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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1380 playlist up with 57334 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


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1. 2023-11-13Through the Eyes of the DeadBringer of TruthBloodlustRazor & Tie Music
2. 2019-07-01Through the Eyes of the DeadThrough the Eyes of the Dead - Abyssal CreationThe Annihilation of Expectation Split Through the Eyes of the Dead & The Knife Trade
3. 2019-04-29Through the Eyes of the DeadForever Ends TodayThe Scars of Ages EPLovelost
4. 2017-07-17Through the Eyes of the DeadAbyssal CreationThrough the Eyes of the Dead & The Knife Trade-The Annihilation of Expectation Split
5. 2015-09-07Through the Eyes of the DeadAutumn Tint of GoldThe Scars of Ageslovelost
6. 2012-07-16Through the Eyes of the DeadBeneath Dying SkiesBloodlustprosthetic
7. 2012-03-19Through the Eyes of the Deadthe Undead ParadeMaliceprosthetic
8. 2010-09-20Through the Eyes of the DeadAs Good As DeadMaliceprosthetic
9. 2010-04-26Through the Eyes of the DeadDementiaSkepsisprosthetic
10. 2010-03-29Through the Eyes of the DeadSkepsisSkepsisprosthetic
11. 2010-02-22Through the Eyes of the DeadPerpetual DefilementSkepsisprosthetic
12. 2010-02-08Through the Eyes of the DeadNo HavenSkepsisprosthetic
13. 2010-02-01Through the Eyes of the DeadThe ManifestSkepsisprosthetic
14. 2009-12-21Through the Eyes of the DeadBetween the Gardens That Bathe In BloodThe Scars of Agesself-released
15. 2009-09-28Through the Eyes of the DeadAutumn Tint of GoldThe Scars of Ageslovelost
16. 2008-11-24Through the Eyes of the DeadDead End RoadsMaliceprosthetic
17. 2008-02-11Through the Eyes of the DeadAs Good As DeadMaliceprosthetic
18. 2007-12-17Through the Eyes of the DeadPull the TriggerMaliceprosthetic
19. 2007-12-10Through the Eyes of the DeadTruest Shade of CrimsonBloodlustprosthetic
20. 2007-12-03Through the Eyes of the Deadwhen everything becomes nothingBloodlustprosthetic
21. 2007-10-22Through the Eyes of the DeadFailure in the FleshMaliceprosthetic
22. 2007-10-01Through the Eyes of the DeadAs Good As DeadMaliceprosthetic
23. 2007-09-24Through the Eyes of the DeadFailure in the FleshMaliceprosthetic
24. 2007-09-10Through the Eyes of the DeadDead End RoadsMaliceprosthetic
25. 2007-09-03Through the Eyes of the DeadMaliceMaliceprosthetic
26. 2007-08-27Through the Eyes of the Deada Catastrophe of Epic ProportionsMaliceprosthetic
27. 2007-08-20Through the Eyes of the Deadthe Undead ParadeMaliceprosthetic
28. 2007-08-13Through the Eyes of the Deadto Wage WarMaliceprosthetic
29. 2007-03-12Through the Eyes of the Deadbeneath dying skiesBloodlustprosthetic
30. 2006-06-19Through the Eyes of the Deadtwo inches from a main arteryBloodlustprosthetic
31. 2006-03-27Through the Eyes of the Deadbeneath dying skiesBloodlustprosthetic
32. 2006-02-20Through the Eyes of the Deadforce fed traumaBloodlustprosthetic
33. 2006-02-06Through the Eyes of the Deadwith eyes ever turned inwardBloodlustprosthetic
34. 2006-01-30Through the Eyes of the Deadbringer of truthBloodlustprosthetic
35. 2006-01-23Through the Eyes of the Deadbeneath dying skiesBloodlustprosthetic
36. 2006-01-16Through the Eyes of the Deadwhen everything becomes nothingBloodlustprosthetic
37. 2006-01-09Through the Eyes of the Deadbringer of truthBloodlustprosthetic
38. 2005-12-26Through the Eyes of the Deadwith eyes ever turned inwardBloodlustprosthetic
39. 2005-12-19Through the Eyes of the Deadtruest shade of crimsonBloodlustprosthetic
40. 2005-12-12Through the Eyes of the Deadbringer of truthBloodlustprosthetic
41. 2005-12-05Through the Eyes of the Deadwhen everything becomes nothingBloodlustprosthetic
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