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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
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1. 2025-02-03Napalm DeathNazi Punks Fuck OffPunishment in CapitalsSnapper
2. 2024-12-16Napalm DeathSocial Sterility
3. 2023-08-28Napalm DeathThe Icing on the HateOrder of the LeechToy's Factory Records
4. 2022-05-09Napalm DeathJuidicial SlimeUtopia BanishedEarache
5. 2021-08-23Napalm DeathVolume of NeglectPunishment in CapitalsSnapper
6. 2021-06-14Napalm Death11 - Napalm Death - Human GarbageScum
7. 2020-11-02Napalm DeathMalicious IntentHarmony Corruption
8. 2020-09-21Napalm DeathExileUtopia Banished
9. 2018-11-26Napalm DeathBlunt Against the Cutting EdgeEnemy of the Music BusinessSpitfire Records
10. 2018-10-15Napalm DeathCD1 3. It Failed To ExplodeCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
11. 2018-07-23Napalm DeathRipe For The BreakingDiatribes
12. 2018-06-18Napalm DeathSuffer The ChildrenSuffer The Children
13. 2018-05-14Napalm DeathJudicial SlimeUtopia Banishedearache
14. 2018-03-19Napalm DeathCD1 11. Aim Without An AimCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
15. 2018-03-12Napalm DeathCD1 7. We Hunt In PacksCoded Smears and More Uncommon SlursCentury Media Records
16. 2017-08-14Napalm DeathNazi Punks Fuck OffPunishment in CapitalsSnapper
17. 2017-07-03Napalm DeathConstitutional HellEnemy of the Music BusinessSpitfire Records
18. 2017-02-27Napalm DeathRepression Out of UniformWords from the Exit WoundEarache
19. 2017-01-30Napalm DeathDeceiver/Social SterilityComplete Radio One Sessions (BBC)Fuel 2000
20. 2016-11-21Napalm DeathSocial SterilityFrom Enslavement To ObliterationEarache
21. 2016-08-22Napalm DeathUnchallenged HateDeath by Manipulation
22. 2016-07-18Napalm DeathSuffer the ChildrenPunishment in CapitalsSnapper
23. 2016-05-23Napalm DeathDeceiver + Lucid Fairytale + in ExtremisThe Peel Sessions
24. 2016-01-25Napalm DeathMoral CrusadeGrind Madness At The BBCEarache
25. 2015-12-14Napalm DeathSocial SterilityDeath by Manipulationearache
26. 2015-08-17Napalm DeathChristening of the BlindUtopia Banishedearache
27. 2015-07-20Napalm DeathDope FiendLeaders Not Followers: Part 2centurymedia
28. 2015-07-06Napalm DeathCircle Of HypocrisyHarmony Corruption
29. 2015-05-25Napalm DeathBreed To Breathe (Live)Punishment in Capitals:armoury
30. 2015-01-26Napalm DeathObstinate DirectionFom Enslavement To Obliterationcenturymedia
31. 2014-10-20Napalm DeathPractice What You PreachFrom Enslavement To Obliterationearache
32. 2014-09-15Napalm DeathMorbid DeceiverFrom Enslavement To Obliteration
33. 2014-07-28Napalm DeathThe Wolf I FeedUtilitariancenturymedia
34. 2014-04-28Napalm Deaththe World Keeps TurningUtopia Banishedearache
35. 2014-02-24Napalm DeathCause and EffectMentally Murdered
36. 2014-01-27Napalm DeathWhen All Is Said And DoneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
37. 2013-12-16Napalm DeathRaging HellBroadcast 1988-04-20
38. 2013-12-02Napalm DeathBedtime StoryLeaders Not Followers: Part 2centurymedia
39. 2013-09-30Napalm DeathThrown Down A RopeWords From The Exit Woundearache
40. 2013-09-16Napalm DeathI AbstainUtopia Banishedearache
41. 2013-09-02Napalm DeathHungPunishment in Capitalsarmoury
42. 2013-07-08Napalm DeathWorlds ApartFrom Enslavement To Obliterationearache
43. 2013-05-13Napalm DeathScumPunishment in Capitals:armoury
44. 2013-04-15Napalm DeathCock-Rock AlienationFrom Enslavement To Obliterationearache
45. 2013-01-07Napalm Deathwhen all is said and doneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
46. 2012-10-22Napalm Deaththe World Keeps TurningUtopia Banishedearache
47. 2012-10-08Napalm DeathCollision CourseUtilitariancenturymedia
48. 2012-09-17Napalm DeathBlank Look About FaceUtilitariancenturymedia
49. 2012-08-20Napalm DeathMass Appeal MadnessDeath By Manipulationearache
50. 2012-08-13Napalm DeathA Gag ReflexUtilitariancenturymedia
51. 2012-08-06Napalm DeathFall On Their SwordsUtilitariancenturymedia
52. 2012-07-16Napalm DeathRise AboveDeath By Manipulationearache
53. 2012-07-09Napalm DeathOrders Of MagnitudeUtilitariancenturymedia
54. 2012-06-04Napalm DeathYou SufferVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
55. 2012-06-04Napalm DeathDeadVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
56. 2012-06-04Napalm DeathYour AchievementVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
57. 2012-05-28Napalm DeathThink Tank TrialsUtilitariancenturymedia
58. 2012-05-21Napalm DeathCollision CourseUtilitariancenturymedia
59. 2012-05-14Napalm DeathThink Tank TrialsUtilitariancenturymedia
60. 2012-05-07Napalm DeathQuarantinedUtilitariancenturymedia
61. 2012-04-09Napalm DeathThe Wolf I FeedUtilitariancenturymedia
62. 2012-04-02Napalm DeathEveryday PoxUtilitariancenturymedia
63. 2012-03-26Napalm DeathProtection RacketUtilitariancenturymedia
64. 2012-03-19Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Napalm Death/Coalesceearache
65. 2011-05-30Napalm DeathMore Than Meets The EyeMore Than Meets The Eye singleearache
66. 2011-05-02Napalm DeathBreed To BreatheBreed To Breathe EPearache
67. 2011-02-07Napalm DeathWar's No Fairytale (discharge cover)Leaders Not Followers: Part 2centurymedia
68. 2010-11-01Napalm DeathYou SufferScumearache
69. 2010-09-20Napalm DeathUnchallenged HateDeath By Manipulationearache
70. 2010-09-06Napalm DeathExileUtopia Banishedearache
71. 2010-08-23Napalm DeathTime Waits For No SlaveTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
72. 2010-08-09Napalm DeathWork To RuleTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
73. 2010-07-26Napalm DeathBlind To The Truth/Negative Approach/Common EnemyThe Peel Sessionsbbc_music
74. 2010-06-28Napalm DeathCleanse ImpureWords From The Exit Woundearache
75. 2010-06-14Napalm DeathChristening of the BlindUtopia Banishedearache
76. 2010-03-08Napalm DeathLife and LimbTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
77. 2010-01-04Napalm DeathPassive TenseTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
78. 2009-12-28Napalm DeathUnchallenged HateDeath By Manipulationearache
79. 2009-08-03Napalm DeathFood ChainsNapalm Death/Coalesceearache
80. 2009-06-08Napalm DeathA No-Sided ArgumentTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
81. 2009-05-04Napalm Deathwhen all is said and doneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
82. 2009-04-27Napalm DeathThe Missing LinkVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
83. 2009-04-20Napalm DeathScumScumearache
84. 2009-03-30Napalm Deathwhen all is said and doneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
85. 2009-03-16Napalm DeathChristening of the BlindUtopia Banishedearache
86. 2009-03-09Napalm DeathLife and LimbTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
87. 2009-03-02Napalm DeathProcrastination on the Empty VesselTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
88. 2009-02-23Napalm DeathLife and LimbTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
89. 2009-02-16Napalm DeathOn the Brink of ExtinctionTime Waits For No Slaveearache
90. 2009-02-09Napalm DeathTime Waits For No SlaveTime Waits For No Slavecenturymedia
91. 2009-01-26Napalm DeathWhen All is Said and DoneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
92. 2009-01-19Napalm DeathLife?Scumearache
93. 2008-12-29Napalm DeathWhen All is Said and DoneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
94. 2008-12-22Napalm DeathWhen All is Said and DoneSmear Campaigncenturymedia
95. 2008-12-08Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Napalm Death/Coalesceearache
96. 2008-11-03Napalm DeathWar's No Fairytale (discharge cover)Leaders Not Followers: Part 2centurymedia
97. 2008-08-25Napalm DeathNegative ApproachScumearache
98. 2008-06-30Napalm DeathRise AboveDeath By Manipulationearache
99. 2008-06-16Napalm DeathUnchallenged hate/Mentally MurderedThe Complete Radio One Sessionsbbc_music
100. 2008-01-07Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Utopia Banishedearache
101. 2007-12-17Napalm DeathSUCCESS?Scumearache
102. 2007-11-12Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Napalm Death/Coalesceearache
103. 2007-10-08Napalm DeathDistorting the MediumUtopia Banishedearache
104. 2007-07-09Napalm Deaththe World Keeps TurningPunishment in Capitalsarmoury
105. 2007-07-02Napalm DeathVerminPunishment in Capitalsarmoury
106. 2007-06-25Napalm Deathtake the poison
107. 2007-06-18napalm deathsuffer the children (live)Punishment in Capitals:armoury
108. 2007-06-11Napalm DeathBreed To Breathe (Live)Punishment in Capitalsarmoury
109. 2007-06-04Napalm DeathNext in line (live)Punishment in Capitalsarmoury
110. 2007-05-14Napalm DeathSuffer the Children
111. 2007-02-26napalm deathnext of kin to chaos
112. 2006-12-25napalm deathchristening of the blind
113. 2006-11-13napalm deathfood chains
114. 2006-10-16napalm deathchristening of the blind
115. 2006-10-09napalm deathwhen all is said and done
116. 2006-10-02napalm deathfreedom is the wage of sin
117. 2006-09-25napalm deathfatalist
118. 2006-09-18napalm deathidentity crisis
119. 2006-09-11napalm deathsink fast, let go
120. 2006-09-04napalm deatheyes right out
121. 2006-08-28napalm deathin deference
122. 2006-08-21napalm deathclimate control
123. 2006-08-14napalm deathvegetative state
124. 2006-07-17napalm deathUnchallenged Hate
125. 2006-06-19napalm deathpledge yourself to you
126. 2006-06-12napalm deathstricking purposefully backwards
127. 2006-06-05napalm deaththe great and the good
128. 2006-05-22napalm deaththe great and the good
129. 2006-05-15napalm deathall hail the grey dawn
130. 2006-05-08napalm deaththe code is red... lond live the code
131. 2006-03-06napalm deathcaught... in a dream
132. 2005-11-21napalm deathsuffer the chldren (live)
133. 2005-11-07napalm deathsiege of power
134. 2005-10-31napalm deathnazi punks fuck off
135. 2005-10-24napalm deathBreed To Breathe (Live)
136. 2005-10-17napalm deathback from the dead (live)
137. 2005-09-26napalm deathtake the poison
138. 2005-08-15napalm deathbreed to breathe
139. 2005-04-18napalm deathfood chains
140. 2005-02-28napalm deathnight of pain (wehrmacht)
141. 2005-02-21napalm deathlowlife (cryptic slaughter)
142. 2005-02-07napalm deathlowlife (cryptic slaughter)
143. 2005-01-31napalm deathtroops of doom (sepultura)
144. 2005-01-24napalm deathblind justice (agnostic front cover)
145. 2005-01-10napalm deathnight of pain (wehrmacht cover)
146. 2004-12-27napalm deathlowest common demoninator
147. 2004-11-29napalm deathnazi punks fuck off
148. 2004-11-01napalm deathmulti national coporations-instincts of survival-stigmatized-parasites
149. 2004-10-18napalm deathnazi punks fuck off
150. 2004-10-11napalm deathdeceiver-lucid fairytale - in extremis
151. 2004-10-04napalm deathBreed To Breathe
152. 2004-09-27napalm deathBreed To Breathe
153. 2004-03-29napalm deathparasites
154. 2004-03-15napalm deathbread to breathe
155. 2003-12-01napalm deathbreed to breathe
156. 2003-10-20napalm deathunchallenge hate
157. 2003-07-22Napalm Deathpolluted minds
158. 2003-04-08Napalm DeathBreed to Breathe
159. 2003-02-11Napalm DeathChristening of the Blind
160. 2003-02-04Napalm DeathFarce of Fiction
161. 2003-01-28Napalm DeathForced to Fear
162. 2003-01-14Napalm Deathto lower Yourself (Blind Servitude)
163. 2002-12-31Napalm DeathBlows to the Body
164. 2002-12-24Napalm DeathPer Capita
165. 2002-12-10Napalm DeathGreed Killing
166. 2002-12-01Napalm DeathContinuing the War on the Studity
167. 2002-11-26Napalm DeathPer Capita
168. 2002-11-12Napalm Deathout of site out of mind
169. 2002-11-05Napalm DeathLowest Common Denominator
170. 2002-10-29Napalm DeathOut of sight out of mind
171. 2002-10-22Napalm DeathNarcoleptic
172. 2002-09-10Napalm DEathInstinct of Survivial
173. 2002-01-15Napalm Deathbread to breathe
174. 2002-01-08Napalm DeathScum
175. 2001-10-23Napalm DEathFood Chains
176. 2001-10-02Napalm DeathNecessary Evil
177. 2001-09-11Napalm DeathSuffer the Children
178. 2001-09-11Napalm DeathSuffer the Children
179. 2001-06-05Napalm DeathNecessary Evil
180. 2001-05-22Napalm DEathDivine Death
181. 2001-05-15Napalm DeathVolume of Neglect
182. 2001-05-08Napalm DeathGreed Killing (live BBC)
183. 2001-05-01Napalm DEathBlunt Against the Cuttin Edge
184. 2001-04-17Napalm DeathVermin
185. 2001-02-06Napalm DeathBreed to Breathe
186. 2000-10-17Napalm DeathFood Chains
187. 2000-10-17Napalm DeathFood Chains
188. 2000-08-14Napalm DeathUn challenged Hate
189. 2000-07-31Napalm DeathPlague Rages
190. 2000-06-26Napalm DeathPlague Rages
191. 2000-01-24Napalm DeathPseudo Youth
192. 1999-11-22Napalm DeathNext of Kin to Chaos
193. 1999-09-20Napalm DeathThe Missing Link
194. 1999-09-06Napalm Deaththe Kill/scum
195. 1999-08-23Napalm DeathReflect on Conflict
196. 1999-07-05Napalm DEathClutching At Barbs
197. 1999-05-17Napalm Deathtrack
198. 1999-05-10Napalm DEathnext of Kin to chaos
199. 1999-04-27Napalm DeathCleanse Impure
200. 1999-04-20Napalm DeathClense Improve
201. 1999-04-13Napalm Deathtrio-Degradable/Affixed by Disconcern
202. 1999-04-06Napalm DeathRepression out of uniform
203. 1999-03-29Napalm DEathDevouring Depraved
204. 1999-03-22Napalm DeathNone the Wiser?
205. 1997-09-01Napalm DeathArmagedon X7
206. 1997-07-21Napalm DeathPurist Realist
207. 1997-07-14Napalm DEathBirth in Regress
208. 1997-07-07Napalm DeathReflect on Confilct
209. 1997-06-30Napalm DEathDown in the Zero
210. 1997-06-23Napalm DeathPrelude
211. 1997-06-16Napalm DeathIf Symptons Persist
212. 1997-06-09Napalm DeathDown in the Zero
213. 1997-04-28Napalm DeathHung
214. 1997-03-24Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)
215. 1997-03-10Napalm DeathUpward and Uninterected
216. 1997-03-03Napalm DEathSuffer the Children
217. 1997-02-24Napalm DeathFood chains
218. 1997-02-17Napalm DEathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)
219. 1997-01-27Napalm DeathFood Chains
220. 1997-01-20Napalm Death#4
221. 1996-12-23Napalm DEathDistorting the Medium
222. 1996-12-16Napalm DeathCause and Effect
223. 1996-12-02Napalm Deaththe World
224. 1996-11-25Napalm DeathAwake (to a like of Misery)
225. 1996-11-18Napalm DeathChristening of the Blind
226. 1996-11-11Napalm Deaththe Missing Link
227. 1996-11-04Napalm DeathPride Assassin
228. 1996-10-28Napalm DeathPlague rages
229. 1996-09-23Napalm DeathGreed Killing
230. 1996-09-09Napalm DeathGreed killing
231. 1996-09-02Napalm DeathHung
232. 0000-00-00Napalm Death
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