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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2024-10-28The Red ChordMouthful Of Precious StonesFed Through The Teeth MachineMetal Blade
2. 2018-07-09The Red ChordAntmanLive on WUNH
3. 2017-03-27The Red ChordLay The TarpLive on WUNH
4. 2015-09-21The Red ChordLike A Train Through A PigeonFused Together In Revolving Doorsrobotic_empire
5. 2015-04-20The Red ChordSend in the Death StormPrey for Eyesmetalblade
6. 2014-12-29The Red ChordUpper DeckerClientsmetalblade
7. 2013-06-17The Red ChordBreed The CancerFused Together in Revolving Doorsrobotic_empire
8. 2012-12-24The Red ChordBlack SantaClientsmetalblade
9. 2012-06-18The Red ChordAntmanLive In Studiowunh
10. 2012-04-02The Red ChordUpper DeckerClientsmetalblade
11. 2011-12-19The Red ChordBlack SantaClientsmetalblade
12. 2011-12-12The Red ChordHour Of RatsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
13. 2011-08-01The Red Chord_L FormationFused Together in Revolving Doorsrobotic_empire
14. 2011-05-16The Red ChordLike A Train Through A PigeonFused Together In Revolving Doorsrobotic_empire
15. 2010-12-20The Red ChordBlack SantaClientsmetalblade
16. 2009-11-30The Red ChordTales Of Martyrs And Disappearing ActsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
17. 2009-11-23The Red ChordDemoralizerFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
18. 2009-11-16The Red ChordHymns and Crippled AnthemsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
19. 2009-11-09The Red ChordEmbarrassment LegacyFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
20. 2009-10-19The Red ChordHour Of RatsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
21. 2009-08-24The Red ChordHe Was Dead When I Got ThereClientsmetalblade
22. 2008-07-21The Red ChordDread PrevailedPrey for Eyesmetalblade
23. 2008-03-24The Red ChordDreaming in Dog YearsFused Together in Revolving Doorsmetalblade
24. 2008-02-18The Red ChordDreaming in Dog YearsFused Together in Revolving Doorsmetalblade
25. 2007-09-10The Red ChordOpen Eyed Beast AttackPrey for Eyesmetalblade
26. 2007-09-03The Red ChordSend in the Death StormPrey for Eyesmetalblade
27. 2007-08-27The Red ChordResponsiblesPrey for Eyesmetalblade
28. 2007-08-20The Red ChordIt runs in the FamilyPrey for Eyesmetalblade
29. 2007-08-13The Red ChordSend the Death StormPrey for Eyesmetalblade
30. 2007-08-06The Red ChordDread PrevialedPrey for Eyesmetalblade
31. 2007-07-30The Red ChordIt runs in the FamilyPrey for Eyesmetalblade
32. 2007-07-23The Red ChordIt came from over therePrey for Eyesmetalblade
33. 2007-05-07the red chorddreaming in dog year
34. 2006-06-12the red chordfixations of plastics
35. 2006-05-08the red chorddreaming in dog years
36. 2006-04-17the red chorddreaming in dog years
37. 2006-03-13the red chordthat certian special ugly
38. 2005-12-19the red chordthat certain special ugly
39. 2005-09-12the red chord#2 live on RTTP
40. 2005-08-15the red chordclients
41. 2005-08-01the red chordupper decker
42. 2005-07-18the red chordBlack Santa
43. 2005-07-11the red chordBlack Santa
44. 2005-07-04the red chordfixation on plastic
45. 2005-05-30the red chordBlack Santa
46. 2005-05-16the red chordfixation on plastic
47. 2005-05-09the red chordlay a tarp
48. 2005-02-28the red chordlive in the studios
49. 2005-02-21the red chordcatalepsy
50. 2005-02-07the red chordcertain special ugly
51. 2005-01-01the red chordthat certian special ugly
52. 2004-11-29the red chorddreaming in dog year
53. 2004-05-03the red chorddreaming in dog years
54. 2004-03-22the red chordnihilist
55. 2004-03-01the red chorddatalepsy
56. 2004-01-12the red chorddreaming in dog years
57. 2003-12-22the red chorddreaming in dog years
58. 2003-12-15the red chordcatalepsy
59. 2003-11-03the red chorddreaming in dog years
60. 2003-09-29the red chorddreaming in dog years
61. 2003-04-15the REd ChordSixteenbit Fingerprint
62. 2003-02-04the Red ChordThat Certian Special Ugly
63. 2003-01-07the REd ChordDreaming in dog years
64. 2002-12-01The Red ChordNihilist
65. 2002-10-15The Red ChordThat certain Special Ugly
66. 2002-09-24The Red ChordDreaming in Dog Years
67. 2002-08-13The Red Chord_L Formation
68. 2002-06-25The Red Chordthat certian special ugly
69. 2002-06-18The Red ChordDreaming in Dog years
70. 2002-06-11The Red ChordCatalepsy
71. 2002-06-04The Red Chordthat Certian Special Ugly
72. 2002-05-28The Red ChordLike A Train Through A Pigeon
73. 2002-05-21The Red ChordNihilist
74. 2002-05-14The Red Chord_L Formation
75. 2002-05-07The Red ChordHes Was Stretching and then he climbed up there/ breed the cancer
76. 2002-04-30The Red ChordSizteen Bit Finger Prints
77. 2002-04-16The Red ChordDreaming in Dog Years
78. 2002-04-09The Red Chordthat certian special ugly
79. 2002-02-26The Red ChordThat Certain Special Ugly
80. 2002-02-11The Red Chordthe Cetain Special Ugly
81. 2002-02-05The Red ChordCatalepsy
82. 2001-08-28The Red ChordCatalepsy
83. 2001-08-28The Red ChordCatalepsy
84. 2001-07-17The Red ChordCatalepsy
85. 2001-06-19The Red ChordCatalepsy
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