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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2024-07-15Cattle DecapitationWe Eat Our YoungTerrasiteMetal Blade Records
2. 2023-10-02Cattle DecapitationMutual Assured DestructionThe Anthropocene ExtinctionMetal Blade Records
3. 2023-09-18Cattle DecapitationA Photic DoomTerrasiteMetal Blade Records
4. 2023-05-15Cattle DecapitationThe Storm UpstairsTerrasiteMetal Blade Records
5. 2023-05-08Cattle DecapitationThe InsignificantsTerrasiteMetal Blade Records
6. 2022-08-22Cattle DecapitationEveryone Deserves to DieTo Serve ManMetal Blade Records
7. 2022-05-02Cattle Decapitation04 - diarrhea of the mouthHomovore
8. 2020-09-21Cattle DecapitationInto The Public BathThe Harvest FloorMetal Blade
9. 2020-08-24Cattle DecapitationVeal And The Cult Of TortureHuman Jerky
10. 2020-04-27Cattle DecapitationParasitic InfestationTen Torments Of The Damned
11. 2019-11-18Cattle DecapitationApex BlasphemyThe Anthropocene ExtinctionMetal Blade Records
12. 2018-11-26Cattle DecapitationMad Cow ConspiracyTen Torments Of The Damned
13. 2018-11-19Cattle DecapitationTurn on the MastersMedium RaritiesMetal Blade Records
14. 2018-08-20Cattle DecapitationMolested/DigestedHomovorethree_one_g
15. 2017-09-25Cattle DecapitationTesticular ManslaughterTo Serve ManMetal Blade Records
16. 2017-04-10Cattle DecapitationAlone at the LandfillKarma. Bloody. KarmaMetal Blade Records
17. 2017-02-20Cattle DecapitationThe Burden of Seven BillionThe Anthropocene ExtinctionMetal Blade Records
18. 2016-12-12Cattle DecapitationProjectile VomitTen Torments Of The Damned
19. 2015-08-24Cattle DecapitationTooth Enamel And ConcreteThe Harvest Floormetalblade
20. 2015-08-03Cattle DecapitationPlagueborneThe Anthropocene Extinctionmetalblade
21. 2015-06-15Cattle DecapitationVino De Lo SanguiferoThe Science Of Crisis
22. 2014-10-20Cattle DecapitationOne Thousand Times DecapitationKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
23. 2014-09-22Cattle Decapitationthe Regurgitation of CorpsesTo Serve Manmetalblade
24. 2014-03-03Cattle DecapitationGristle LickerMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
25. 2014-01-13Cattle DecapitationCloacula: the Anthropophagic Compromantik (demo)Various Artists - Uncorrupted Steel, Vol. 2metalblade
26. 2013-09-23Cattle DecapitationReduced To PasteHumanuremetalblade
27. 2013-08-19Cattle DecapitationLong-pig Chef and the Hairless GoatTo Serve Manmetalblade
28. 2013-04-01Cattle DecapitationForced Gender ReassignmentMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
29. 2012-09-03Cattle DecapitationInto the Public BathsThe Harvest Floormetalblade
30. 2012-07-23Cattle DecapitationThe MonolithMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
31. 2012-07-09Cattle DecapitationThe Carbon StampedeMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
32. 2012-06-25Cattle DecapitationDead Set On SuicideMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
33. 2012-06-11Cattle DecapitationDo Not ResuscitateMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
34. 2012-06-04Cattle DecapitationProjectile OvulationMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
35. 2012-05-21Cattle DecapitationLifestalkerMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
36. 2012-05-14Cattle DecapitationDead Set On SuicideMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
37. 2012-05-07Cattle DecapitationGristle LickerMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
38. 2012-04-30Cattle DecapitationForce Gender ReassignmentMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
39. 2012-01-16Cattle DecapitationWe Are Horrible PeopleThe Harvest Floormetalblade
40. 2011-08-01Cattle DecapitationBukkake TsunamiHumanuremetalblade
41. 2010-08-16Cattle DecapitationInto the Public BathsThe Harvest Floormetalblade
42. 2010-05-24Cattle DecapitationI Eat Your SkinTo Serve Manmetalblade
43. 2009-12-28Cattle Decapitationof Human Pride and FlatulenceKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
44. 2009-09-07Cattle DecapitationWe Are Terrible PeopleThe Harvest Floormetalblade
45. 2009-08-24Cattle DecapitationHumanureHumanuremetalblade
46. 2009-08-17Cattle Decapitationtotal gore?Karma Bloody Karmametalblade
47. 2009-06-08Cattle DecapitationA Body FarmThe Harvest Floormetalblade
48. 2009-06-01Cattle DecapitationThe Product AliveThe Harvest Floormetalblade
49. 2009-05-25Cattle DecapitationInto the Public BathsThe Harvest Floormetalblade
50. 2009-05-18Cattle DecapitationThe Ripe Beneath the RindThe Harvest Floormetalblade
51. 2009-05-11Cattle DecapitationIn AxestasyThe Harvest Floormetalblade
52. 2009-03-02Cattle DecapitationA Body FarmThe Harvest Floormetalblade
53. 2009-02-23Cattle DecapitationTo Serve ManTo Serve Manmetalblade
54. 2008-11-24Cattle DecapitationTesticular ManslaughterTo Serve Manmetalblade
55. 2008-10-20Cattle DecapitationLong-pig Chef and the Hairless GoatTo Serve Manmetalblade
56. 2008-01-21Cattle Decapitationof Human Pride and FlatulenceKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
57. 2007-12-24Cattle Decapitationcolostomy jigsaw puzzleHomovorethree_one_g
58. 2007-06-18cattle decapitationBukkake Tsunami
59. 2007-04-16cattle decapitationunintelligent design
60. 2007-01-01cattle decapitationcolostomy jigsaw puzzle
61. 2006-12-11cattle decapitationapplied human defragmentation
62. 2006-12-04Cattle Decapitationlong pig chef and the hairless goat
63. 2006-10-09cattle decapitationsuspened in cprolite
64. 2006-09-25cattle decapitationthe new dawn
65. 2006-09-18cattle decapitationbereavement
66. 2006-09-11cattle decapitationunintelligent design
67. 2006-09-04cattle decapitationalone at the landfill
68. 2006-08-28cattle decapitationkarma bloody karma
69. 2006-08-21cattle decapitationone thousand times decapitation
70. 2006-08-14cattle decapitationtotal gore?
71. 2006-08-07cattle decapitationthe carcass derrick
72. 2006-07-31cattle decapitationunintelligent design
73. 2006-07-24cattle decapitationthe new dawn
74. 2006-07-17cattle decapitationtotal core
75. 2006-07-03cattle decapitationunitelligent design
76. 2006-06-26cattle decapitationsuccess is... (hanging by the neck)
77. 2006-04-03cattle decapitationi eat your skin
78. 2005-12-19cattle decapitationqueso de cabeza
79. 2005-11-28cattle decapitationto serve man
80. 2005-09-12cattle decapitationeveryone deserves to die
81. 2005-03-07cattle decapitationthe regurgitation of corpses
82. 2005-02-21cattle decapitationreduced to paste
83. 2004-09-20cattle decapitationbukake tsunami
84. 2004-09-13cattle decapitationreduced to paste
85. 2004-09-06cattle decapitationhumanure
86. 2004-08-30cattle decapitationapplied human defragmentation
87. 2004-08-23cattle decapitationlips & assholes
88. 2004-08-16cattle decapitation
89. 2004-08-09cattle decapitationapplied human defragmentation
90. 2004-08-02cattle decapitationBukkake Tsunami
91. 2004-07-26cattle decapitationpolyps
92. 2004-07-19cattle decapitationcrumified
93. 2004-07-12cattle decapitationthe earthling
94. 2004-04-19cattle decapitationpedeadstrians
95. 2004-04-12cattle decapitationeveryone deservesto die
96. 2004-01-19cattle decapitationqueso de cabeza
97. 2004-01-12cattle decapitationtripas de pepe
98. 2003-09-02Cattle DecapitationCloacula: the Anthropophagic Compromantik (demo)
99. 2003-07-29cattle decapitationland of the severed meatus
100. 2002-11-12Cattle Decapitationthe Regurgitation of Corpses
101. 2002-09-24Cattle DecapitationIn Regurgitation of Corpses
102. 2002-09-17Cattle Decapitationi eat your skin
103. 2002-09-10Cattle Decapitationdeadmeal
104. 2002-09-03Cattle DecapitationPedeadstrian
105. 2002-08-27Cattle DecapitationLong-pig Chef and the Hairless Goat
106. 2002-08-20Cattle DecapitationDeameal
107. 2002-08-13Cattle DecapitationPedeadstrian
108. 2002-07-30Cattle Decapitationi eat your skin
109. 2002-07-23Cattle DecapitationLand of Severed Meatus
110. 2002-07-17Cattle DecapitationWrithe in Putressence
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