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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1398 playlist up with 57934 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2020-05-11Today Is The DayCriminalSadness Will Prevail
2. 2018-09-10Today Is the DayKiss the PigKiss the PigRelapse Records
3. 2017-08-14Today Is the DayThis Machine Kills FascistsKiss the PigRelapse Records
4. 2017-04-10Today Is the DayKiss the PigKiss the PigRelapse Records
5. 2016-04-25Today Is the DayThis Machine Kills FascistsKiss the PigRelapse Records
6. 2014-05-19Today is the DayKiss the PigKiss the Pigrelapse
7. 2013-12-02Today is the DayBee's Wax and Star WarsKiss the Pigrelapse
8. 2013-06-10Today is the DayMartial LawIn The Eyes OF Godrelapse
9. 2008-11-24Today is the DayKiss the PigKiss the Pigrelapse
10. 2008-04-21Today is the DayBroken Promises and Dead DreamsSuper Nova sampler 2007supernova
11. 2008-03-24Today is the DayBlack DahliaSupernovaamphetamine_reptile
12. 2007-10-01Today is the DayBroken Promises and Dead DreamsSuper Nova sampler 2007supernova
13. 2006-04-10Today is the Dayoutland
14. 2005-08-22Today is the Daycriminal
15. 2005-08-15Today is the Dayplatinum pussy
16. 2005-05-09Today is the Daypinnacle
17. 2004-08-30Today is the Daywhy they hate us
18. 2004-08-23Today is the Daybee's wax and star wars
19. 2004-08-16Today is the Daysympathy junky
20. 2004-08-02Today is the Daywhy they hate us
21. 2004-07-26Today is the Dayoutland
22. 2004-07-19Today is the Daytrain train
23. 2004-07-12Today is the Dayplatinum pussy
24. 2004-07-05Today is the Daydon't tread on hope
25. 2004-06-21Today is the Dayoutlaw
26. 2004-06-14Today is the Daythis machine kills facists
27. 2004-06-07Today is the Daykiss the pig
28. 2004-03-22Today is the Daythe decent
29. 2004-02-02Today is the DayBlack Dahlia
30. 2003-12-01Today is the Dayin the eyes of god
31. 2003-07-15Today is the DayAfterlife
32. 2003-05-27Today is the DayMy Knife
33. 2003-04-01Today is the DayCrooked
34. 2003-02-25Today is the DayFalse REality
35. 2003-02-18Today is the Daycrooked
36. 2003-02-04Today is the Dayfeel like makin' love
37. 2002-11-12Today is the Daymyriad
38. 2002-10-15Today is the Daythe Decent
39. 2002-07-02Today is the DayWho is the Black Angel?
40. 2000-08-21Today is the DayIn the Eyes of God
41. 2000-07-17Today is the DayPossesion
42. 2000-07-17Today is the DayPossesion
43. 1999-09-13Today is the DayFalse Reality
44. 1999-09-06Today is the DayHonor
45. 1999-08-30Today is the DaySoldier of Fortune
46. 1999-08-16Today is the Daythe Cold Harshowes of Being
47. 1999-08-09Today is the DayIn the Eyes of God
48. 1999-08-02Today is the DayFalse Reality
49. 1999-07-26Today is the DayMayarl
50. 1997-11-24Today is the DayBlind spot
51. 1997-11-10Today is the DayBlindspot
52. 1997-11-03Today is the Daythe man who loves to hurt himself
53. 1997-10-27Today is the DayThe man who loves to hurt himself
54. 1997-10-20Today is the DayThe man who loves to hurt himself
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