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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1380 playlist up with 57334 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-09-16Concrete Winds04 Infernal RepeaterConcrete WindsSepulchral Voice Records
2. 2024-07-15Aeon WindsAeon Winds - Aeon - 03 Between the Dawn and the DuskAeonATMF
3. 2024-06-24Windswept02 Die Bürde der ErinnerungenDer eine, wahre KönigPrimitive Reaction
4. 2024-04-29CONCRETE WINDS02 Sulphuric UpheavalPrimitive ForceSepulchral Voice Records
5. 2023-02-20Winds of PlagueOrigins and EndingsDecimate the WeakCentury (Japan)
6. 2022-01-31Etherial WindsInto The SereneSaved (EP)
7. 2021-11-08NorthwindsBook Of ShadowsSleep With EvilBlack And Blue Records
8. 2020-10-26WINDSWEPT1. Black Horizon Is the Gates Of a BlizzardThe Great Cold SteppeSeason of Mist
9. 2020-02-24Winds OF The Black MountainsSeduction Of EveBlack Sun Shall RiseMoribund Records
10. 2019-08-19CONCRETE WINDS02 Sulphuric UpheavalPrimitive ForceSepulchral Voice Records
11. 2019-05-27Aeon WindsThe Path of Devouring FlamesPoslední vlci
12. 2019-03-18Etherial WindsWinterSaved (EP)
13. 2018-10-01Etherial WindsTrageyFind The Way... Together
14. 2017-05-08WINDSWEPTThe Stars Are Cold and Indifferent, Sow Their Gleaming AshesThe Great Cold SteppeSeason of Mist
15. 2017-01-16Winds Of GenocideInto The Darkness Of Eternal Nuclear WinterUsurping The Throne Of DiseasePulverised Records
16. 2016-03-07Winds Of GenocideThe Howling Wolves Of ArmageddonUsurping The Throne Of DiseasePulverised Records
17. 2014-12-08Winds of GenocideVenomous WarfareUsurping The Throne Of Diseasepulverised
18. 2011-04-18Winds of PlagueMonstersAgainst The Worldcenturymedia
19. 2010-06-07Winds of PlagueDecimate the WeakDecimate the Weakcenturymedia
20. 2010-01-25Winds of PlagueBattle ScarsThe Great Stone Warcenturymedia
21. 2009-10-19Winds of PlagueBattle ScarsThe Great Stone Warcenturymedia
22. 2009-08-24Winds of PlagueForged in FireThe Great Stone Warcenturymedia
23. 2009-08-17Winds of PlagueThe Great Stone WarThe Great Stone Warcenturymedia
24. 2009-08-10Winds of PlagueBattle ScarsThe Great Stone Warcenturymedia
25. 2008-03-03Winds of PlagueReloadedDecimate the Weakcenturymedia
26. 2008-02-25Winds of PlagueOne Body too ManyDecimate the Weakcenturymedia
27. 2008-02-18Winds of PlagueAnthems of ApocalypseDecimate the Weakcenturymedia
28. 2008-02-11Winds of PlagueOrigins and EndingsDecimate the Weakcenturymedia
29. 2008-02-04Winds of Plaguethe ImpalerDecimate the Weakcenturymedia
30. 2008-01-14WindsWhen the Dream of Paradise DiedProminence and Demiseend
31. 2007-09-17WindsConvictions and ContradictionsProminence and Demiseend
32. 2003-05-27Cryptic WindsOpen Casket
33. 2002-03-19Cryptic WindsTempest
34. 2002-03-12Cryptic Windsthe Ashes of Nightfall
35. 2002-03-05Cryptic WindsCryptic Winds
36. 2002-03-05Cryptic WindsCryptic Winds
37. 1999-05-04NorthwindsBeyond the Grave
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