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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1385 playlist up with 57469 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2024-06-17The Black Dahlia Murderburning the hivea cold-blooded epitaph
2. 2024-03-25The Black Dahlia MurderVlad, Son of the DragonAbysmalMetal Blade Records
3. 2023-04-10The Black Dahlia MurderThreat Level No. 3AbysmalMetal Blade Records
4. 2022-09-26The Black Dahlia MurderConspiring With the DamnedRitualMetal Blade
5. 2021-05-03The Black Dahlia MurderThe Wereworm's FeastVerminousMetal Blade Records
6. 2020-11-30The Black Dahlia Murderthe blackest incarnationa cold-blooded epitaph
7. 2020-07-27The Black Dahlia MurderChild of NightVerminousMetal Blade Records
8. 2020-06-15The Black Dahlia Murderclosed casket requiema cold-blooded epitaph
9. 2020-05-04The Black Dahlia MurderSunless EmpireVerminousMetal Blade Records
10. 2020-04-20The Black Dahlia MurderRemoval of the Oaken StakeVerminousMetal Blade Records
11. 2015-09-21The Black Dahlia MurderThe FogAbysmalmetalblade
12. 2015-09-07The Black Dahlia MurderRe-FacedAbysmalmetalblade
13. 2014-04-07The Black Dahlia MurderA Vulgar PictureMiasmametalblade
14. 2014-03-24The Black Dahlia MurderBurning The HiveA Cold-Blooded Eitaph
15. 2014-01-13The Black Dahlia MurderBurning The HiveA Cold-Blooded Eitaph
16. 2013-06-10The Black Dahlia MurderPhantom Limb MasturbationEverblackmetalblade
17. 2013-02-18The Black Dahlia Murderto a Breathless OblivionNocturnalmetalblade
18. 2012-01-23The Black Dahlia MurderDenounced, DisgracedDefloratemetalblade
19. 2011-07-25The Black Dahlia MurderConspiring With The DeadRitualmetalblade
20. 2010-03-29the Black Dahlia Murderthe Blackest IncantationUnhallowedmetalblade
21. 2010-01-18the Black Dahlia MurderHymn For The WretchedUnhallowedmetalblade
22. 2009-12-14the Black Dahlia MurderNecropolisDefloratemetalblade
23. 2009-11-30the Black Dahlia MurderChrist DeformedDefloratemetalblade
24. 2009-10-12the Black Dahlia MurderThrone of LunacyDefloratemetalblade
25. 2009-10-05the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has EmptiedUnhallowedmetalblade
26. 2009-09-21the Black Dahlia MurderChrist DeformedDefloratemetalblade
27. 2009-09-14the Black Dahlia MurderDenounced, DisgracedDefloratemetalblade
28. 2009-09-07the Black Dahlia MurderNecropolisDefloratemetalblade
29. 2008-12-15the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has EmptiedUnhallowedmetalblade
30. 2008-05-19the Black Dahlia MurderWhat a Horrible Night to Have a CurseNocturnalmetalblade
31. 2007-11-26the Black Dahlia MurderEverything went BlackNocturnalmetalblade
32. 2007-10-29the Black Dahlia MurderI Worship Only What You BleedNocturnalmetalblade
33. 2007-10-15the Black Dahlia Murderto a Breathless OblivionNocturnalmetalblade
34. 2007-10-08the Black Dahlia MurderWorship Only What You BleedNocturnalmetalblade
35. 2007-10-01the Black Dahlia MurderVirally YoursNocturnalmetalblade
36. 2007-09-24the Black Dahlia MurderDeathmask DivineNocturnalmetalblade
37. 2007-09-17the Black Dahlia MurderWhat a Horrible Night to Have a CurseNocturnalmetalblade
38. 2006-12-25the Black Dahlia Murderstatutory ape
39. 2006-09-04the black dahlia murderwhen the last grave has emptied
40. 2006-02-27the black dahlia murderfuneral thirst
41. 2006-01-30the black dahlia murdercontagion
42. 2005-09-26the Black Dahlia Murderstatutory ape
43. 2005-09-19the Black Dahlia MurderI'm charming
44. 2005-09-05the Black Dahlia Murdermiasma
45. 2005-08-29the Black Dahlia MurderI'm charming
46. 2005-08-22the Black Dahlia Murderspite suicide
47. 2005-08-15the black dahlia murderstatutory ape
48. 2005-08-08the Black Dahlia MurderI'm charming
49. 2005-08-01the black dahlia murderI'm charming
50. 2005-07-25the black dahlia murderstatutory ape
51. 2005-07-18the black dahlia murderspite suicide
52. 2005-07-11the black dahlia murdera vulgar picture
53. 2005-07-04the black dahlia murdernovelty crosses
54. 2005-06-27the black dahlia murdera vulgar picture
55. 2004-09-27the Black Dahlia Murderunhollowed
56. 2004-09-06the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has Emptied
57. 2004-07-19the Black Dahlia Murderfuneral thirst
58. 2004-07-05the Black Dahlia Murderfuneral thirst
59. 2004-05-03the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has Emptied
60. 2004-02-16the black dahlia murderwhen the last grave has emptied
61. 2004-01-26the black dahlia murderfuneral thirst
62. 2003-10-20the black dahlia murdercontagion
63. 2003-09-29the black dahlia murderwhen the last grave has emptied
64. 2003-08-19the Black Dahlia MurderFuneral Thirst
65. 2003-08-12the Black Dahlia Murderwhen the last grave has emptied
66. 2003-08-05the Black Dahlia MurderFuneral Thirst
67. 2003-07-29the Black Dahlia Murderhymn for the wretched
68. 2003-07-22the Black Dahlia MurderElder Misanthrope
69. 2003-07-15the Black Dahlia MurderFuneral Thrist
70. 2003-07-08the Black Dahlia Murderthe Blackest Incantation
71. 2003-06-03the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has Emptied
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