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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1390 playlist up with 57632 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-05-20DiabolicalChildren of the Mushroom CloudA Thousand DeathsWorld War III Music
2. 2024-04-22Diabolical02 - Diaspora2016 - Umbra
3. 2024-03-11DiabolicalGuidance of SinSynergyWorld War III Music
4. 2023-02-13DiabolicExtinction Level EventSubterraneal MagnitudeConquest Music
5. 2020-08-10Diabolical Messiah8. Perverse DomainSatan Tottendemon Victory!!! LPBlood Harvest
6. 2019-05-27DiabolicInfernalismSubterraneal MagnitudeConquest Music
7. 2019-02-04DiabolicalGod of the UnderworldA Thousand DeathsWorld War III Music
8. 2018-09-03Diabolic Force (Brazil)Cross in FirePraise of SatanHells Headbangers Records
9. 2017-07-17DiabolicInfernalismSubterraneal MagnitudeConquest Music
10. 2016-11-21DiabolicalUnder My SkinA Thousand DeathsWorld War III Music
11. 2014-10-13DiabolicInternal Mental CannibalismInfinity Through Purifcationolympic
12. 2014-10-13Diabolical MessiahCurse Of MegatonsSatan Tottendemon VictoryBlood Harvest
13. 2014-07-28Diabolical MessiahDivine WarSatan Tottendemon VictoryBlood Harvest
14. 2014-07-14Diabolical MessiahDivine WarSatan Tottendemon VictoryBlood Harvest
15. 2014-06-09DiabolicalDead Angel\'s ChoirA Thousand Deathsworld_war_iii
16. 2012-12-24DiabolicMajestic SatanicVengeance Ascendingolympic
17. 2011-10-17DiabolicalDrowned in BloodSynergyworld_war_iii
18. 2011-01-03DiabolicExtinction Level EventSubterraneal Magnitudeconquest_music
19. 2010-12-13DiabolicSatanic BarbarismInfinity Through Purifcationolympic
20. 2010-07-05DiabolicCity of the DeadCity of the Deadfadeless
21. 2008-08-25Diabolicthe Suffering ChurchDestruction of the Heavenly Realms Vol IIIdeathgasm
22. 2008-06-16Diabolicthe Suffering ChurchDestruction of the Heavenly Realms Vol IIIdeathgasm
23. 2008-05-26Diabolicthe Suffering ChurchDestruction of the Heavenly Realms Vol IIIdeathgasm
24. 2006-01-30diabolical mascarade11th movement
25. 2005-10-31diaboliccity of the dead
26. 2005-10-24diabolicalcaged wrath
27. 2004-10-18diaboliccease to be (3:33)
28. 2004-02-23diabolicalcaged wrath
29. 2004-01-05diabolicprocession of the soul grinders
30. 2003-12-29diabolicalgod of the underworld
31. 2003-12-29diabolicprocession of the soul grinders
32. 2003-12-22diabolicdescending through portals of misery
33. 2003-12-15diabolicinternal mental cannibalism
34. 2003-11-24diabolicprocession of the soul grinders
35. 2003-11-17diabolicexsanguinated life
36. 2003-11-10diabolicinternal mental cannibalism
37. 2003-01-14DiabolicalUntil the Day Arrives
38. 2002-12-17DiabolicalDead Anel's Choir
39. 2002-12-01DiabolicalChildren of the Mushroom Cloud
40. 2002-11-26DiabolicalGod of the Underworld
41. 2002-05-14DiabolicPossess the Strength
42. 2002-02-19Diabolicthe Inevitable
43. 2002-02-11DiabolicalHaven
44. 2002-02-05DiabolicVegeance Assending
45. 2002-01-29DiabolicMajestic Satanic
46. 2002-01-22Diabolicthe Shallow
47. 2002-01-15DiabolicDarken the Imagination
48. 2002-01-15Diabolic MascaradeDeath's design the com young
49. 2002-01-15Diabolicalthe passenger
50. 2002-01-08DiabolicAll Evils Inside
51. 2002-01-01DiabolicDarken the Imagination
52. 2001-12-25DiabolicCease to be (3:33)
53. 2001-12-25Diabolicalthe Passanger
54. 2001-12-18DiabolicDarken the Imagination
55. 2001-12-11DiabolicThe Shallowed
56. 2001-12-11DiabolicalHuman Control
57. 2001-12-04DiabolicPossess the Strength
58. 2001-12-04DiabolicalDrowned in Blood
59. 2001-11-27DiabolicalGuidence of Sin
60. 2001-11-20DiabolicalNecromancer of the Ancient Arts
61. 2001-11-13DiabolicFailed Extraction
62. 2001-11-06Diabolic#9
63. 2001-10-30DiabolicExtimction Leven Event
64. 2001-10-30DiabolicExtimction Leven Event
65. 2001-10-09Diabolical Mascaradethe defiled Feeds
66. 2001-10-02Diabolical MascaradeThey Come, you go
67. 2001-09-25Diabolical MascaradeThe Egytian Resort
68. 2000-10-31DiabolicRapture
69. 2000-10-31DiabolicRapture
70. 1999-12-06DiabolicVortex
71. 1999-11-30DiabolicCity of the Dead
72. 1999-11-08DiabolicVortex
73. 1999-11-01DiabolicEncarta
74. 1999-10-25DiabolicInborn
75. 1999-10-18DiabolicEncarta
76. 1999-10-11DiabolicDenounce God
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