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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-10-07UnearthInternal WarEndlessCentury Media
2. 2024-07-01Unearthly RitesThe Master's ToolsEcdysisProsthetic Records
3. 2024-06-17UnearthShattered By The SunThe sting of conscience
4. 2023-10-30UnearthZombie AutopilotThe Oncoming StormMetal Blade
5. 2022-10-17Unearthly TranceDecrepitudeThe TridentRelapse Records
6. 2022-09-12Unearthly TranceYou Get What You WantThe TridentRelapse Records
7. 2022-07-18UnearthIt's So EasyGuns N' Roses TributeLaw of Inertia
8. 2022-06-27UnearthFuel The FireThe sting of conscience
9. 2021-12-13UnearthConvictionsAbove the Fall of ManEndless Fight
10. 2020-03-09Unearthly TranceThe Air Exits/The Sea Accepts MeThe TridentRelapse Records
11. 2018-10-08UnearthArise the War CryDarkness in the LightMetal Blade
12. 2018-08-20Unearthly TranceTriumphSplit - Primitive Man & Unearthly TranceRelapse Records
13. 2017-03-27UnearthThe SwarmWatchers of RuleEntertainment One Music/ENT. ONE MUSIC
14. 2014-07-07UnearthShattered by the SunThe Sting Of Conscience
15. 2011-07-11UnearthArise The War CryDarkness In The Lightmetalblade
16. 2010-07-12UnearthSancity Of BrothersIII: In The Eyes Of firemetalblade
17. 2007-06-04UnearthConvictions
18. 2006-08-07unearththis glorious nightmare
19. 2006-07-31unearthsancity of brothers
20. 2006-07-24unearththis glorious nightmare
21. 2006-05-01unearthblack hearts still reign
22. 2006-03-06unearthshattered by the sun
23. 2005-09-12unearthblack hearts now reign
24. 2005-03-21unearthzombie apocalypse
25. 2004-12-20unearththe charm
26. 2004-10-18unearthcall to judgement
27. 2004-09-13unearthblack hearts now reign
28. 2004-09-06uneartharies
29. 2004-08-30unearthendless
30. 2004-08-23unearththe great dividers
31. 2004-08-16unearthbloodlust of the human condition
32. 2004-08-09unearthblack hearts now reign
33. 2004-08-02unearththe great dividers
34. 2004-07-26unearthblack hearts now reign
35. 2004-07-19unearththis lying world
36. 2004-07-12unearthblack hearts now reign
37. 2004-07-05unearthblack hearts now reign
38. 2004-06-28unearthendless
39. 2004-06-21unearthblack hearts now reign
40. 2004-06-14unearthendless
41. 2004-06-07unearththe great dividers
42. 2004-05-31unearthconvictions
43. 2004-03-22unearthit's so easy
44. 2003-11-24unearththe charm
45. 2003-11-10unearthconvictions
46. 2003-05-20UnearthEndless
47. 2003-03-04UnearthConvictions
48. 2003-02-04UnearthStrings of Conscience
49. 2003-01-14UnearthEndless
50. 2002-12-10UnearthConvictions
51. 2002-11-26Unearththe Charm
52. 2002-11-05Unearthinternal war
53. 2002-10-01UnearthInternal War
54. 2002-09-17UnearthMy Heart Bleeds no longer
55. 2002-09-10UnearthEndless
56. 2002-09-03UnearthInternal War
57. 2002-08-27Unearththe Charm
58. 2002-08-20UnearthEndless
59. 2002-07-09Unearthone step Away
60. 2002-05-14UnearthShattered by the Sun
61. 2001-07-24UnearthMarching for the Frozen Shadow Side
62. 2001-07-24UnearthMarching for the Frozen Shadow Side
63. 2001-06-19UnearthCall to Judgement
64. 2001-05-08UnearthVanishment
65. 2001-04-03UnearthManition
66. 2001-03-27UnearthOnly the People
67. 2001-03-20UnearthFuel the Fire
68. 2001-03-13UnearthVanishment
69. 2001-03-06UnearthMessiah Pacified
70. 2001-02-27UnearthVanishment
71. 2001-02-20UnearthStronghold
72. 2001-02-13UnearthShattered by the Sun
73. 2001-01-23UnearthFuel the Fire
74. 2000-10-03UnearthConvictions
75. 2000-04-24UnearthCall to Judgement
76. 2000-03-20UnearthConvictions
77. 1999-08-21Unearthlefty
78. 1999-08-21Unearthlefty
79. 1999-08-02UnearthShattered by the sun
80. 1999-07-26UnearthCall to Judgement
81. 1999-07-19UnearthConvictions
82. 1999-07-12UnearthConvictions
83. 1999-06-28UnearthConvictions
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