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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2024-11-18The Acacia StrainEARTH WILL BECOME DEATHY
2. 2024-03-18The Acacia StrainGivingIt Comes in Waves
3. 2024-03-11The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden cover)
4. 2022-11-21The Acacia StrainOnlyIt Comes in Waves
5. 2022-03-14The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden cover)
6. 2021-09-06The Acacia StrainI breathed in the smoke deeply it tasted like death and I smiled (feat. Zach Hatfield)C
7. 2021-08-09The Acacia StrainWasIt Comes in Waves
8. 2021-05-03The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden cover)
9. 2020-09-28The Acacia StrainSinIt Comes in Waves
10. 2020-06-01The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
11. 2019-12-23The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
12. 2019-08-05The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
13. 2018-01-29The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
14. 2017-06-26The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
15. 2017-05-08The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
16. 2016-12-12The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
17. 2016-11-21The Acacia StrainBlack Hole Sun (Soundgarden Cover)
18. 2014-12-22The Acacia StrainSmoke Ya Later3750prosthetic
19. 2014-12-15The Acacia StrainSeasons In The Abyss
20. 2011-10-10The Acacia StrainAngry Mob JusticeThe Dead Walkprosthetic
21. 2011-09-26The Acacia StrainJonestownWormwoodprosthetic
22. 2010-09-27The Acacia StrainBrown Noise3750prosthetic
23. 2010-08-16The Acacia StrainNightmanWormwoodprosthetic
24. 2010-08-09The Acacia StrainThe Hills Have EyesWormwoodprosthetic
25. 2009-05-18The Acacia StrainWhoa! shut it down.The Dead Walkprosthetic
26. 2009-04-20The Acacia Strainsmoke ya later3750prosthetic
27. 2009-03-16The Acacia StrainWhy is a raven like a writing desk... and life is longdevilshead
28. 2008-08-25The Acacia StrainBaby BusterContinentprosthetic
29. 2008-08-18The Acacia StrainSkynetContinentprosthetic
30. 2008-08-11The Acacia StrainDr. DoomContinentprosthetic
31. 2008-08-04The Acacia StrainJFCContinentprosthetic
32. 2008-07-28The Acacia StrainCthulhuContinentprosthetic
33. 2007-06-18The Acacia Strain4x4The Dead Walkprosthetic
34. 2007-04-23The Acacia StrainWhoa! shut it down.
35. 2006-10-16The Acacia Straincable ready techno slut
36. 2006-07-17The Acacia Straindemolisher
37. 2006-07-03The Acacia Strainsee you next teusday
38. 2006-06-26The Acacia Strainangry mob justice
39. 2005-05-02The Acacia Straincable ready techno slut
40. 2004-08-16The Acacia Strainextreme wrath of jhiaxus
41. 2004-08-09The Acacia Strainbrown noise
42. 2004-08-02The Acacia Straindrawn and quarted
43. 2004-07-26The Acacia Straindrawn and quarted
44. 2004-07-19The Acacia Strainpassing the pencil test
45. 2004-07-12The Acacia Strainbrown noise
46. 2004-07-05The Acacia Strainsmoke ya later
47. 2004-06-28The Acacia Strain3750
48. 2004-02-02The Acacia Straincable ready techno slut
49. 2003-04-01The Acacia StrainCable Ready Techno slut
50. 2003-03-18The Acacia Strainthe Widowmaker
51. 2003-02-25The Acacia StrainNoah will be your Grave
52. 2003-02-18The Acacia StrainRoadhead road
53. 2003-02-11The Acacia Strainkilling on empty
54. 2003-02-04The Acacia StrainWhy is a raven like a writing desk
55. 2003-01-28The Acacia StrainCable Read Techno Slut
56. 2003-01-21The Acacia StrainDoppleganger
57. 2003-01-14The Acacia StrainAll She Wrote
58. 2003-01-07The Acacia StrainCable REady Techno slut
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