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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1377 playlist up with 57237 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2008-10-13MinistryStigmataLand of Rape and HoneyWarner Bros
2. 2008-10-13
3. 2008-10-13Godless RisingInto ObscurityRising Hatredpathos
4. 2008-10-13DeicideAngel of AgonyTill Death Do Us Partearache
5. 2008-10-13PessimistLet the Demons RestEvolution Unto Evilpathos
6. 2008-10-13BlasfemiaCronica de los Lamentos y Sufrimientos del Ultimo PoderEl Indice De los Libros Prohibidosold_cemetery
7. 2008-10-13
8. 2008-10-13All that RemainsTwo WeeksOvercomeprosthetic
9. 2008-10-13Warrel DaneMessengerPraises to the War Machinecenturymedia
10. 2008-10-13MeshuggahRitualNonenuclearblast
11. 2008-10-13CliteaterBend over BitchCliteater/Suppository splitno_escape
12. 2008-10-13DecapitatedNihility
13. 2008-10-13
14. 2008-10-13Psycropticthe Shifting EulibriumOb(servant)nuclearblast
15. 2008-10-13Eternal LordWaspsBlessed be this Nightmareferret
16. 2008-10-13Amon AmarthWhere is Your God?Twilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
17. 2008-10-13
18. 2008-10-13AvskumMasskonsumtions Halvetetuppror Underifranprank
19. 2008-10-13Git SomeTrixie Loves MiseryCosmic Rockprank
20. 2008-10-13Christ on ParadeDrop-OutLive and Loud - KFJC Pitprank
21. 2008-10-13the HuantedTrenchesVersuscenturymedia
22. 2008-10-13
23. 2008-10-13GojiraToxic Garbage IslandThe Way of All Fleshprosthetic
24. 2008-10-13Book of Black EarthDeath of the SunHoroskopusprosthetic
25. 2008-10-13AntagonistAmnesia Ln.Existprosthetic
26. 2008-10-13Hollow CorpCodeClouster of Radianceprosthetic
27. 2008-10-13
28. 2008-10-13Brother Von DoomEnd of DaysRelentlessdeathcote
29. 2008-10-13NeuraxisDarkness Prevailsthe Thin Line Betweenprosthetic
30. 2008-10-13Regain the Heart CondemnedEnfeavorGlobal Chemotherapyaxis_of_gore
31. 2008-10-13EstuaryLies of PromiseTo Exist and Endureibexmoon
32. 2008-10-13
33. 2008-10-13Toxic HolocaustNuke the CrossAn Overdose of Death...relapse
34. 2008-10-13Nuclear AssaultInherited HellHandle with Carein_effect
35. 2008-10-13KreatorPleasure to KillPleasure to Killnoise
36. 2008-10-13Misery Indexthe ArbiterTraitorsrelapse
37. 2008-10-13
38. 2008-10-13LordsObstructionist BluesFuck All Yall Motherfuckersblackmarket_activities
39. 2008-10-13All Shall PerishWhen Life Meant More...Awaken the Dreamersnuclearblast
40. 2008-10-13RingwormDollar WhoreRingworm/Cold As Life 7"stillborn
41. 2008-10-13BattleloreThird Immortalthe Last Alliancenapalm
42. 2008-10-13TrenchesEyes Openthe Tide will Swallow Us Wholesolid_state
43. 2008-10-13ConvergeConduitWhen Forever Comes Crashingevr
44. 2008-10-13
45. 2008-10-13From a Second Story Windowi tried voodoo onceNot one Word has Been Omittedblackmarket_activities
46. 2008-10-13Witheredthe Fated BreathFolie Circulaireprosthetic
47. 2008-10-13Into EternityOne Funeral Hymm for ThreeBuried in Oblivioncenturymedia
48. 2008-10-13MegadethIn My Darkest HourThat one night (live in Buenos Aires)image
49. 2008-10-13
50. 2008-10-13Jeff LoomisRace Againist DissasterZero Order Phazecenturymedia
51. 2008-10-13ArtasGangsta's ParadiseThe Healingnapalm
52. 2008-10-13
53. 2008-10-13Cannibal CorpseI Cum BloodTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
54. 2008-10-13Einsturzende NeubautenEin Stuhl in der HoelleHaus der Luegerough_trade
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