Ass Hat
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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-07-15Deeds Of FleshHollow Human HusksPortals To Canaan
2. 2024-07-01Deeds Of FleshXeno-VirusPortals To Canaan
3. 2024-06-17Deeds of FleshSummarily KilledPath of the WeakeningUnique Leader Records
4. 2022-07-11Deeds Of FleshXeno-VirusPortals To Canaan
5. 2022-05-23Deeds Of FleshChunks In The ShowerTrading Pieces
6. 2021-06-07Deeds Of FleshCarnivorous WaysTrading Pieces
7. 2021-04-05Deeds Of FleshChunks In The ShowerTrading Pieces
8. 2020-07-27Deeds Of FleshHuman SandbagsGradually melted
9. 2019-12-09Deeds of FleshRitual of BattleInbreeding the AnthropophagiRepulse Records
10. 2019-04-22Deeds of FleshI Die on My Own TermsPath of the WeakeningUnique Leader Records
11. 2018-12-10Deeds Of FleshSummarily KilledPath of the Weakeningunique_leader
12. 2018-12-03Deeds of FleshInfecting Them with FalsehoodInbreeding the AnthropophagiRepulse Records
13. 2018-07-23Deeds of FleshInbreeding the AnthropophagiInbreeding the AnthropophagiRepulse Records
14. 2018-05-07Deeds of FleshFeeding TimeInbreeding the AnthropophagiRepulse Records
15. 2017-05-01Deeds of FleshInfested Beneath the EarthReduced to AshesUnique Leader Records
16. 2016-09-05Deeds of FleshCanvas of FleshInbreeding the AnthropophagiRepulse Records
17. 2015-06-01Deeds of FleshHollow Human HusksPortals To Canaanunique_leader
18. 2014-08-18Deeds of FleshInfect them with FalsehoodInbreeding The Anthropophagiunique_leader
19. 2014-04-07Deeds of FleshInfecting them with FalsehoodInbreeding The Anthropophagiunique_leader
20. 2014-03-31Deeds of FleshA Violent GodPath of the Wakeningunique_leader
21. 2014-03-24Deeds of FleshFly ShrineInbreeding The Anthropophagiunique_leader
22. 2013-10-14Deeds of FleshCelesial SerpentsPortals To Canaanunique_leader
23. 2013-08-12Deeds of FleshRise Of The Virum JuggernautPortals To Canaanunique_leader
24. 2013-08-05Deeds of FleshXeno-VirusPortals To Canaanunique_leader
25. 2013-07-15Deeds Of FleshEntranced In Decades Of Psychedelic SleepPortals To Canaanunique_leader
26. 2013-07-01Deeds Of FleshSound of Loud reignsPath of the Wakeningunique_leader
27. 2013-06-24Deeds Of FleshImpious OfferingTrading Piecesunique_leader
28. 2012-06-25Deeds of FleshCanvas of FleshInbreeding The Anthropophagiunique_leader
29. 2011-05-09Deeds of FleshSummarily KilledPath of the Wakeningunique_leader
30. 2010-08-02Deeds of FleshExecute Theh AthropophagiPath of the Wakeningunique_leader
31. 2009-02-09Deeds of FleshHuman TrophiesReduced to Ashesunique_leader
32. 2007-08-13Deeds of FleshSound of Loud reignsPath of the Wakeningunique_leader
33. 2007-04-23Deeds of Fleshi die on my own terms
34. 2007-01-01deeds of fleshfeeding time
35. 2006-12-25deeds of fleshinfested beneath the earth
36. 2005-10-10deeds of fleshcanvas of flesh
37. 2005-01-10deeds of fleshend of all
38. 2004-11-22deeds of fleshlustmord
39. 2003-10-20deeds of flesh3 minute crawl place
40. 2003-10-13deeds of fleshinbreeding the anthropophagi
41. 2003-08-26Deeds of Fleshinfested beneath the earth
42. 2003-08-19Deeds of fleshInfested Depraved
43. 2003-08-12Deeds of Fleshavowed depraved
44. 2003-08-05Deeds of FleshInfested Beneath the Earth
45. 2003-07-29deeds of fleshreduced to ashes
46. 2003-07-22Deeds of FleshEmpyrean
47. 2003-07-15Deeds of FleshBanished
48. 2003-07-08Deeds of FleshUterocasket (live)
49. 2003-01-14Deeds of FleshSummarily Killed
50. 2002-10-08Deeds of FleshSound of Loud reigns
51. 2002-08-27Deeds of Fleshgradually melted
52. 2002-06-18Deeds of FleshCanvas of Flesh
53. 2002-05-28Deeds of FleshCradually melted
54. 2002-04-02Deeds of Fleshsummarily killed
55. 2001-12-04Deeds of FleshFeeling Metal Through Flesh
56. 2001-09-25Deeds of FleshSound of Loud reigns
57. 2001-08-21Deeds of FleshInbreeding the Anthorpophagi
58. 2001-08-21Deeds of FleshInbreeding the Anthorpophagi
59. 2001-08-07Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
60. 2001-08-07Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
61. 2001-05-29Deeds of FleshSound of Loud reigns
62. 2001-01-09Deeds of FleshInbreeding the Anthopophagi
63. 2000-11-07Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
64. 2000-11-07Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
65. 2000-10-31Deeds of FleshLive
66. 2000-10-31Deeds of FleshLive
67. 2000-09-25Deeds of FleshFeeling Metal Through Flesh
68. 2000-08-21Deeds of FleshFeeling Metal Through Flesh
69. 2000-07-31Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
70. 2000-05-08Deeds of Fleshi die on my own terms
71. 2000-05-01Deeds of FleshSense of the Diabolic
72. 2000-04-17Deeds of FleshSummarily Killed
73. 2000-03-13Deeds of FleshSound of Loud reigns
74. 2000-02-28Deeds of FleshPath of the Weakening
75. 2000-02-14Deeds of FleshSummarily Killed
76. 2000-01-24Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
77. 2000-01-17Deeds of FleshFeeling of metal Through flesh
78. 2000-01-03Deeds of FleshFeeling Time
79. 1999-12-20Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
80. 1999-12-06Deeds of fleshCanvas of Flesh
81. 1999-10-25Deeds of fleshInfect them with Falsehood
82. 1999-08-30Deeds of FleshInfecting them with Falsehood
83. 1999-04-27Deeds of FleshUnbreeding the Anthropophagi
84. 0000-00-00Deeds of FleshGradually Melted
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