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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1395 playlist up with 57825 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2009-12-28MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2009-12-28
3. 2009-12-28Alice CooperI'm EighteenLove It To Deathstraight
4. 2009-12-28BaronessA Horse Called GolGothaBlue Recordrelapse
5. 2009-12-28DemiricousBeyond ObsceneOne (Hellbound)metalblade
6. 2009-12-28Cryptic WarningInternally ReviledInternally Reviledself-released
7. 2009-12-28
8. 2009-12-28Extinction AgendaPatron Saint of Chainsawsthe Grace Defileself-released
9. 2009-12-28UnanimatedSerpent's Cursein The Light Of Darknessregain
10. 2009-12-28Epoch of UnlightUndone WithinWhat Will Be Has Beenend
11. 2009-12-28ZonariaSlaughter Is Passionthe Cancer Empirecenturymedia
12. 2009-12-28
13. 2009-12-28ExodusOpen SeasonFabulous Disastercombat
14. 2009-12-28AbattoirScreams From The GraveVarious Artist: Metal Massacre IVmetalblade
15. 2009-12-28Iron MaidenDie With Your Boots OnPiece of Mindcapitol
16. 2009-12-28Nocturnal RitesEyes of The DeadShadowlandcenturymedia
17. 2009-12-28
18. 2009-12-28MeshuggahCorridors of ChemelonsChaospherenuclearblast
19. 2009-12-28The Mighty NimbusBroken Hoofself-titledcandlelight
20. 2009-12-28CrowbarA Breed ApartObdience Thru Sufferinggrind_core
21. 2009-12-28CromagsWe Gotta Knowthe Age of Quarrelprofile
22. 2009-12-28
23. 2009-12-28Black FlagTV PartyWasted... Againsst
24. 2009-12-28Common EnemyShut Your MouthLiving The Dream?horror_business
25. 2009-12-28WatchfirePilgrimTwo Years in the Valleyself-released
26. 2009-12-28Drive-by BukakkeCrimson MaskLive On The Stress Factorself-released
27. 2009-12-28SuffocationInfecting the CryptsBest of
28. 2009-12-28
29. 2009-12-28Cryptic SlaughterStill Born, AgainSpeak Your Peacemetalblade
30. 2009-12-28Lock UpHigh Tide in a Sea of BloodHate Breed Sufferingnuclearblast
31. 2009-12-28Cold WorkerDeath Smiles At MeThe Contaminated Voidrelapse
32. 2009-12-28MumakilGet Waste or DieBehold the Failurerelapse
33. 2009-12-28
34. 2009-12-28PariaPish PoshThe Barnacle Cordinusblackmarket_activities
35. 2009-12-28CoronerDie By My HandNo More Colornoise
36. 2009-12-28Napalm DeathUnchallenged HateDeath By Manipulationearache
37. 2009-12-28In The ShitLights Out In The Fuhrer BunkerBostonself-released
38. 2009-12-28the_networkFollowing And FailingBishop Kent Manningblackmarket_activities
39. 2009-12-28
40. 2009-12-28EvileTrasherEnter the Graveearache
41. 2009-12-28Skull HammerSouls Sold Long AgoFear The Truthself-released
42. 2009-12-28Municipal WasteWrong AnswerMassive Aggressiveearache
43. 2009-12-28AmputatedUterus Swollen With FesteringWading Through Rancid Offalsevared
44. 2009-12-28EgemonyBaptysm For The UnbornOne Man - 3 Way Splitsevared
45. 2009-12-28Brutal TruthDenial Of ExistenceExtreme Conditions Demand Extereme Responsesearache
46. 2009-12-28AutopsyShiteaterDead As Fucknecroharmonic
47. 2009-12-28
48. 2009-12-28Cattle Decapitationof Human Pride and FlatulenceKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
49. 2009-12-28Man Must DieIt Comes In Threesno Tolerance For Imperfectionrelapse
50. 2009-12-28DehumanizedProphocies ForetoldProphocies Foretoldpathos
51. 2009-12-28DeathPull the PlugLeprosyrelativity
52. 2009-12-28
53. 2009-12-28SepulturaBeneath The Remains/Mass MypnosisUnder a Pale Grey Skyroadrunner
54. 2009-12-28MidvinterNocticula in Aeternum / Of Night PrimevalAt the Sight of the Apocalypse Dragondeath
55. 2009-12-28Eclipse EternalThe Dragon Has Come to Blot Out The StarsUbermench-Evolution Beyond the Speciesself-released
56. 2009-12-28Aetherius ObscuritasFreezing EmbraceKekete Orvossag - Black Medicineparagon
57. 2009-12-28ProfanaticaGod Dethroned In HeavenProfanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatiahells_headbangers
58. 2009-12-28
59. 2009-12-28EngraveMorbid DreamThe Rebirthworld_war_iii
60. 2009-12-28Flesh FeastFate Of Hated Fleshself-titledcivilian_death_network
61. 2009-12-28MacabreYou're Dying To Be With MeMurder Metalseason_of_mist
62. 2009-12-28PsychoShavedCollectionax/ction
63. 2009-12-28ForbiddenStep By StepTwisted into Formcombat
64. 2009-12-28
65. 2009-12-28From a Second Story WindowHow London Got Its FogNot one Word has Been Omittedblackmarket_activities
66. 2009-12-28Between the Buried and MeFossil Genra - A Feed From Cloud MountainThe Great Misdirectvictory
67. 2009-12-28Killed By The BullEver Since I Prayed To Satan...The Princess Rides The Bull Into Holy Hellkoi
68. 2009-12-28Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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