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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2024-09-09VaderI Am Who Feasts Upon Your SoulWelcome to the Morbid ReichNuclear Blast (Warner)
2. 2024-05-06VaderRise of the UndeadNecropolisNuclear Blast GmbH
3. 2023-05-01VaderReign Forever WorldXXV, Disc 2Regain Records
4. 2022-06-06VaderRaining Blood (Slayer Cover)Lead Us!!! (Ep)
5. 2021-05-24VaderSothisDe Profundis
6. 2020-07-20VaderThe Sea Came in at LastThe BeastMetal Blade
7. 2018-08-20VaderThe Black EyeWelcome to the Morbid ReichNuclear Blast (Warner)
8. 2018-06-18VaderIncarnationDe Profundis
9. 2017-10-16VaderWingsXXV, Disc 2Regain Records
10. 2017-09-04VaderBlood Of KinguDe Profundis
11. 2017-06-26EVIL INVADERSRaising HellIn For The KillNapalm Records
12. 2017-06-12VaderThe Army-GeddonThe EmpireNuclear Blast Records
13. 2017-05-15VaderWhen Darkness CallsBlood/Reign Forever WorldMetal Blade
14. 2017-01-02VaderTempestThe EmpireNuclear Blast Records
15. 2016-11-21VaderNo GravityThe EmpireNuclear Blast Records
16. 2016-10-24EVIL INVADERSRaising HellIn For The KillDigital Servicing
17. 2016-08-29VaderTorch Of WarRevelations
18. 2015-03-16Evil InvadersVenomPulses Of Pleasurenapalm
19. 2015-03-09VaderTriumph Of DeathTibi Et Igninuclearblast
20. 2014-12-08VaderRaining BloodLead Us!!
21. 2014-08-04VaderWorms Of EdenTibi Et Igninuclearblast
22. 2014-07-21VaderWorms Of EdenTibi Et Igninuclearblast
23. 2014-06-23VaderHexenkesselTibi Et Igninuclearblast
24. 2013-09-30VaderViscious CircleXXVregain
25. 2013-09-16VaderThe SealNecropolisnuclearblast
26. 2012-08-13VaderFlag Of HateFuture Of The Pastspv
27. 2012-06-11VaderDethroned EmperorFuture Of The Pastspv
28. 2011-11-07VaderFractal LightBlack to the Blindpavement
29. 2011-09-05VaderEpitaphRevelationsmetalblade
30. 2011-06-27VaderFlag Of HateFuture Of The Pastspv
31. 2010-11-08VaderRise Of The UndeadNecropolismetalblade
32. 2009-11-30VaderFoetus GodBlack to the Blindpavement
33. 2009-11-23VaderRise Of The UndeadNecropolisnuclearblast
34. 2009-11-16VaderThe SealNecropolisnuclearblast
35. 2009-11-09VaderBlastNecropolismetalblade
36. 2009-10-26VaderDark HeartNecropolisnuclearblast
37. 2008-10-27VaderBlood of KinguXXVregain
38. 2008-10-20VaderViscious CircleXXVregain
39. 2008-10-06VaderIncarnationXXVregain
40. 2008-09-22VaderCold DemonXXVregain
41. 2008-09-15VaderSothisXXVregain
42. 2008-09-08VaderViscious CircleXXVregain
43. 2008-09-01VaderDark AgeXXVregain
44. 2008-01-07VaderCarnalBlack to the Blindpavement
45. 2007-01-15vaderas heavens collide...
46. 2007-01-08vadershadowfear
47. 2006-12-25vaderwarlords
48. 2006-12-18vaderpredators
49. 2006-12-11vaderfield of heads
50. 2006-12-04vaderthe book
51. 2006-11-27vadershadow fear
52. 2006-11-20vaderpredators
53. 2006-11-06vaderwarlords
54. 2006-10-30vaderfield of heads
55. 2006-10-23vaderhelluyah!!! (god is dead)
56. 2006-10-16vaderas heavens collide...
57. 2006-10-09vaderamongst the ruins
58. 2006-10-02vaderfield of heads
59. 2006-09-25vaderwarlords
60. 2006-09-18vaderfield of heads
61. 2006-09-11vaderas heavens collide...
62. 2006-03-20vaderbeast raping
63. 2005-10-17vaderreborn in flames
64. 2004-12-06vaderfoetus god
65. 2004-11-08vaderfreezing moon
66. 2004-11-01vaderchoices
67. 2004-10-25vaderapopheniac
68. 2004-10-18vaderthe sea came in at last
69. 2004-10-11vaderfirebringer
70. 2004-10-04vaderchoices
71. 2004-09-27vaderdark transmission
72. 2004-09-06vaderout of the deep
73. 2004-08-09vaderwolftribe
74. 2004-01-05vaderwhen darkness calls
75. 2003-12-29vaderfreezing moon
76. 2003-12-22vadershape shifting
77. 2003-12-15vaderrapid fire
78. 2003-11-24vadertraveler
79. 2003-11-17vadertravler
80. 2003-11-10vadershape-shifting
81. 2003-09-29vaderprivilege of the gods
82. 2002-12-10VaderDeath Metal
83. 2002-07-17vaderthe Code
84. 2002-07-09VaderEpitaph
85. 2002-07-02VaderTorch of War
86. 2002-06-25VaderLukewarm Race
87. 2002-06-18VaderThe Code
88. 2002-06-11VaderWhisper
89. 2002-06-04VaderWolftribe
90. 2002-04-09Vaderdeath metal
91. 2002-03-12VaderSilent Scream
92. 2002-03-05VaderDeath Metal
93. 2002-03-05VaderDeath Metal
94. 2001-03-06VaderHail Caligula!!!
95. 2000-07-17VaderFetus God
96. 2000-07-17VaderFetus God
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