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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1381 playlist up with 57362 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2024-03-18Thy PrimordialDe Möcka Makters AllaUnder Iskall Troll ManeWorld War III (American Music Corp)
2. 2022-03-07Thy PrimordialBortom Nattsvart HimmelUnder Iskall Troll ManeWorld War III (American Music Corp)
3. 2021-02-01Thy PrimordialBortom Nattsvart HimmelUnder Iskall Troll ManeWorld War III (American Music Corp)
4. 2020-06-08Thy PrimordialDisguised as Beings of LightHeresy of an Age of ReasonBlackend
5. 2019-02-11Thy PrimordialBlodsgräsUnder Iskall Troll ManeWorld War III (American Music Corp)
6. 2018-12-31Thy PrimordialDödsskugganWhere Only the Seasons Mark the Paths of Time/At The World of Untrodden Wonder, Disc 1Blackend
7. 2016-04-11Thy PrimordialDe Viskande Trädens SkogUnder Iskall Troll ManeWorld War III (American Music Corp)
8. 2014-06-09Thy Primordialthe Impression of WarUnder Iskall Troll Maneworld_war_iii
9. 2014-03-03Thy PrimordialBortom Nattsvart HimmelUnder Iskall Troll Maneworld_war_iii
10. 2014-02-17Thy PrimordialUnder Iskall Troll ManeUnder Iskall Troll Maneworld_war_iii
11. 2013-05-13Thy PrimordialForthcoming CenturiesWhere Only Seasons Mark The Paths Of Timepulverised
12. 2012-12-24Thy PrimordialAt the World of Untrodden WonderVarious Artist - Satanic Rites: A tribute to helldwell
13. 2011-12-05Thy PrimordialDeparture - Astray In SpiritAt The World Of Untrodden Wonderpulverised
14. 2011-07-11Thy PrimordialDeparture - Astray In SpiritAt The World Of Untrodden Wonderpulverised
15. 2011-05-09Thy PrimordialForthcoming CenturiesWhere Only Seasons Mark The Paths Of Timepulverised
16. 2010-06-28Thy PrimordialSvart GryningWhere Only Seasons Mark The Paths Of Timepulverised
17. 2004-12-06thy primordialthe fatal journey
18. 2003-12-15thy Primordialenrapture silence
19. 2001-11-13Thy Primordialthe Impression of War
20. 2001-10-30Thy PrimordialBlodgras
21. 2001-10-30Thy PrimordialBlodgras
22. 2001-10-09Thy PrimordialBlodsras
23. 2001-10-02Thy PrimordialMorkret's faste
24. 2001-09-25Thy PrimordialDen Onder Klor
25. 2001-08-28Thy PrimordialFor Fires to Burn
26. 2001-08-28Thy PrimordialFor Fires to Burn
27. 2000-08-28Thy PrimordialMere are they...
28. 2000-08-07Thy PrimordialThe Herecy of an Age of Reason
29. 2000-07-24thy PrimordialTyrannize
30. 2000-07-17Thy Primordialthe Dead live Shining Crown of Night
31. 2000-07-17Thy Primordialthe Dead live Shining Crown of Night
32. 2000-07-10Thy PrimordialEx Opere Operain
33. 2000-03-27Thy Primordialto Ruin and Decay
34. 2000-03-20Thy PrimordialRevealed Through the Ages
35. 2000-03-13Thy Primordialto ruin and Decay
36. 2000-03-06Thy PrimordialMy Beloved Darkness
37. 2000-02-28Thy Primordialthe Fatal Journey
38. 2000-02-21Thy PrimordialAt the World of Untrodden Wonder
39. 1999-06-07Thy PrimordialDodsskuggan
40. 1997-10-20Thy PrimordialEnrapture Silence
41. 1997-10-13Thy PrimordialWhere only the Seasons marks the paths of time
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