-Released
22. 2016-03-07MalokarpatanNa kríllach cemnoty do horských úbočí zostupuje posol moru a hnilobyStridžie dniInvictus Productions
23. 2016-03-07APOKALYPTIC RAIDSA4 manifesto politicamente incorretoThe Third Storm (LP)Hells Headbangers Records
24. 2016-03-07
25. 2016-03-07Empty VesselsOmegaThrow Your ShadowSelf-Released
26. 2016-03-07North5. Primal BloomLight The WayProsthetic Records
27. 2016-03-07GADGETDedicationThe Great DestroyerRelapse Records
28. 2016-03-07OCTOBER TIDEOCTOBER TIDE - 04 - A QUESTION IGNITEWinged WaltzAgonia Records
29. 2016-03-07
30. 2016-03-07Ill OmenII. .Thy.Rift.Thy.RiftNuclear War Now! Productions
31. 2016-03-07CADAVERIC FUMESCrepuscular JourneyDimensions Obscure 12"MLPBlood Harvest Records
32. 2016-03-07ABHOMINE05 BlackmaguswhitehouseLarvae Offal Swine (CD, LP)Hells Headbangers Records
33. 2016-03-07HOWLS OF EBBMaat Mons' FumeCursus ImpasseI, Voidhanger Records
34. 2016-03-07Split
35. 2016-03-07Joel GrindPeacekeeperSplit - DAVIE ALLAN/JOEL GRINDRelapse Records
36. 2016-03-07Amon AmarthWar of the GodsSurtur RisingMetal Blade
37. 2016-03-07MastodonMarch of the Fire AntsRemissionRelapse Records
38. 2016-03-07DevastatorPazuzu, Demon of PlaguesConjuring EvilOld Cemetery Records
39. 2016-03-07Winds Of GenocideThe Howling Wolves Of ArmageddonUsurping The Throne Of DiseasePulverised Records
40. 2016-03-07
41. 2016-03-07NAMELESSAncient Burial GroundsWhat Are You Afraid of
42. 2016-03-07GrinderObsessionDawn For The Living
43. 2016-03-07OBSCURAOde to the SunAkrasis (NA Promo)Relapse Records
44. 2016-03-07MisanthropeSacred Human Omophagynigma Mystica
45. 2016-03-07
46. 2016-03-07Sacred OathA Crystal VisionA Crystal Vision
47. 2016-03-07Crown, TheAre You Morbid?Possessed 13Metal Blade Records
48. 2016-03-07
49. 2016-03-07TaakeCold (The Cure cover)Kulde (EP)
50. 2016-03-07Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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