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New site? Maybe some day.


this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2024-12-09Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusSeventeen Reasons to Die Wearing BlackFirst Demo
2. 2024-07-08Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese HookerFirst Demo
3. 2022-05-02Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusBig, Bad, Mean, and NastySimian Hybrid Prototype
4. 2022-03-07Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusSeventeen Reasons to Die Wearing BlackFirst Demo
5. 2018-02-26Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusHoist the Black Flag (And Begin Slitting Throats)Simian Hybrid Prototypethespew
6. 2017-09-18Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusWhite Trash WhoreSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
7. 2017-03-20Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusBig, Bad, Mean, and NastySimian Hybrid Prototype
8. 2016-07-04Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusSeventeen Reasons to Die Wearing BlackSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
9. 2016-01-25Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusLove Affair With a MannequinSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
10. 2014-06-02Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker2" epself-released
11. 2013-09-23Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusSeventeen Reasons To Die Wearing Black2" epself-released
12. 2013-07-15Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker2" epself-released
13. 2011-06-20Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker2" epself-released
14. 2011-01-24Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker2" epself-released
15. 2009-05-25Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker2" epself-released
16. 2009-05-04Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker2" epself-released
17. 2007-09-10Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusLubricated gloveSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
18. 2007-09-03Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#7Simian Hybrid Prototypethespew
19. 2007-08-06Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusFuck her like you paid for itSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
20. 2007-07-09Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese HookerSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
21. 2007-07-02Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusWhite Trash WhoreSimian Hybrid Prototypethespew
22. 2007-03-19Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker
23. 2006-07-17Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#3
24. 2006-07-03Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
25. 2006-04-17Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatustrack
26. 2005-12-19Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
27. 2005-09-05Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
28. 2005-08-01Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
29. 2005-01-24Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
30. 2004-12-27Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatussaying good bye cam be so...
31. 2004-07-12Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#4
32. 2004-07-05Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
33. 2004-01-12Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
34. 2003-11-03Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusgoodbyes can be so....
35. 2003-10-13Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatusa Lubricated Rubber Glove and Pornographic Photos of a Decapitated Chinese Hooker
36. 2003-10-05Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#4
37. 2003-09-15Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
38. 2003-07-22Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusLast words can be so...
39. 2003-05-27Bodies in the Gears of the ApparatusTrack #4
40. 2003-05-06Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
41. 2003-04-29Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#3
42. 2003-04-22Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
43. 2003-04-15Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#4
44. 2003-04-08Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
45. 2003-04-01Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
46. 2003-03-18Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
47. 2003-03-11Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#3
48. 2003-03-04Bodies in the Gears of the Apparatus#12" epself-released
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